
Antidrug and Alcohol Misuse Prevention Programs for Personnel Engaged in Specified Aviation Activities

  • Date: February 11, 2010
  • Source:
Webinar All Access Pass Subscription Abstract:

The FAA is delaying the compliance date for the final rule clarifying that contractors, including subcontractors at any tier, must be
subject to drug and alcohol testing. This action is necessary because it has cometo our attention that some original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and other entities may be confused regarding whether they are performing maintenance or preventive maintenance duties subject to drug and alcohol testing, or manufacturing duties not subject to testing. The effective date of April 10, 2006, will remain the same,but this action extends the compliance date until October 10, 2006, which gives OEMs and others sufficient time to determine what work is subject to drug and alcohol testing

Effective Date : The effective date of the final rule published at 71 FR 1666 (January 10, 2006) remains April 10, 2006


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