
How Much Due Diligence is Enough?

  • By: Thomas R. Fox
  • Date: May 14, 2013
  • Source:
Webinar All Access Pass Subscription Abstract:

Do you really know who you are doing business with in your supply chain? How much due diligence is enough? Should you update your due diligence on a regular basis? How about on a continuous basis? What ethical considerations come into play in the manufacturing sector, in the supply chain? These questions, and perhaps more, came to me as I was reading about the recent tragedy in Bangladesh involving the collapse of Rana Plaza. At this time, there are 433 confirmed dead and police report that 149 people are still missing in what has become the worst disaster for Bangladesh’s $20 billion-a-year garment industry. The collapsed building was built and owned by Mohammed Sohel Rana, he was not the owner of the factories that operated in Rana Plaza; he was simply the building owner and landlord and, therefore, is legally required to provide a safe structure.

Republished from FCPA Compliance and Ethics Blog with kind permission of the author.

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