Orphan Drugs
Orphan drugs are medications developed under a special program that assists the manufacturers of products needed to treat a potential patient population that is too small for profitable drug research, development, and marketing. Orphan drugs provide important breakthroughs for patients who would otherwise be left lacing therapy.
Featured Products
Optimal Clinical Supply Planning for Global Drug Development
Online training - supply chain risk - optimize clinical trial supply - risk management - supply simulation tool
Online training - supply chain risk - optimize clinical trial supply - risk management - supply simulation tool
Biomarkers for Drug Development: The Emerging Regulatory Landscape
Regulatory requirements - biomarkers development and implementation - drug development programs - PET Drugs - FDA guidelines
Regulatory requirements - biomarkers development and implementation - drug development programs - PET Drugs - FDA guidelines
Drug Safety Assessment and Risk Minimization in the Development Period
Drug safety training - factors to be considered - drug development - risk management - intellectual property - pharmacovigilance
Drug safety training - factors to be considered - drug development - risk management - intellectual property - pharmacovigilance