
Compliance and Ethics Training - Live Webinars, Recordings & CDs

Evaluate and mitigate non-compliance and fraud risks, improve operations, and protect company reputation with our Ethics and Compliance Training Programs. You will learn how to curb non-compliant decisions and drive business in compliance with regulatory and corporate ethics. Browse this page for a range of courses of interest to you.

14 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 13 Investigative and Enforcement Procedures

14 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 13 Investigative and Enforcement Procedures

  • Speaker: Mont Smith
  • Product ID: 703526
  • Duration: 90 Min
This Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) compliance webinar will discuss in detail 14 CFR Part 13 investigative and enforcement procedures. It will cover investigative procedures, administrative actions, legal enforcement actions, Rules of Practice for FAA hearings, formal fact-finding investigations under an Order of Investigation, Rules of Practice in FAA Civil Penalty Actions, Civil Monetary Penalty Inflation adjustment, and the Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA) program.
Developing and Facilitating Effective Compliance Risk Assessments

Developing and Facilitating Effective Compliance Risk Assessments

  • Speaker: Kenneth Barden
  • Product ID: 703530
  • Duration: 75 Min
This webinar will explain various approaches available for assessing risk in a company’s business portfolio. Attendees will learn best practices for conducting risk assessment to evaluate compliance risks, rate them, and prioritize them accordingly. Learn how to implement mitigation measures to reduce any adverse impact.
2014 Current Best Practices for Public Company Management

2014 Current Best Practices for Public Company Management

  • Speaker: Barth Aaron
  • Product ID: 703527
  • Duration: 60 Min
This webinar will review current best practices for Boards of Directors and senior management on the issues of Say-On-Pay votes, ISS and other shareholder advisors positions, SEC and exchange positions on independent boards and related regulation and positions.
Complying with and Applying Regulator's Rules and Guidance as it Relates to Social Media and Personal Electronic Devices (Financial Services)

Complying with and Applying Regulator's Rules and Guidance as it Relates to Social Media and Personal Electronic Devices (Financial Services)

  • Speaker: Donna Sardanopoli
  • Product ID: 703502
  • Duration: 90 Min
This webinar will discuss FINRA Regulatory Notice 10-06, 11-39 and SEC Social Media Guidance. Attendees will learn how to ensure compliance with all rules, regulations and guidance as it relates to social media and electronic devices.
Review of Major Lending Regulations and Required Documentation

Review of Major Lending Regulations and Required Documentation

  • Speaker: Roy Johnson
  • Product ID: 703496
  • Duration: 90 Min
This webinar will provide an overview of major lending regulations and required documentation to ensure loans are in compliance with the law. It will discuss Regulation Z, Regulation B, Regulation X, Regulation O, Regulation U including Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and Flood Disaster Protection Act.
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act - Critical Issues and Best Practices

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act - Critical Issues and Best Practices

  • Speaker: Andrea Ewart
  • Product ID: 703167
  • Duration: 90 Min
This training on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act will focus on the anti-bribery and accounting provisions of the FCPA and will explain the activities and conducts that are prohibited by the FCPA. Learn the best practices and strategies for avoiding criminal and administrative penalties for violating its provisions.
How to Handle a Whistleblower Retaliation Investigation (From Start to Finish)

How to Handle a Whistleblower Retaliation Investigation (From Start to Finish)

  • Speaker: Amy Block Joy
  • Product ID: 703418
  • Duration: 60 Min
This webinar will provide strategies to prevent and/or stop retaliation in the workplace. It will discuss how to recognize retaliation before it takes root; best prevention practices and strategies to safeguard employees.
Customer Due Diligence and Enhanced Due Diligence

Customer Due Diligence and Enhanced Due Diligence

  • Speaker: Burke Files
  • Product ID: 703403
  • Duration: 90 Min
This webinar will explain the process of customer due diligence and enhanced due diligence. It will cover customer onboarding, sources of funds and wealth, customer questionnaires including financial institution’s core competencies.
How to Prepare and Implement a Fraud Response Plan

How to Prepare and Implement a Fraud Response Plan

  • Speaker: Peter Goldmann
  • Product ID: 703284
  • Duration: 90 Min
This fraud investigation training will teach attendees best practices for preparing and implementing fraud response plan. Learn how to conduct E-Discovery and forensic data analytics.
Travel Pay and Expense Reimbursements - Do You Comply with the Law?

Travel Pay and Expense Reimbursements - Do You Comply with the Law?

