
Compliance and Ethics Training - Live Webinars, Recordings & CDs

Evaluate and mitigate non-compliance and fraud risks, improve operations, and protect company reputation with our Ethics and Compliance Training Programs. You will learn how to curb non-compliant decisions and drive business in compliance with regulatory and corporate ethics. Browse this page for a range of courses of interest to you.

Employee Expense Reimbursement Fraud: Detection, Prevention and Deterrence

Employee Expense Reimbursement Fraud: Detection, Prevention and Deterrence

  • Speaker: Peter Goldmann
  • Product ID: 702455
  • Duration: 90 Min
This 90-minute webinar will summarize the main types of reimbursement fraud to be alert to, and include an analysis of several “real life” case studies. It will explain how to identify the red flags of possible reimbursement fraud, offer specific fraud-audit techniques and test for these crimes and conclude with a rundown of proven anti-fraud controls.
Weed, Cocaine and Heroin: What it Means to Your Bank or Credit Union?

Weed, Cocaine and Heroin: What it Means to Your Bank or Credit Union?

  • Speaker: Doug Keipper
  • Product ID: 705440
  • Duration: 60 Min
This webinar will focus on the today’s marketplace for weed, cocaine and opioids including heroin. It will cover topics such as FinCEN’s expectations regarding Marijuana-related businesses, drug enforcement agency fact sheets, FBI and DEA documentary on opioid abuse, summary review of transactions and much more.
How to Think Like a Crook - Money Laundering Prevention

How to Think Like a Crook - Money Laundering Prevention

  • Speaker: Doug Keipper
  • Product ID: 702770
  • Duration: 60 Min
This anti-money laundering training will describe the reasons and methods of money laundering in financial institutions. This will help attendees to protect themselves from regulatory risk by establishing an effective anti-money laundering system within their financial institution.
Effective Vendor Risk Management

Effective Vendor Risk Management

  • Speaker: Mario Mosse
  • Product ID: 705193
  • Duration: 90 Min
Vendor risk management is an important component of a financial institution’s operational risk management program. This training program will examine how a sound vendor risk management program, including careful planning, due diligence and selection, and close oversight and monitoring during the life of the contract, is necessary to reduce the risks posed by the outsourcing of critical functions.
Implementing P-Card Policies, Procedures, and Internal Controls Best Practices

Implementing P-Card Policies, Procedures, and Internal Controls Best Practices

  • Speaker: Chris Doxey
  • Product ID: 703920
  • Duration: 60 Min
This training program will discuss how purchasing cards (P Cards) provide a means for streamlining the procure-to-pay process, allowing organizations to procure goods and services in a timely manner, reduce transaction costs, track expenses, take advantage of supplier discounts, reduce or redirect staff in the purchasing and/or accounts payable departments, reduce or eliminate petty cash, and more. It will also illustrate how a P-Card program can create additional fraud risk and requires robust policies, procedures, and internal controls.
Employee Fraud Detection and Prevention

Employee Fraud Detection and Prevention

  • Speaker: Peter Goldmann
  • Product ID: 704040
  • Duration: 90 Min
This fraud training program will focus on understanding the fraud problem and what propels employees to commit fraud. The course will also offer essential fraud detection tools and techniques and highlight best practices for developing and implementing anti-fraud controls.
Critical Anti-Fraud Audits under Procurement and Accounts Payable

Critical Anti-Fraud Audits under Procurement and Accounts Payable

  • Speaker: Marna Steuart
  • Product ID: 703533
  • Duration: 60 Min
This webinar will explain how to perform anti-fraud audits in the purchasing/accounts payable cycle. It will discuss the use of Audit Control Language (ACL) and how this tool and other tools like it (IDEA) are helpful in the analysis of accounts payable and purchasing data.
Stress-Testing in Financial Institutions: Selecting Appropriate Scenarios

Stress-Testing in Financial Institutions: Selecting Appropriate Scenarios

  • Speaker: Fred Vacelet
  • Product ID: 705249
  • Duration: 60 Min
This webinar training on stress testing in financial institutions will depict scenarios, pitfalls to be avoided, and discuss how the choice of the right scenarios can provide good insight into strategic management of a financial institution.
Operational Risk Scenario Analysis

Operational Risk Scenario Analysis

  • Speaker: Mario Mosse
  • Product ID: 703751
  • Duration: 90 Min
Scenario analysis complements the risk assessment process, which often overlooks material events that only happen infrequently, such as natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and data breaches. This webinar will highlight the importance of scenario analysis, its objectives and expected benefits, and the ideal methodology for quantifying and reporting operational risk scenarios.
The Fraud Risk Mitigation Cycle: Powerful Detection and Prevention Framework

