
Final Rule Regarding Limited Amendment of the Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program To Extend the Transaction Account Guarantee Program With Modified Fee Structure

  • Date: December 28, 2009
  • Source:
Webinar All Access Pass Subscription Abstract:

To assure an orderly phase out of the Transaction Account Guarantee (TAG) component of the Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program (TLGP), the FDIC is extending the TAG program for six months until June 30, 2010. Each insured depository institution (IDI) that participates in the extended TAG program will be subject to increased fees during the extension period for the FDIC’s guarantee of qualifying noninterest-bearing transaction accounts. However, each IDI that is currently participating in the TAG program will have an opportunity to opt out of the extended TAG program. Each IDI that is currently participating in the TAG program must review and update its disclosure postings and notices to accurately reflect whether it is participating in the extended TAG program.

Effective Date:This rule is effective October 1, 2009

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