The FDA requires that the testing of regulated products such as Pharmaceuticals, medical devices, cosmetics, and Dietary supplements must satisfy certain performance criteria. If the test results fail to meet the performance criteria, the FDA does not accept the products. A method validation is performed to determine the reliability of an analytical method. Method validation, method verification, and method transfer not only applies to testing of regulated products but also applies to the ingredients used in the manufacture of the product and the containers that are used to distribute the products.
To get the correct analytical results, it is important to use the accurate standards or (certified) reference materials. Regardless of how skilled the analysts are or how sophisticated and automated the equipment is, if the calibration of the system is incorrect, the analytical result will always be wrong. You should implement practical approaches to the selection, purchasing, testing, storage and use of (certified) reference material.

Many in the regulated environments do not have a clear understanding about Method validation, method verification and method transfer. A clear understanding is crucial because reliable analytical results are essential to make an informed decision about the quality and safety of the products in the pharmaceutical industry. Also, such analytical data are required for regulatory submissions to support the drug product registrations.
Understanding Method Validation
'Analytical method validation is the process of demonstrating that an analytical procedure is suitable for its intended purpose.'
USP General Chapter <1225> provides specific details about method validation. Taking a deep dive into its final version and FDA guidance for conducting and documenting method transfer between laboratories and sites will be invaluable to your organization.
'Although not all of the validation characteristics are applicable for all types of tests, typical validation characteristics are:
- Specificity
- Linearity
- Accuracy
- Precision (repeatability, intermediate precision, and reproducibility)
- Range
- Quantitation limit
- Quantitation limit.'
'Specificity: Specificity is the ability to assess unequivocally the target pathogen or analyte in the presence of components which might be expected to be present.
Linearity is the ability of the assay to return values that are directly proportional to the concentration of the target pathogen or analyte in the sample.
Accuracy is the agreement between value found and an excepted reference value
Precision is the variability in the data from replicate determinations of the same homogeneous sample under the normal assay conditions
Range is the concentrations of analyte or assay values between the low and high limits of quantitation.
Ruggedness is the reproducibility of the assay under a variety of normal, but variable, test conditions Quantitation limit: Characteristic of quantitative assays for low levels of compounds in sample matrices
Robustness is a measure of the assay capacity to remain unaffected by small but deliberate changes in test conditions' - Source Assay Validation Methods - Definitions and Terms as Adapted from Dr. Robert Mandle, BioSciences Research Associates, Inc.
Method validation is required in the following situations:
- The Method transfer to the different laboratory
- Before the use of the method in ongoing or routine testing
- When there are changes to previously-validated conditions or method parameters, if changes extend beyond the scope intended by the original method
- Method is part of a New Drug Application (NDA) or Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) submission
Method validation is often cited in FDA inspectional observations, Warning Letter violations and reviewer comments regarding NDA and ANDA submissions. Even if the compendia method is used unchanged, its suitability for the finished product in question should be demonstrated.
All pharmaceutical analytical chemists and supervisors responsible for validating new or modified analytical methods, and the personnel responsible for hosting FDA inspections, responding to 483s and Warning Letters or preparing NDAs or ANDAs must understand the analytical best practices for method validation.
Is it required to validate USP Methods
As the USP methods are successfully validated before their inclusion within the USP, they generally are not required to be validated. However, they only need the suitability test. The exact procedure including the mobile phase and all parameters described in the monograph should be followed through.
Understanding Method Verification
Method verification defined: 'Establishing documented evidence which provides a high degree of assurance that a specific process will consistently produce a product meeting its predetermined specifications and quality attributes.' - U.S. FDA
Method verification is synonymous with single-laboratory validation. It is conducted when a laboratory uses a method for the first time. It is also conducted when a particular aspect of a method or its implementation is changed. For instance, when there is a new analyst, a new equipment or equipment part, new batch of reagent, changes in the laboratory premises etc.