The Fraud Risk Mitigation Cycle: Powerful Detection and Prevention Framework

  • Speaker: Peter Goldmann
  • Product ID: 703154
  • Duration: 90 Min
This training program will facilitate participants’ understanding of fraud risks, detecting fraud indicators, gathering evidence to substantiate suspicions of actual wrongdoing and eliminating control weaknesses in all pertinent business functions.
Essentials of OFCCP Compliance: Requirement, Enforcement and Fulfilment of Affirmative Action

Essentials of OFCCP Compliance: Requirement, Enforcement and Fulfilment of Affirmative Action

  • Speaker: Janette Levey Frisch
  • Product ID: 705199
  • Duration: 90 Min
If you are a federal contractor, having a firm grasp on the essentials of affirmative action and OFCCP compliance is a must, whether you are new to the federal contracting world or a seasoned contractor. This webinar training program will offer attendees an understanding of affirmative action laws and regulations enforced by the OFCCP. It will also discuss Affirmative Action Plans for women and minorities, and for disabled and veteran workers.
BSA Training and Monitoring for Front Line Staff

BSA Training and Monitoring for Front Line Staff

  • Speaker: Doug Keipper
  • Product ID: 703150
  • Duration: 60 Min
This bank secrecy act training details how to train your frontline staff and teach them how to monitor for suspicious activity.
Is Your Compliance Program Due for an Update?

Is Your Compliance Program Due for an Update?

  • Speaker: Jim Kandler
  • Product ID: 705085
  • Duration: 60 Min
This training program will highlight common issues that occur over time with material compliance programs, and demonstrate how to address them. This can result in a more effective and responsive material compliance effort for your company.
How to Survive CBP Free Trade Agreement Verification

How to Survive CBP Free Trade Agreement Verification

  • Speaker: Donna L Shira
  • Product ID: 703258
  • Duration: 60 Min
This U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) compliance training will provide attendees tools to ensure they comply with rules and regulations applicable to Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and special trade program claims.
HIPAA Planning for 2020 and Beyond - Protecting Patient Information Privacy and Security

HIPAA Planning for 2020 and Beyond - Protecting Patient Information Privacy and Security

  • Speaker: Jim Sheldon-Dean
  • Product ID: 704975
  • Duration: 90 Min
This HIPAA compliance webinar will discuss the issues in patient information privacy and security that healthcare organizations will face in 2020 and how to ensure compliance with HIPAA that will withstand incidents, audits, and investigations by HHS.
Red Flags and EDD for Non-Bank Financial Institutions

Red Flags and EDD for Non-Bank Financial Institutions

  • Speaker: Vicki Landon
  • Product ID: 703536
  • Duration: 60 Min
This webinar will address the red flags that may indicate money laundering and fraud in non-bank financial institutions. It will also provide guidelines for conducting enhanced due diligence (EDD).
Medical Records: Compliance with CMS Hospital CoPs and Proposed Changes

Medical Records: Compliance with CMS Hospital CoPs and Proposed Changes

  • Speaker: Sue Dill Calloway
  • Product ID: 705244
  • Duration: 120 Min
This training program will cover in detail the CMS regulations and interpretive guidelines for medical records. It will also discuss important proposed changes to the CMS discharge planning standards including changes to the federal law on alcohol and drug records.
FATCA - Implications, Changes and How to Implement in a Foreign Financial Institution

FATCA - Implications, Changes and How to Implement in a Foreign Financial Institution

  • Speaker: Jason Simpson
  • Product ID: 702989
  • Duration: 60 Min
This training on Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA ) will highlight the evolution of the Act and its current regulations. It will also provide attendees practical and effective methods for solid FATCA implementation along with tools for identifying FATCA specific complexities in order to avoid enforcement actions.
Nursing: CMS CoP Standards for Hospitals and Proposed Changes: 2019 Update

Nursing: CMS CoP Standards for Hospitals and Proposed Changes: 2019 Update

  • Speaker: Sue Dill Calloway
  • Product ID: 705239
  • Duration: 120 Min
This training program will cover requirements in the CMS hospital CoP manual on nursing section. It will discuss proposed changes in the Hospital Improvement Act including plans of care, staffing, policy changes, documentation, supervision, nursing leadership, verbal orders, antibiotic stewardship program and much more.
EDD what are the auditors looking for?

EDD what are the auditors looking for?

  • Speaker: Vicki Landon
  • Product ID: 703455
  • Duration: 90 Min
This webinar will explain the concept of Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD), including EDD time tables and checklist. Attendees will learn how to conduct Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) that will satisfy the auditors.
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