
Compliance Regulations and Guidance Affecting your Industry

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Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Historic Preservation-Part 102-78

  • Industry: GSA Compliance

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Historic Preservation-Part 102-78

The FMR is the successor regulation to the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR). It contains updated regulatory policies originally found in the FPMR. However, it does not contain FPMR material that described how to do business with the GSA. Its Subchapter C—Real Property  talks about Historic Preservation-Part 102-78.This part has Two sub-parts as follows-

Subpart A—General Provisions   
Subpart B—Historic Preservation

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Art-in-Architecture -Part 102-77

  • Industry: GSA Compliance

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Art-in-Architecture   -Part 102-77

The FMR is the successor regulation to the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR). It contains updated regulatory policies originally found in the FPMR. However, it does not contain FPMR material that described how to do business with the GSA. Its Subchapter C—Real Property  talks about Art-in-Architecture   -Part 102-77.This part has Two sub-parts as follows-

Subpart A—General Provisions   
Subpart B—Art-in-Architecture

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Design and Construction -Part 102-76

  • Industry: GSA Compliance

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Design and Construction  -Part 102-76

The FMR is the successor regulation to the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR). It contains updated regulatory policies originally found in the FPMR. However, it does not contain FPMR material that described how to do business with the GSA. Its Subchapter C—Real Property  talks about Design and Construction  -Part 102-76.This Part has Three sub-parts as follows-

Subpart A—General Provisions   
Subpart B—Design and Construction   
Subpart C—Architectural Barriers Act

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Real Property Disposal -Part 102-75

  • Industry: GSA Compliance

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Real Property Disposal -Part 102-75

The FMR is the successor regulation to the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR). It contains updated regulatory policies originally found in the FPMR. However, it does not contain FPMR material that described how to do business with the GSA. Its Subchapter C—Real Property  talks about Real Property Disposal -Part 102-75.This part has six sub-parts as follows-

Subpart A—General Provisions  
Subpart B—Utilization of Excess Real Property  
Subpart C—Surplus Real Property Disposal 
Subpart D—Management of Excess and Surplus Real Property 
Subpart E—Abandonment, Destruction, or Donation to Public Bodies 
Subpart F—Delegations
Subpart G—Conditional Gifts of Real Property to Further the Defense Effort
Subpart H—Use of Federal Real Property to Assist the Homeless
Subpart I—Screening of Federal Real Property

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Facility Management -Part 102-74

  • Industry: GSA Compliance

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Facility Management -Part 102-74

The FMR is the successor regulation to the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR). It contains updated regulatory policies originally found in the FPMR. However, it does not contain FPMR material that described how to do business with the GSA. Its Subchapter C—Real Property  talks about Facility Management -Part 102-74.This part has six sub-parts as follows-

Subpart A—General Provisions 
Subpart B—Facility Management 
Subpart C—Conduct on Federal Property
Subpart D—Occasional Use of Public Buildings
Subpart E—Installing, Repairing, and Replacing Sidewalks
Subpart F—Telework

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Real Estate Acquisition -Part 102-73

  • Industry: GSA Compliance

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Real Estate Acquisition  -Part 102-73

The FMR is the successor regulation to the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR). It contains updated regulatory policies originally found in the FPMR. However, it does not contain FPMR material that described how to do business with the GSA. Its Subchapter C—Real Property  talks about Real Estate Acquisition  -Part 102-73.This Part has three sub-parts as follows-

Subpart A—General Provisions
Subpart B—Acquisition by Lease
Subpart C—Acquisition by Purchase or Condemnation

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Delegation of Authority -Part 102-72

  • Industry: GSA Compliance

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Delegation of Authority -Part 102-72

The FMR is the successor regulation to the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR). It contains updated regulatory policies originally found in the FPMR. However, it does not contain FPMR material that described how to do business with the GSA. Its Subchapter C—Real Property  talks about Delegation of Authority -Part 102-72.This Part has two sub-parts as follows-

Subpart A—General Provisions
Subpart B—Delegation of Authority

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - General -Part 102-71

  • Industry: GSA Compliance

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - General -Part 102-71

The FMR is the successor regulation to the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR). It contains updated regulatory policies originally found in the FPMR. However, it does not contain FPMR material that described how to do business with the GSA. Its Subchapter C—Real Property  talks about General -Part 102-71.