The minimum verification is required to analyze the material prior to and post the change to check the consistency of the results in terms of mean and standard deviation.
The basic experiments that should be performed to verify the use of a standard method prior to its first use in a laboratory include:
- Bias recovery
- Precision
- Measurement uncertainty
- Calibration model
- Limit of detection
Understanding Method Transfer
'The transfer of an analytical method is defined as the documented process that qualifies a laboratory (receiving laboratory) to use an analytical method that originated in another laboratory (transferring laboratory), whether that is internal or external to the receiving laboratory.' - USP
The types of method transfer are:
- Comparative testing
- Co-validation between two or more laboratories
- Revalidation or partial validation
- Analytical method transfer waiver
Of the performance analytics that should be challenged, the following are the major ones.
- System Stability
- Precision
- Intermediate Precision
- Regularity
- Limits of Detection (LOD)
- Limits of Quantification (LOQ)
- Specificity
- Solution Stability
The desired results of the analytical method transfer form the basis for the selection of categories for performance analytics. Prior to conducting the method transfers, they should be defined and must have the pre-approved protocol. The pre-defined protocol must consist of the following:
- Clearly defined objectives
- List of the necessary materials
- The analytical procedures to be transferred from the original to receiving site
- The acceptance of the material which it will be assessed against
After the executing the method transfer, the receiving laboratory and the transferring laboratory should create and approve the report of the summary in writing.
There are recent changes in the guidance from regulatory agencies (FDA/EMA, USP and ICH) on method validation and transfer, integrated validation, verification and validation of analytical procedures for equivalency testing and statistical evaluation. To ensure compliance, it is crucial to understand the changes.
Attend the seminar 'Analytical Method Validation, Verification and Transfer' to gain Guidance and advice based on interactions with the global pharmaceutical industry, FDA and other regulatory authorities worldwide.
Ms. Thomas has over two decades of cGMP hands-on industry experience in both pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturing operations. Her experience covers all Quality Systems; as well as, all areas of validation; including, process/product validation, facilities validation, CSV and 21 CFR Part 11, test method validation, equipment/automated processes and cleaning validation. Utilizing strategic thinking, risk-based approaches, and Lean principles, she has demonstrated success in steering and managing complex projects within the pharmaceutical and medical device industries.
Related Trainings
Analytical Method Validation and Transfer
This course provides guidance on how to perform QC analytical test method validations and transfers. One of the most critical factors in developing and marketing pharmaceutical drug substances and drug products is ensuring that the analytical methods used for analysis can generate valid data upon which business and regulatory decisions can be made.
One and a Half Day Virtual Seminar : Analytical Method Validation, Verification and Transfer
In this course, general guideline for the determination of the analytical characteristics for different types of validation procedures is highlighted for the analysis of both the drug substance and drug product. The factors to consider for verification of the compendial procedures will also be discussed. In addition, different approaches for the transfer of analytical procedure from one lab (transferring) to other lab(s) (receiving) under different circumstances will be covered. Other related topics for obtaining reliable data will also be discussed. These topics include analytical instrument qualification as well as how to set, handle and monitor specifications.
2-Day Virtual Seminar : Validation, Verification and Transfer of Analytical Methods (Understanding and implementing guidelines from FDA/EMA, USP and ICH)
Analytical methods and procedures should be validated to ensure reliability, consistency and accuracy of analytical data. Compendial methods should be verified to demonstrate the suitability of laboratories to successfully run the method and when methods are transferred between laboratories successful transfer should be demonstrated through testing.
2-Day Virtual Seminar : Analytical Instrument Qualification and Computer System Validation
Analytical equipment should be qualified and computer systems should be validated to demonstrate suitability for their intended use. To be acceptable to regulatory authorities, electronic records must comply with 21 CFR Part 11, Annex 11 to EU GMPs and more recent data integrity guidances. Recent EU and FDA reports demonstrate that qualification, validation and electronic records are priority areas for inspection.
