
HR Compliance Training - Live Webinars, Recordings & CDs

Enjoy learning about compliance in human resource management with a wide range of courses readily available on this page. No matter which HR functional area you serve in, you can learn human resource regulatory requirements, employment regulations, HR policy development, and management with clarity, structure, and equity.

HR Audit: How to Conduct an HR Audit for HR Professionals

HR Audit: How to Conduct an HR Audit for HR Professionals

  • Speaker: Melveen Stevenson
  • Product ID: 706740
  • Duration: 60 Min
Are you confident that your employment, benefits, leaves, and I-9 files are in full compliance with state and federal compliance requirements? If you are pausing to answer this question or if it elicits feelings of dread, join us for an information-packed session that will reduce your risk for being assessed costly fines and being cited for potential violations. In this session, you will learn an organized way to assess your company’s needs for auditing HR files and staying ahead of ever-changing regulations. Special topics include organizing your HR recordkeeping system, auditing FMLA documents and procedures, and auditing I-9 forms and procedures.
Privacy Issues in the Workplace

Privacy Issues in the Workplace

  • Speaker: Bob Oberstein
  • Product ID: 706739
  • Duration: 90 Min
Most employees insist they have privacy rights, especially at the workplace. But few know what those rights are. Likewise, not every employer or manager know what the employer’s privacy rights are or what their obligations are when it comes to respecting an employee’s privacy rights and what the penalties are for not doing so. And that was in a pre-Covid-19 world!
Workplace Unconscious Bias:  Minimizing the Impact on Discrimination, Hiring, Promotions, and Retention

Workplace Unconscious Bias: Minimizing the Impact on Discrimination, Hiring, Promotions, and Retention

  • Speaker: Dr. Susan Strauss
  • Product ID: 704876
  • Duration: 60 Min
Unconscious bias has been recognized as a form of discrimination and can therefore lead to lawsuits. This training program addresses the science of unconscious bias and lists the examples and types. The Instructor will discuss the implicit association test (IAT) and steps to minimize individual and organizational unconscious bias in hiring, promotions, and retention.
Travel and Expense Policy Development and Automation

Travel and Expense Policy Development and Automation

  • Speaker: Brian G Rosenberg
  • Product ID: 704880
  • Duration: 60 Min
In this webinar training, you will learn how to create, maintain, and enforce a T&E policy for your organization. The Instructors will discuss the key components and best practices for policies.
Conducting Discrimination Investigations

Conducting Discrimination Investigations

  • Speaker: Melveen Stevenson
  • Product ID: 706733
  • Duration: 60 Min
Discrimination continues to be a problem in the workplace even with existing and developing regulations to train employees and managers against engaging in such behavior. The obligation to conduct a sound and thorough investigation by an appropriate investigator is mostly understood, but practitioners need to do that actual work. This course is designed to provide HR practitioners of all levels with a step-by-step process for conducting discrimination investigations in the work environment that will protect employees and the company as well.
The Safety Responsibility of the HR Manager | HR and OSHA Laws

The Safety Responsibility of the HR Manager | HR and OSHA Laws

  • Speaker: Michael Aust
  • Product ID: 704831
  • Duration: 60 Min
This webinar will explain legislative roles and responsibilities of workplace parties and how HR plays a pertinent role in it. Instructor will discuss OSHA regulations and safety compliance practices and how to create safety culture at workplace. He will share practical tips and best practices for HR managers taking the responsibility of safety regulatory compliance.
Conducting Sound Sexual Harassment Investigations

Conducting Sound Sexual Harassment Investigations

  • Speaker: Melveen Stevenson
  • Product ID: 706723
  • Duration: 60 Min
Sexual harassment continues to be a problem in the workplace even with existing and developing regulations to train employees and managers against engaging in such behavior. The obligation to conduct a sound and thorough investigation by an appropriate investigator is mostly understood. This course is designed to provide HR practitioners of all levels with a step-by-step process for conducting sexual harassment investigations in the work environment that will protect employees and the company as well.
Holy Smoke! An Employer's Guide to Medical Marijuana in the Workplace

Holy Smoke! An Employer's Guide to Medical Marijuana in the Workplace

  • Speaker: Janette Levey Frisch
  • Product ID: 705703
  • Duration: 90 Min
In this webinar, we will explore the challenges employers now face in managing employee marijuana use. We will, also discuss applicable laws (both statutes and cases) addressing this subject, analyze recent court cases. The laws, of course vary by state. You will receive an overview of where many of the different states are currently holding with respect to medical and recreational marijuana and employer’s rights and obligations.
Conducting Effective, Legally-Compliant Investigations of Harassment & Bullying Allegations

Conducting Effective, Legally-Compliant Investigations of Harassment & Bullying Allegations

  • Speaker: Diane L Dee
  • Product ID: 705542
  • Duration: 90 Min
Missteps in handling sensitive employee issues could result in your organization writing a check with a lot of zeros on it. How companies investigate potential misconduct can affect the company’s reputation as well as its bottom line. Cultural and generational diversity is changing the landscape of the US workforce. That diversity can become fuel for all types of litigation. Understanding how to effectively conduct workplace investigations can greatly reduce the chances of your organization being sued.
Making your Pitch Organizing Your Thoughts and Ideas to be Credible