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Federal Advisory Committee Management -Part 102-3

  • Industry: GSA Compliance

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Federal Advisory Committee Management   -Part 102-3

The FMR is the successor regulation to the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR). It contains updated regulatory policies originally found in the FPMR. However, it does not contain FPMR material that described how to do business with the GSA. Its Subchapter A—General talks about Federal Advisory Committee Management   -Part 102-3.This Part has five sub-parts as follows-

Subpart A—What Policies Apply to Advisory Committees Established Within the Executive Branch?
Subpart B—How Are Advisory Committees Established, Renewed, Reestablished, and Terminated?
Subpart C—How Are Advisory Committees Managed?
Subpart D—Advisory Committee Meeting and Recordkeeping Procedures
Subpart E—How Does This Subpart Apply to Advice or Recommendations Provided to Agencies by the National Academy of Sciences or the National Academy of Public Administration?

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Federal Management Regulation System -Part 102-2

  • Industry: GSA Compliance

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Federal Management Regulation System  -Part 102-2

The FMR is the successor regulation to the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR). It contains updated regulatory policies originally found in the FPMR. However, it does not contain FPMR material that described how to do business with the GSA. Its Subchapter A—General talks about Federal Management Regulation System  -Part 102-2.This part has three sub-parts as follows-

Subpart A—Regulation System
Subpart B—Forms
Subpart C—Plain Language Regulatory Style

Guidance - PET Drugs - Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP)

  • Industry: Drugs and Chemicals (Pharma)

This guidance is intended to help positron emission tomography (PET) drug producers better understand FDA’s thinking concerning compliance with the current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) regulations. The guidance addresses resources, procedures, and documentation for all PET drug production facilities, academic and commercial. In some cases, the guidance provides practical examples of methods or procedures that PET drug production facilities can use to comply with the CGMP requirements.

FDA’s guidance documents, including this guidance, should not be viewed as establishing legally enforceable responsibilities. Instead, guidances describe the Agency’s current thinking on a topic and should be viewed only as recommendations. The use of the word should in Agency guidances means that something is suggested or recommended, but not required.

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Standard and Optional Forms Management Program -Part 102 ....

  • Industry: GSA Compliance

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Standard and Optional Forms Management Program  -Part 102-194

The FMR is the successor regulation to the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR). It contains updated regulatory policies originally found in the FPMR. However, it does not contain FPMR material that described how to do business with the GSA. Its Subchapter G—Administrative programs  talks about Standard and Optional Forms Management Program  -Part 102-194.

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Creation, Maintenance, and Use of Records -Part 102-193

  • Industry: GSA Compliance

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Creation, Maintenance, and Use of Records  -Part 102-193

The FMR is the successor regulation to the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR). It contains updated regulatory policies originally found in the FPMR. However, it does not contain FPMR material that described how to do business with the GSA. Its Subchapter G—Administrative programs  talks about Creation, Maintenance, and Use of Records  -Part 102-193

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Mail Management -Part 102-192

  • Industry: GSA Compliance

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Mail Management -Part 102-192

The FMR is the successor regulation to the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR). It contains updated regulatory policies originally found in the FPMR. However, it does not contain FPMR material that described how to do business with the GSA. Its Subchapter G—Administrative programs  talks about Mail Management -Part 102-192.This part has ten sub-parts as follows-

Subpart A—Introduction to this Part  
Subpart B—Financial Requirements for All Agencies
Subpart C—Security Requirements for All Agencies
Subpart D—Reporting Requirements
Subpart E—Performance Measurement Requirements
Subpart F—Agency Mail Manager Requirements
Subpart G—Mail Center Manager Requirements
Subpart H—Program Level Mail Responsibilities
Subpart I—Other Agency Responsibilities
Subpart J—GSA’s Responsibilities and Services

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - artInternet GOV Domain -Part 102-173

  • Industry: GSA Compliance

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - artInternet GOV Domain -Part 102-173

