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APRA Prudential Standard GPS 230 Reinsurance Management – An Overview and Summary of Requiremen ....

  • Industry: Banking and Financial Services

This Australian Prudential Standard aims at maintaining a specific reinsurance management framework to manage the risks arising from the regulated institution’s reinsurance arrangements. It applies to insurers and Level 2 insurance group. The ultimate responsibility for the reinsurance management framework of a general insurer rests with its Board of directors; and in the case of a Level 2 insurance group, with the Board of directors of its parent entity.

Hong Kong Guideline on Anti-Money Laundering – An Overview and Summary of Requirements

  • Industry: Banking and Financial Services

This guideline, issued by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), provides a practical guidance to Financial Institutions (FI) in designing and implementing policies, procedures and controls to meet the relevant AML/CFT statutory and regulatory requirements.

Hong Kong Guidelines for Authorization of Virtual Banks – An Overview and Summary of Requiremen ....

  • Industry: Banking and Financial Services

This Guideline sets out the principles which the Monetary Authority (MA) uses when deciding whether to authorize virtual banks applying to conduct banking business in Hong Kong.

APRA Prudential Standard 221 Large Exposures – An Overview and Summary of Requirements

  • Industry: Banking and Financial Services

APRA Prudential Standard 221 Large Exposures requires authorized deposit-taking institutions to implement prudent measures and to set prudent limits to monitor and control their large exposures, on both a Level 1 and Level 2 basis. This Prudential Standard applies to all authorized deposit-taking institutions (ADIs) except:

  1. Purchased payment facility providers (PPF providers)
  2. Foreign ADIs in Australia that are subject to consolidated supervision by their home country supervisors

APRA Prudential Standard GPS 220 Risk Management – An Overview and Summary of Requirements

  • Industry: Banking and Financial Services

This Australian Prudential Standard sets out the requirements for a general insurer and a Level 2 insurance group to maintain a risk management framework and strategy that is appropriate to the nature and scale of its operations.

APRA Prudential Standard APS 222 - Associations with Related Entities: Overview and Summary of ....

  • Industry: Banking and Financial Services

This Australian Prudential Standard requires Authorized Deposit-taking Institutions (ADIs) to manage, monitor and control the potential contagion risks which arise due the ADIs being a part of a conglomerate or a corporate group and the dealings between the ADIs and members of these conglomerates or groups.

APRA Prudential Standard GPS 310 – Audit and Related Matters – Overview and Summary of Requirem ....

  • Industry: Banking and Financial Services

The APRA Prudential Standard GPS 310 requires Authorized Deposit-taking Institutions (ADIs) to provide the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) access to independent advice from an auditor on matters relating to ADI operations and internal control processes.

APRA Prudential Standard CPS 232 - Business Continuity Management: Overview and Summary of Requ ....

  • Industry: Banking and Financial Services

This APRA Prudential Standard requires regulated institutions to manage and monitor potential business continuity risks and that the respective boards of these institutions consider business continuity risks as a part of the entire risk management system.

APRA Prudential Standard APS 231 – Outsourcing: Overview and Summary of Requirements

  • Industry: Banking and Financial Services

This APRA Prudential standard requires regulated institutions to carry out appropriate due diligence and monitoring of their outsourcing arrangements. The standard requires that regulated institutions have a board-approved policy, legally binding agreements and managing processes for outsourcing of material businesses. It also calls for consulting and notifying the APRA before regulated institutions enters into these outsourcing arrangements.

Malaysia Guidelines on Financial Reporting for Insurers – An Overview and Summary of Requiremen ....

  • Industry: Banking and Financial Services

These Guidelines address requirements on the application of financial reporting standards and information to be disclosed in the financial statements of insurers. The Guidelines are applicable to all professional insurers licensed under the Insurance Act 1996 (IA).

Malaysia Guidelines on Risk Governance – An Overview of Summary and Requirements

  • Industry: Banking and Financial Services

This policy document on Risk Governance sets out a framework of principles to guide the board and senior management in effectively performing their risk oversight and risk control functions. These guidelines are applicable to all financial institutions. The major objective of these Guidelines is to ensure safe and sound operations of financial institutions.