Total Organic Carbon Analysis for Cleaning Validation in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
In this cleaning validation webinar attendees will learn the Total Organic Carbon (TOC) feasibility, method validation and transfer from the laboratory to the manufacturing floor, as well as reviewing a feasibility study of multiple, difficult to oxidise or low solubility organic compounds.
Validation Sampling Plans
This webinar will discuss setting up statistically justified sampling plans for process validation. Discussion will also involve using the sampling plan to set acceptance criteria for process validation. Setting acceptance criteria for test method validation will also be presented.
Statistical Elements of Sample Size Calculations for Non-Clinical Verification and Validation Studies
This webinar provides the logic and processes for determining samples sizes for common tests used in verification or validation of processes. The focus of this webinar is on providing the information needed for attendees to know the appropriate measures and formulas to use for the determining sample size and providing justification for the planned sample sizes.
Transfer of Analytical Methods according to USP <1224>
In this analytical method transfer webinar attendees will learn the options available for the transfer of validated, non-compendial methods to a different site. In addition to current regulatory guidance, the different options for method transfer will be discussed. The webinar will set out an efficient, risk-based approach that reduces effort whilst meeting the requirements of regulators.
Analytical Method Validation Under Good Laboratory Practices (GLPs)
This laboratory compliance training will teach you how to validate an analytical method under the GLP requirements. It will cover in detail the criteria for the validation of an analytical method including statistical and documentation requirements.
Issues in Calibrations and Accuracy in Method Validation
This webinar will cover validation of calibrations and the strengths, weaknesses, and appropriateness of the different types of standards. Without accuracy, a result is not acceptable. There are many issues that affect accuracy and there are many approaches to deal with them. The importance of response, matrix effects, selectivity of identification, and other issues will be covered.
Scrutinizing Test Method Validation (TMV) to Verify the Performance of a Medical Device
This webinar will help you better understand test method validations to verify the performance of a Medical Device, global reference standards, the FDA requirements and how to perform successful TMV to ensure your inspection of verification is effective, using detailed real-life case studies.
Verification vs. Validation in FDA Regulated Industries
This webinar on verification vs. validation will help you to understand the differences between, and benefits of, verification and validation in both design and process operations in regulated industries. Learn about the risks and complications involved with the application of sound verification and validation principles.
Verification or Validation of Methods in Food Microbiology
This webinar will not only address the semantics, but will also discuss the appropriate analytical and statistical approaches to achieving successful verification and validation studies with respect to food microbiology. The quantitative and qualitative methods of performance measurement will be discussed for verification and validation.
3hr Virtual Seminar - Validation, Verification and Transfer of Analytical Methods – Implementing Guidelines from FDA/EMA, USP and ICH
This 3-Hr webinar on “Validation and Verification of Analytical Methods” by Dr. Huber will discuss the recent changes in guidance from regulatory agencies (FDA/EMA, USP and ICH) on method validation and transfer, integrated validation, verification and validation of analytical procedures for equivalency testing and statistical evaluation.
New FDA Guidance on Bioanalytical Method Validation
This webinar will discuss in detail about the new FDA guidance on bioanalytical method validation, how it is similar and different from the earlier guidance issued by FDA and EMA separately. What are the new additional topics related to analysis of endogenous compounds and biomarkers, the details of method development and report writing and overall it will give a comprehensive understanding of the existing and new requirements.
Understanding FDA Design Verification and Validation Requirements for Medical Devices
This webinar will help you understand specific product verification and validation requirements for medical devices to comply with ISO 13485: 2016 and FDA quality system regulations. It will focus on the topics such as product development process, traceability and risk management at all stages, design outputs and documentation in DMR and DHR, design verification and design validation activity cycles and more.
Validation of GC / GC-MS Methodologies
This training program will cover in detail the method validation of gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). It will focus on key elements of validation including injector, column, detection system, data system and much more.
