
Extension of Filing Accomodation for Static Pool Infiormation in Filings with Respect to Asset-Backed Securities

  • Date: February 24, 2010
  • Source:
Webinar All Access Pass Subscription Abstract:

The Commission is adopting an amendment to Rule 312 of Regulation S-T to extend its application for one year. Rule 312 provides a temporary filing accommodation for filings with respect to asset-backed securities that allows static pool information required to be disclosed in a prospectus to be provided on an Internet Web site under certain conditions. Under the rule, such information is deemed to be included in the prospectus included in the registration statement for the asset-backed securities. As a result of the extension, the rule will apply to filings with respect to asset-backed securities filed on or before December 31, 2010.

Effective Date: This amendment is effective December 31, 2009

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