
Compliance Regulations and Guidance Affecting your Industry

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NERC Standard EOP-005-2 — System Restoration from Blackstart Resources

  • Industry: Energy & Utility

Ensure plans, Facilities, and personnel are prepared to enable System restoration from Blackstart Resources to assure reliability is maintained during restoration and priority is placed on restoring the Interconnection.



NERC Standard EOP-005-1 — System Restoration Plans

  • Industry: Energy & Utility

To ensure plans, procedures, and resources are available to restore the electric system to a normal condition in the event of a partial or total shut down of the system


NERC Standard EOP-004-1 — Disturbance Reporting

  • Industry: Energy & Utility

Disturbances or unusual occurrences that jeopardize the operation of the Bulk Electric System, or result in system equipment damage or customer interruptions, need to be studied and understood to minimize the likelihood of similar events in the future.

Effective Date: This rule is effective january 1, 2007

NERC Standard EOP-003-1 — Load Shedding Plans

  • Industry: Energy & Utility

A Balancing Authority and Transmission Operator operating with insufficient generation or transmission capacity must have the capability and authority to shed load rather than risk an uncontrolled failure of the Interconnection

Effective Date: This rule is effective January 1, 2007

NERC Standard EOP-002-2.1 — Capacity and Energy Emergencies

  • Industry: Energy & Utility

To ensure Reliability Coordinators and Balancing Authorities are prepared for capacity and energy emergencies

Effective Date:This rule is effective May 13, 2009

NERC Standard EOP-001-0 — Emergency Operations Planning

  • Industry: Energy & Utility

Each Transmission Operator and Balancing Authority needs to develop, maintain, and implement a set of plans to mitigate operating emergencies. These plans need to be coordinated with other Transmission Operators and Balancing Authorities, and the Reliability Coordinator

Effective Date: This rule is effective April 1, 2005

NERC Standard CIP–009–1 — Cyber Security — Recovery Plans for Critical Cyber Assets

  • Industry: Energy & Utility

Standard CIP-009 ensures that recovery plan(s) are put in place for Critical Cyber Assets and that these plans follow established business continuity and disaster recovery techniques and practices. Standard CIP-009 should be read as part of a group of standards numbered Standards CIP-002 through CIP-009. Responsible Entities should apply Standards CIP-002 through CIP-009 using reasonable business judgment.

Effective Date: This rule is effective June 6, 2006

NERC Standard CIP–008–1 — Cyber Security — Incident Reporting and Response Planning

  • Industry: Energy & Utility

Standard CIP-008 ensures the identification, classification, response, and reporting of Cyber Security Incidents related to Critical Cyber Assets. Standard CIP-008 should be read as part of a group of standards numbered Standards CIP-002 through CIP-009. Responsible Entities should apply Standards CIP-002 through CIP-009 using reasonable

Effective Date: This rule is effective June 6, 2006

NERC Standard CIP–007–2 — Cyber Security — Systems Security Management

  • Industry: Energy & Utility

Standard CIP-007-2 requires Responsible Entities to define methods, processes, and procedures for securing those systems determined to be Critical Cyber Assets, as well as the other (non-critical) Cyber Assets within the Electronic Security Perimeter(s). Standard CIP-007-2 should be read as part of a group of standards numbered Standards CIP-002-2 through CIP-009-2


NERC Standard CIP–007–1 — Cyber Security — Systems Security Management

  • Industry: Energy & Utility

Standard CIP-007 requires Responsible Entities to define methods, processes, and procedures for securing those systems determined to be Critical Cyber Assets, as well as the non-critical Cyber Assets within the Electronic Security Perimeter(s). Standard CIP-007 should be read as part of a group of standards numbered Standards CIP-002 through CIP-009. Responsible Entities should interpret and apply Standards CIP-002 through CIP-009 using reasonable business judgment.

