HACCP – Verification
Those activities, other than monitoring, that determine the validity of the HACCP plan and that the system is operating according to the plan.
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ISO 22000 Workbook and PowerPoints Package
Price: $299.00
Price: $299.00
Microbiological Foodborne Threat- Risk mitigation and Crisis management
Microorganisms - Food Contamination - Food Allergies VS Foodborne Illness - Managing the threat of microbiological foodborne illness
Microorganisms - Food Contamination - Food Allergies VS Foodborne Illness - Managing the threat of microbiological foodborne illness
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Evolution of different pathogen Escherichia coli - The emergence of non-O157 EHEC - Regulations around pathogenic E. coli – Future Trends
Improving Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures In the Food Industry
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Development of Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures - Operational Sanitation – Verification and Logging - Validation of Cleaning and Sanitation - Microbial Assessments of Food Environments