  • Speaker: Miles Hutchinson
  • Product ID: 703342
  • Duration: 90 Min
This webinar will explain various laws affecting travel pay and expense reimbursements. Attendees will learn best practices to comply with federal travel regulations.
Optimize Your Import Contracts for Compliance and Risk Management

Optimize Your Import Contracts for Compliance and Risk Management

  • Speaker: Scott Lowden
  • Product ID: 703326
  • Duration: 60 Min
This webinar will provide tools and tips for optimizing imports contracts to ensure compliance and reduce risk. Attendees will be able to review their contracting practices, PO forms and purchasing procedures to make the best use of their advantages as a buyer.
Purchasing Card Compliance with IRS Guidelines

Purchasing Card Compliance with IRS Guidelines

  • Speaker: Brent Meyers
  • Product ID: 702655
  • Duration: 60 Min
This webinar on purchasing card compliance highlights the evolution of IRS involvement in the use of credit cards for business use, more commonly referred to as Purchasing Cards. It will explain changes in the way these transactions are governed so your business can operate optimally in the credit card space.
Anti-Corruption Program including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)

Anti-Corruption Program including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)

  • Speaker: Robert Brewer
  • Product ID: 703316
  • Duration: 75 Min
This webinar will explain the anti-bribery and accounting provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and will also discuss the UK Bribery Act. Learn the best practices for avoiding penalties for FCPA, UK Bribery Act, or local law violations.
7 Pillars of an Effective Compliance Program for Healthcare Companies: Lessons Learned from a Prosecutor's Perspective

7 Pillars of an Effective Compliance Program for Healthcare Companies: Lessons Learned from a Prosecutor's Perspective

  • Speaker: Alice H Martin,Michael Rosen
  • Product ID: 703280
  • Duration: 60 Min
This healthcare best practices training will discuss the seven recognized pillars that a compliance plan should include and the details that will allow attendees to reduce their company’s potential liability under the Federal U.S. Sentencing Guidelines. Learn from examples of healthcare companies that did not have or follow an effective compliance plan and the resulting civil fines and penalties as well as government oversight and audits that ensued.
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Webinar

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Webinar

  • Speaker: Jon Groetzinger
  • Product ID: 701771
  • Duration: 60 Min
In this Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) webinar training understand the prohibited and exempted actions as per FCPA act, how to find the non compliance issues and how to implement FCPA compliance policies and procedures in your organization.
Basel III – What's new vs. Basel II

Basel III – What's new vs. Basel II

  • Speaker: Varun Agarwal
  • Product ID: 703273
  • Duration: 90 Min
This Basel III training will focus on the key aspects of Basel III and highlight how it differs from those in Basel II. It will discuss additional compliance requirements for Basel III, the costs involved, implementation timelines and provide a framework for end-to-end implementation.
Auditing Your Compliance Team - Maintaining independence

Auditing Your Compliance Team - Maintaining independence

  • Speaker: Denise Cicchella
  • Product ID: 703244
  • Duration: 60 Min
This GRC training will provide the attendees best practices for auditing their compliance team. Learn how to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your internal compliance departments.
Evaluating your Ethics and Compliance Program for Effectiveness: A Checklist and the Business Case

Evaluating your Ethics and Compliance Program for Effectiveness: A Checklist and the Business Case

  • Speaker: Andrea Bonime Blanc
  • Product ID: 702980
  • Duration: 60 Min
This corporate ethics and compliance training will provide you a framework for the evaluation of the effectiveness of your organizational ethics and compliance program. It will help you understand the importance and role of periodic evaluation in order to ensure compliance and avoid lawsuits.
Virtual Currencies, Cyber-Payments and Regulatory Compliance

Virtual Currencies, Cyber-Payments and Regulatory Compliance

  • Speaker: Juan Llanos
  • Product ID: 703125
  • Duration: 60 Min
This training on virtual currencies compliance will elucidate the rise, purpose, operational intricacies, societal benefits and multiple risks of Bitcoin and the emerging breed of alternative digital currencies. Attendees will learn tools and techniques to manage the risks posed by virtual currencies.
Importer Security Filing (ISF) Compliance

Importer Security Filing (ISF) Compliance

  • Speaker: Michael Laden
  • Product ID: 703019
  • Duration: 60 Min
This webinar on Importer Security Filing (ISF) will discuss ISF compliance best practices & strategies for maintaining a compliant ISF program along with Liquidated Damages Mitigation Guidelines published by CBP. You will also learn how to avoid penalties that can be imposed on your organization.
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