
EPA Puts in Place Common Sense Standards to Protect Florida Waters

  • Date: November 25, 2010
  • Source: Admin
Webinar All Access Pass Subscription Abstract:

In Florida, nutrient pollution has contributed to severe water quality degradation. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has laid down protective standards to check water pollution. Phosphorus and nitrogen pollutants, leaching into waterways from excess fertilizer, storm water and wastewater, foster harmful algae blooms. These blooms produce toxins that can harm the flora and fauna across the state. Currently, more than 1,900 rivers and streams, 375,000 acres of lakes, and 500 square miles of estuaries are known to have been polluted by nutrients.

The standards will help reduce nutrient pollution in lakes and flowing waters - Florida’s communities and businesses all set to benefit from strong environmental protection and significant flexibility.

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