Effective Date: This rule is effective June 1, 2006

NERC Standard CIP-006-1c — Cyber Security — Physical Security

  • Industry: Energy & Utility

Standard CIP-006 is intended to ensure the implementation of a physical security program for the protection of Critical Cyber Assets. Standard CIP-006 should be read as part of a group of standards numbered Standards CIP-002 through CIP-009. Responsible Entities should apply Standards CIP-002 through CIP-009 using reasonable business judgment


NERC Standard CIP–005–1 — Cyber Security — Electronic Security Perimeter(s)

  • Industry: Energy & Utility

Standard CIP-005 requires the identification and protection of the Electronic Security Perimeter(s) inside which all Critical Cyber Assets reside, as well as all access points on the perimeter. Standard CIP-005 should be read as part of a group of standards numbered Standards CIP-002 through CIP-009. Responsible Entities should interpret and apply Standards CIP-002 through CIP-009 using reasonable business judgment.

Effective Date: This rule is effective June 6, 2006

NERC Standard CIP–004–2 — Cyber Security — Personnel and Training

  • Industry: Energy & Utility

Standard CIP-004-2 requires that personnel having authorized cyber or authorized unescorted physical access to Critical Cyber Assets, including contractors and service vendors, have an appropriate level of personnel risk assessment, training, and security awareness. Standard CIP-004-2 should be read as part of a group of standards numbered Standards CIP-002-2 through CIP-009-2.


Personnel & Training

  • Industry: HR Compliance

Standard CIP-004 requires that personnel having authorized cyber or authorized unescorted physical access to Critical Cyber Assets, including contractors and service vendors, have an appropriate level of personnel risk assessment, training, and security awareness. Standard CIP-004 should be read as part of a group of standards numbered Standards CIP-002 through CIP-009. Responsible Entities should interpret and apply Standards CIP-002 through CIP-009 using reasonable business judgment.

NERC Standard CIP–002–1 — Cyber Security — Critical Cyber Asset Identification

  • Industry: Energy & Utility

NERC Standards CIP-002 through CIP-009 provide a cyber security framework for the identification and protection of Critical Cyber Assets to support reliable operation of the Bulk Electric System.These standards recognize the differing roles of each entity in the operation of the Bulk Electric  System, the criticality and vulnerability of the assets needed to manage Bulk Electric System  reliability, and the risks to which they are exposed. Responsible Entities should interpret and apply Standards CIP-002 through CIP-009 using reasonable business judgment.Business and operational demands for managing and maintaining a reliable Bulk Electric System increasingly rely on Cyber Assets supporting critical reliability functions and processes to communicate with each other, across functions and organizations, for services and data. This results in increased risks to these Cyber Assets. Standard CIP-002 requires the identification and documentation of the Critical Cyber Assets associated with the Critical Assets that support the reliable operation of the Bulk Electric System. These Critical Assets are to be identified through the application of a risk-based assessment.

Effective Date:This rule is effective June 1, 2006

NERC Standard CIP-001-1 — Sabotage Reporting

  • Industry: Energy & Utility

Disturbances or unusual occurrences, suspected or determined to be caused by sabotage, shall be reported to the appropriate systems, governmental agencies, and regulatory bodies.

Effective Date:This rule is effective January 1, 2007

NERC Standard COM-002-2 — Communications and Coordination

  • Industry: Energy & Utility

To ensure Balancing Authorities, Transmission Operators, and Generator Operators have adequate communications and that these communications capabilities are staffed and available for addressing a real-time emergency condition. To ensure communications by operating personnel are effective.

Effective Date: This rule is effective January 1, 2007

NERC Standard COM-001-1.1 — Telecommunications

  • Industry: Energy & Utility

Each Reliability Coordinator, Transmission Operator and Balancing Authority needs adequate and reliable telecommunications facilities internally and with others for the exchange of Interconnection and operating information necessary to maintain reliability.

Effective Date: This rule is effective May 13, 2009

NERC WECC Standard BAL-STD-002-0 – Operating Reserves

  • Industry: Energy & Utility

Regional Reliability Standard to address the Operating Reserve requirements of the Western Interconnection


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