QbD Approach to Analytical Method Lifecycle: Design, Development, Validation and Transfer
This training on using the QbD approach to analytical method lifecycle is designed to provide participants with a lifecycle approach to developing and validating analytical methods and comply with compendial requirements. The webinar presenter will use case studies to illustrate each stage in the process.
Key Considerations in Verification & Validation of Medical Devices
This medical device verification and validation training will dissect some of the FDA 483 observations related to design verification and design validation, and provide key information on how they can be prevented.
Validation of Analytical Methods According to the New FDA Guidance
This webinar will elaborate the scope and content of the recent FDA guidance on validation of analytical methods. The webinar will also illustrate the lifecycle management of analytical procedures and train attendees on documentation requirements and verification of submitted methods.
The 6 Most Common Problems in FDA Software Validation and Verification
This FDA Software Validation and Verification training/webinar will review the validation planning process with particular emphasis on avoiding six common pitfalls.
Verification of Compendial Methods According to the Revised USP Chapter <1226>
This webinar on verification of compendial methods will give a good understanding of the revised USP Chapter <1226> and FDA requirements and provide recommendations and tools for effective implementation.
Decoding CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) Regulations: Calibration, Calibration Verification and Method Validation
The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) training will outline the CLIA standards for frequency, methodology and also give examples of practical application.
Bioanalytical Methods Validation
This training on bio-analytical methods validation will help you to understand the FDA and EMA guidance for Instrumental, ligand binding and cell-based assays and also review of recent 483s impacting validation.
Software Verification and Validation Planning to Meet CGMP Requirements
This Software Verification and Validation training will help you understand and recognize the most common software V&V failings and their fixes. You will learn how to develop and use a repeatable software V&V template for all software validation projects.
Effective Use of Validation and Verification to Improve your Food Safety Management System
This webinar will cover strategies to effectively use the proper validation and verification techniques to increase the effectiveness of a FSMS. It will show how any food or pharmaceutical company can properly use these techniques to ensure compliance with either ISO 22000 or ISO 9001.
Eliminate the Confusion - Analytical Method Qualification and Validation
This training will enable the user to understand what is the difference in these terms - qualification and validation, how each term applies to the group of methods for which the user is responsible, and when each may be applicable. There are some essential elements of entry for a method for both qualification and validation- and these elements will be reviewed (development reports, qualification reports, ICH category defined for method…).
Verification and Validation (V&V) of Software in the Medical Devices
This 90-minute presentation will cover the FDA Quality System Requirements for software used in medical devices. The presenter will review FDA guidelines on software verification and validation and discuss methods to verify and validate even complex software.
QbD Approach to Analytical Method Lifecycle: Design, Development, Validation, Transfer
This 120-minute webinar on using the QbD Approach to Analytical Method Lifecycle is designed to provide participants with a lifecycle approach to developing and validating analytical methods and comply with compendial requirements.
Analytical Test Methods Validation: FDA, ICH and USP Requirements
This webinar will address the regulatory requirements which apply at the various stages of development, and suggest proven strategies for compliant and phase-appropriate analytical method validation. We will cover the FDA, ICH and USP requirements, and illustrate the components of validation and ways to expedite the validation process.
HPLC Method Development and Validation
This webinar on HPLC Method Development and Validation will outline similarities and differences in validations, and regulatory requirements, outline approaches specific to HPLC and to the various hyphenated detections systems.
Validation of Bioanalytical Methods and Procedures for FDA Compliance
This Validation of Bioanalytical Methods and Procedures training will demonstrate how to validate bioanalytical methods and procedures, in analytical laboratories, for FDA compliance.
Validation of Bioanalytical Assays for Biologicals
This Validation of Bioanalytical Assays webinar describes logical approaches to efficiently develop assays that will deliver quality data.
Understanding and Preparing for System Based Inspections: Laboratory Control System
This system based inspection for Laboratory Control System training/webinar includes measures and activities related to laboratory procedures, testing, analytical methods development and validation or verification, and the stability program.