IDE Application: Suggested Content for Original IDE Application Cover Letter
It is recommended that the cover letter include the following information in the order provided to assist in the administrative processing of the application.
- Statement that the information provided is an original IDE submission.
- Device Information:
- Device Name
- Intended Use
- Sponsor contact information:
- Name
- Address
- Contact Person
- Telephone Number
- Fax
- 4. Manufacturer Information:
- Name
- Address
- Contact Person
- Telephone Number
- Fax
- Applicant Information: If the organization submitting the application is not the sponsor, such as a consultant or a lawyer, include contact information for the applicant organization or individual.
- Provide the following information, if applicable: Pre-IDE/Pre-IDE meetings: Describe any discussions with the FDA reviewing division regarding this device. If a Pre-IDE was submitted, state the Pre-IDE number and the name of FDA reviewer, if known. If a Pre-IDE meeting occurred, provide the name of the FDA contact person and a copy of the meeting minutes.
- Waiver Requests: Identify any requests for waivers and include a justification for the waiver.
- Referenced Files: Identify any files that are referenced in the IDE application, such as Premarket Approval, Premarket Notification 510(k), IDE, or device master files. If files were not submitted by the sponsor, include a letter from the owner of the files that grants FDA permission to reference the files in its review of the current application.
Please note that the sponsor MUST be located in United States [21 CFR 812.18(a)].
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