The Unthinkable: Violence in Healthcare from Bullying to an Active Shooter
Dr. Susan Strauss
120 Min
Product Id: 704727
The healthcare environment creates a major challenge in the prevention and intervention of violence. The rate of injuries and illness from violence in the healthcare industry is more than three times greater than violence in all private industry. This training program will explore what makes violence in healthcare unique and its negative ramifications on quality patient care.

HIPAA Audit and Enforcement Update for 2022 - HHS Keeps Pressure on Access, Privacy, and Security Compliance
Jim Sheldon-Dean
90 Min
Product Id: 705026
This webinar will discuss HIPAA audit and enforcement regulations and processes for 2022 and how they apply to covered entities and business associates. Attendees will learn how to prepare for HIPAA audit to avoid fines and penalties for HIPAA violations.

CMS Two Midnight Rule
Laura Ostrowsky
90 Min
Product Id: 705995
The 2 midnight rule is designed to identify the appropriate level of care for short term stays or episodes in acute care, critical access and long term hospitals and to reimburse accordingly. The rule designed to save money by payment through Medicare part B instead of A is seen by many consumers and providers as both unclear and a cost shift from CMS to consumers and providers hence the controversy surrounding this rule. The presentation will provide history, explanation of the rule with both medical and financial outcomes and illustrate with case examples.

The Physician Advisor's Role in Case Management
Laura Ostrowsky
60 Min
Product Id: 705410
This webinar will focus on regulatory requirements, optimal processes and define the difference in collaboration with both internal and external physician advisor roles. It will also discuss the role of the physician advisor and staffing needs to implement this important role.

Interdisciplinary Bedside Rounds: The State of the Art
Toni Cesta
60 Min
Product Id: 705237
This webinar will identify the key stakeholders needed for effective interdisciplinary rounds. It will review the best practice rounding processes including scripting and time management.

Anti-Kickback, Fraud, Stark, and Marketing - Where are the Landmines?
William Mack Copeland
90 Min
Product Id: 704950
This webinar will provide an in-depth understanding of the Federal False Claims Act, Federal Anti-Kickback and Stark laws, and discuss how marketing activities can trigger either or both.

The Federal False Claims Act: Enforcement and Latest Updates
William Mack Copeland
60 Min
Product Id: 703790
Promoting employees from within is not without its risk and if not handled properly can result in potential legal liability. This webinar will offer attendees an understanding of what should be accomplished when promoting current employees to management or supervisory positions.

How to Survive a DEA Inspection Series - For Manufacturers of Controlled Substances
Carlos M Aquino
90 Min
Product Id: 705164
This training covers DEA record-keeping and security topics that a DEA registrant must comply with when handling controlled substances. The focus is elements of what occurs during that unannounced inspection and the auditing methods.

Healthcare Fraud Webinar - False Claims, Stark, Anti-Kickback Statute, and Civil Monetary Penalties Law
William Mack Copeland
60 Min
Product Id: 703413
This webinar will explain the Civil Monetary Penalties Law (CMP) and its mandatory and permissive exclusions and penalties. It will also cover obligations under EMTALA, violations of the Anti-Kickback Statute and Stark including amendments under the PPACA.

An Update on Discharge Planning Rules and Regulations for 2022
Toni Cesta
60 Min
Product Id: 705120
In this program we will start by reviewing the current rules for discharge planning. Are you compliant with these rules? The newly enacted rules that are now required under the Medicare program’s conditions of participation will be reviewed as they may have a profound effect on how case management departments organize their work. Family caregivers and physicians are expected to be much more involved than they have in the past. This program will review the current rules and regulations from the Conditions of Participation (CoP) for Discharge Planning.
Be sure you know the old rules and the new rules so that your practice will be current and legal! We will review strategies for integrating these requirements into your daily practice.

HIPAA Breach Evaluation and Reporting - What Qualifies as a Reportable Breach and how to Report It
Jim Sheldon-Dean
90 Min
Product Id: 705214
There are several steps that must be taken to determine if an incident is a breach, and whether or not that breach is reportable. Determining whether to report or not is not necessarily straightforward, but there are guidelines to follow to help at every step of the way. If the evaluation of necessity to report is not done correctly, you may not make the right decisions about reporting and be subject to penalties for non-compliance upon an investigation of a breach by HHS. Penalties for non-compliance can up to millions of dollars in cases of willful negligence, so it is essential to evaluate incidents to see if they are reportable breaches, and act properly on the evaluation.

