- Date: May 06, 2011
- Source: http://www.fs.fed.us
Abstract:The Department of Agriculture is moving the Forest Service’s National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) codifying procedures from Forest Service Manual (FSM) 1950 and Forest Service Handbook (FSH) 1909.15. In addition to codifying the procedures,the Department is clarifying and expanding them to incorporate Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) guidance and to better align Forest Service NEPA procedures with its decision processes.
This rule gives Forest Service NEPA procedures more visibility, consistent with the transparent nature of the Forest Service’s environmental analysis and decision making. Also, the additions to the Forest Service NEPA procedures in this rule are intended to provide an environmental analysis process that better fits with modern thinking on decisionmaking, collaboration, and adaptive management by describing a process for incremental alternative development and development ofadaptive management alternatives. Maintaining Forest Service explanatory guidance in the FSH will facilitate timely responses to new ideas, new information, procedural interpretations,training needs, and editorial changes to assist field units when implementing the NEPA process.
Effective Date: These NEPA procedures are effective July 24, 2008.