Malaysia Guidelines on Liquidity Framework – An Overview and Summary of Requirements

  • Industry: Banking and Financial Services

The Liquidity Framework was introduced in 1998 to enhance liquidity management in banking institutions. It replaced the liquid asset ratio requirement. The Framework sets out to:

  • Create awareness among banking institutions of their funding structure and their ability to handle short to medium-term liquidity problems
  • Adopt a more efficient and on-going liquidity measurement and management for banking institutions
  • Provide the Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) with a better means of assessing the present and future liquidity position of banking institutions.

The Liquidity Framework is applicable to all commercial banks, finance companies and investment banks/merchant banks.

Malaysia Guidelines on Statutory Reserve Requirement – An Overview and Summary of Requirements

  • Industry: Banking and Financial Services

The Statutory Reserve Requirement (SRR) is a monetary policy instrument available to Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) for purposes of liquidity management. Banking institutions namely commercial banks, merchant/investment banks and Islamic banks should maintain balances in their Statutory Reserve Accounts (SRA) equivalent to a certain proportion of their eligible liabilities (EL), this proportion is called the SRR rate. The SRR is used to withdraw or inject liquidity when the excess or lack of liquidity in the banking system is perceived by the Bank to be large and long-term in nature. This requirement applies to commercial banks, merchant/investment banks and Islamic banks.

Malaysia Guidelines on Credit Transactions and Exposures with Connected Parties for Islamic Ban ....

  • Industry: Banking and Financial Services

Islamic banking institutions mobilize a large proportion of their deposits in the form of ‘mudharabah’ (profit-sharing and loss-bearing) contract. Under the mudharabah contract, depositors (also known as Investment Account Holders or IAH) agree to participate in the financial activities undertaken by Islamic banking institutions and share the profit generated from financing and/or investment activities based on an agreed profit-sharing ratio. The assets funded under the mudharabah contract are commonly known as Profit-Sharing Investment Account (PSIA).

Social Media Compliance and Security in Spotlight after AP Twitter Feed Hacked

  • Industry: IT control and PCI compliance

After the Associated Press Twitted feed was hacked by Syrian hackers and a false tweet about an attack on the White House broadcast to the world causing the Dow Jones index to plunge, both Wall Street regulators and IT security experts are looking into making social media channels more secure.

The West Fertilizer Co. Factory Explosion – Lax Regulatory Oversight and Inadequate Disclosures ....

  • Industry: OSHA Compliance

On April 17, 2013 an explosion ripped through the West Fertilizer Co. factory in West, Texas, killing 15 people and injuring 200 others. The US Senate has just announced a probe into why the explosion at the plant occurred. The incident has raised a number of questions regarding regulatory oversight, or lack thereof, governing the functioning of factories such as the West Fertilizer plant.

Malaysia Guidelines on Data Management and MIS Framework – An Overview and Summary of Requireme ....

  • Industry: Banking and Financial Services

Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has set out these Guidelines on Data Management and Management Information System (MIS) which outline high level guiding principles on sound data management and MIS practices that should be observed by financial institutions.

Malaysia Guidelines on Fit and Proper Requirements for Key Responsible Persons in the Financial ....

  • Industry: Banking and Financial Services

These guidelines implemented by the Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) define the requirements on the obligations of financial institutions (FI) to assess and determine the fitness and propriety of key responsible persons. The major objective of these guidelines is to ensure that the financial institution is led by persons of integrity, credibility, and competency.

APRA Prudential Standard GPS 310 - Audit and Actuarial Reporting and Valuation – Overview and S ....

  • Industry: Banking and Financial Services

The Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority has implemented this standard to ensure that a general insurer’s Board and senior management have neutral and impartial advice on operations, financial conditions and insurance liabilities. The standard came into effect on 1 July 2008.

APRA Guidelines on Authorization of Specialist Credit Card Institutions – Overview and Summary ....

  • Industry: Banking and Financial Services

These Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority guidelines are meant for applicants requiring authority for credit card issuing in Australia and/or authority for acquiring business as a specialist credit card institution (SCCI) in Australia.

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