The Disruptive Practitioner: A Danger to the Hospital's Operation
William Mack Copeland
60 Min
Product Id: 703888
In this training program, attendees will discover how to create a record of disruptive behavior and the efforts taken by the organization to combat the problem. The webinar will also illustrate why such disruptive behavior can be a continuing problem; and therefore, why appropriate documentation is imperative.

Best Practice Case Management Roles and Functions: How to Optimize RN and Social Worker Skill Sets
Toni Cesta
60 Min
Product Id: 705419
This webinar will discuss the standards of practice defined for social worker and nurse case managers and how it is applied to the contemporary roles and in turn how it can be applied to the everyday functions and activities social workers and nurses perform to complete their job. It will cover the various roles such as Patient flow, utilization & resource management, denial management, variance tracking, Transitional and discharge planning, Quality Management, Psychosocial assessment and counseling.

Access Point Case Management: Managing the Two-Midnight Rule via Your Routes of Entry
Toni Cesta
60 Min
Product Id: 706045
This case management webinar will explore how an initial assessment and clinical review can better ensure that patient is placed in the correct setting right from the get-go which is a very unique role played by ED and admitting office, transfer center case managers and social workers. The 2 midnight rule and the part that case management plays in managing it will also be reviewed. It will give idea about reducing the use of Condition Code 44 or self-denials when patients get admitted to the incorrect level.

Report Writing for Auditing Professionals
Phil Vassallo
90 Min
Product Id: 703814
Skilled auditors require a method that aligns what they experienced during the reviewing process with what they compose during the writing process. This report writing workshop will provide foundation resources that participants can continually turn to during intense, complex audit engagements.

ICD-10-PCS FY2022 Update
Gloryanne Bryant
60 Min
Product Id: 706627
For FY2022 there are 191 new PCS codes! Hospital Coding and CDI professionals need to review key aspects to the Official Guideline changes. Understanding the FY2022 new ICD-10-PCS codes changes and the clinical meaning including new devices and new technology are vital for coding accuracy. Coding personnel must learn coding rules, as well as what documentation is required to submit PCS codes and how they affect the ICD-10-PCS tables.

HIPAA and Business Associates - New Responsibilities and Obligations
Jim Sheldon-Dean
90 Min
Product Id: 702610
HIPAA regulations pertaining to the relationships of business entities that share PHI are now being enforced. HIPAA Business Associates are covered directly under the Privacy Rule’s use and disclosure limitations, the Security Rule’s safeguard provisions, and the Breach Notification Rule’s notification requirements. HIPAA Business Associates are responsible for their own compliance with the regulations, and may be held directly liable for any violations of the regulations. Whether your organization is a Business Associate or a Covered Entity that hires HIPAA Business Associates, you have significant obligations in compliance that you overlook at your peril.

Compliance Measures for Case Managers
Toni Cesta
60 Min
Product Id: 705318
This program will review the compliance issues that most greatly impact your practice such as the 2-midnight rule, the NOTICE Act, HINNs, the important message from Medicare and others. The Joint Commission is now monitoring these issues when they have deemed status from Medicare, so your compliance is critical to a good Joint Commission survey outcome. This program will help you to identify where you may have compliance practice gaps as well as how to fix them.

ICD-10-CM Coding Update FY2022
Gloryanne Bryant
60 Min
Product Id: 706610
The purpose of this webinar is to provide a high-level review of the Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting FY2022 (General Guideline Changes and Chapter Specific Guidelines) to prepare for a new fiscal year of coding changes and meeting compliance, which begins on October 1, 2021. Also, we will present critical instruction on the new ICD-10-CM codes for FY2022 useful for medical practices and facilities for correct billing and reimbursement. There are 159 new codes, 25 deletions, and 27 changes! We'll go over some case studies to analyze and code with ICD-10-CM, which will help you improve your knowledge and skills.

Obtain Compliance with HCC Coding and Auditing
Gloryanne Bryant
60 Min
Product Id: 706731
HCC education to coding staff and providers can help them understand the necessary documentation specificity and improve audit results. It’s important to know the Documentation and Coding tips that will help you know when to query the provider and improve accuracy. Which provider specialties are acceptable under the CMS-HCC model to document and submit ICD-10-CM codes? Information will be shared on CMS RADV and OIG audits and compliance scrutiny so that your office/department can be proactive.