The FMR is the successor regulation to the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR). It contains updated regulatory policies originally found in the FPMR. However, it does not contain FPMR material that described how to do business with the GSA. Its Subchapter F—Telecommunications   talks about artInternet GOV Domain -Part 102-173.This part has two sub-parts as follows-

Subpart A—General 
Subpart B—Registration

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Transportation Payment and Audit -Part 102-118

  • Industry: GSA Compliance

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Transportation Payment and Audit   -Part 102-118

The FMR is the successor regulation to the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR). It contains updated regulatory policies originally found in the FPMR. However, it does not contain FPMR material that described how to do business with the GSA. Its Subchapter D—Transportation  talks about Transportation Payment and Audit   -Part 102-118.This part has six sub-parts as follows-

Subpart A—General
Subpart B—Ordering and Paying for Transportation and Transportation Services
Subpart C—Use of Government Billing Documents
Subpart D—Prepayment Audits of Transportation Services
Subpart E—Postpayment Transportation Audits
Subpart F—Claims and Appeal Procedures

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Transportation Management -Part 102-117

  • Industry: GSA Compliance

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Transportation Management  -Part 102-117

The FMR is the successor regulation to the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR). It contains updated regulatory policies originally found in the FPMR. However, it does not contain FPMR material that described how to do business with the GSA. Its Subchapter D—Transportation  talks about Transportation Management  -Part 102-117. This part has Twelve sub-parts as follows-

Subpart A—General 
Subpart B—Acquiring Transportation or Related Services
Subpart C—Business Rules to Consider Before Shipping Freight or Household Goods
Subpart D—Restrictions That Affect International Transportation of Freight and Household Goods
Subpart E—Shipping Freight
Subpart F—Shipping Hazardous Material (HAZMAT)
Subpart G—Shipping Household Goods
Subpart H—Performance Measures
Subpart I—Transportation Service Provider (TSP) Performance
Subpart J—Representation Before Regulatory Body Proceedings
Subpart K—Reports
Subpart L—Governmentwide Transportation Policy Council (GTPC)

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Disposition of Personal Property -Part 102-35

  • Industry: GSA Compliance

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Disposition of Personal Property   -Part 102-35

The FMR is the successor regulation to the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR). It contains updated regulatory policies originally found in the FPMR. However, it does not contain FPMR material that described how to do business with the GSA. Its Subchapter B—Personal Property talks about Disposition of Personal Property   -Part 102-35

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Motor Vehicle Management -Part 102-34

  • Industry: GSA Compliance

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Motor Vehicle Management  -Part 102-34

The FMR is the successor regulation to the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR). It contains updated regulatory policies originally found in the FPMR. However, it does not contain FPMR material that described how to do business with the GSA. Its Subchapter B—Personal Property talks about Motor Vehicle Management  -Part 102-34. This part has  Eleven sub-parts as follows-

Subpart A—General Provisions
Subpart B—Obtaining Fuel Efficient Motor Vehicles
Subpart C—Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles
Subpart D—Official Use of Government Motor Vehicles
Subpart E—Replacement of Motor Vehicles
Subpart F—Scheduled Maintenance of Motor Vehicles
Subpart G—Motor Vehicle Crash Reporting
Subpart H—Disposal of Motor Vehicles
Subpart I—Motor Vehicle Fueling
Subpart J—Federal Fleet Report
Subpart K—Forms

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Management of Government Aircraft -Part 102-33

  • Industry: GSA Compliance

Federal Management Regulation (FMR) - Management of Government Aircraft -Part 102-33

The FMR is the successor regulation to the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR). It contains updated regulatory policies originally found in the FPMR. However, it does not contain FPMR material that described how to do business with the GSA. Its Subchapter B—Personal Property talks about Management of Government Aircraft -Part 102-33. This Part has five sub-parts as follows-

Subpart A—How These Rules Apply
Subpart B—Acquiring Government Aircraft and Aircraft Parts
Subpart C—Managing Government Aircraft and Aircraft Parts
Subpart D—Disposing of Government Aircraft and Aircraft Parts
Subpart E—Reporting Information on Government Aircraft

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