Making your Pitch Organizing Your Thoughts and Ideas to be Credible

  • Speaker: Audrey Halpern
  • Product ID: 706709
  • Duration: 60 Min
The ability to present articulately to management, to the customer, or a non-tech audience can significantly enhance your credibility. Delivering engaging presentations at work or professional events is a way to share your ideas and gain a reputation as a valued employee and an expert in your field.
Addressing Drug Use and the Changing Legal Environment

Addressing Drug Use and the Changing Legal Environment

  • Speaker: Greg Chartier
  • Product ID: 706708
  • Duration: 60 Min
Cannabis, or marijuana, is illegal under federal law. However, at least 30 states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for medicinal use and nine states, soon to be more, have legalized it for recreational use. This conflict presents a unique challenge to employers. At the same time, the illegal use of legal prescription drugs has reached, in the words of the Center for Disease Control, epidemic status. What do employers need to know about this new drug environment at work? What policies and procedures need to be addressed? How do employers comply with the new regulations? What about my pre-employment drug testing program? These questions and others will be answered by this webinar.
ADA Accommodation and Compliance: What should the Process between Employer and Employee should look like?

ADA Accommodation and Compliance: What should the Process between Employer and Employee should look like?

  • Speaker: U Harold Levy
  • Product ID: 706705
  • Duration: 60 Min
This webinar explores the issue of what should the process be between employer and employee when trying to accommodate individuals with disabilities while complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Treating Employees Like Adults: Discipline versus Empowerment

Treating Employees Like Adults: Discipline versus Empowerment

  • Speaker: Bob Oberstein
  • Product ID: 706659
  • Duration: 90 Min
Tired of applying the same types of discipline and still getting the same old mediocre or short-lived results? Or maybe it was a “righteous” discipline, but it still was overturned or mitigated by a hearing officer or arbitrator. If so, you might be ready to broaden your horizons and considering how treating employees like adults can not only avoid these issues but empower employees to act like adults which can also result in positive changes to not only their conduct and performance but to your bottom line as well.
Flexible Work Arrangements: The Future of Employment in 2021

Flexible Work Arrangements: The Future of Employment in 2021

  • Speaker: Diane L Dee
  • Product ID: 706391
  • Duration: 90 Min
This webinar will discuss the benefits of workplace flexibility, address myths about flexible work arrangements, and arm participants with the tools they need to establish and effectively manage workplace flexibility.
EE0-1 Reporting Form Requirements for 2019 and 2020 and How Companies Can Be Compliant

EE0-1 Reporting Form Requirements for 2019 and 2020 and How Companies Can Be Compliant

  • Speaker: U Harold Levy
  • Product ID: 706695
  • Duration: 60 Min
After delaying the opening of the 2019 EEO-1 Component 1 Data Collection on May 8, 2020 in light of the COVID-19 public health emergency, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced that the 2019 and 2020 EEO-1 Component 1 data collection will open on Monday, April 26, 2021. Employers with 100 or more employees (and federal contractors with 50 or more employees) are required to submit the EEO-1 Component report to the EEOC.
Privacy and Security Issues with Contact Tracing and Social Distancing at Work

Privacy and Security Issues with Contact Tracing and Social Distancing at Work

  • Speaker: Greg Chartier
  • Product ID: 706702
  • Duration: 60 Min
As we continue our efforts to safely bring our employees back to work, one of the considerations is to move past the initial vaccine, pre-entry wellness checks or health questionnaires and are consider the use technology solutions that monitor social distancing and conduct contact tracing in real-time. In addition to decisions about the introduction of these technology capabilities, the privacy and security of individual employee’s personally identifiable information (“PII”) and protected health information (“PHI”) must be considered.
How to Get Over It: The Many Paths to Resolving Impasse

How to Get Over It: The Many Paths to Resolving Impasse

  • Speaker: Bob Oberstein
  • Product ID: 706701
  • Duration: 90 Min
Have you experienced major conflict like divorce or a dispute over an estate? Or maybe a work related, property dispute or other civil action. Regardless, of the conflict there are options this webinar will introduce to help you get beyond impasse, and to deal with and get over the conflict.
Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

  • Speaker: U Harold Levy
  • Product ID: 706692
  • Duration: 60 Min
This program examines what is currently known about the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. This webinar provides information from the CDC, the World Health Organization and OSHA which may help prevent workplace exposures to COVID-19, in non-healthcare settings. This program also provides planning considerations for home and community spread of COVID-19.
How to Get Results or Influence and Persuade When You Don't Have the Authority

How to Get Results or Influence and Persuade When You Don't Have the Authority

  • Speaker: Audrey Halpern
  • Product ID: 706686
  • Duration: 60 Min
When was the last time you thought about how you influence others — how you change minds, shape opinions, move others to act? The ability to influence is one of the essential skills for leaders at all levels. It’s more art than science, and it can be tough to get your arms around. But the bottom line is that influence matters.
Risk Management for Human Resources

Risk Management for Human Resources

  • Speaker: Greg Chartier
  • Product ID: 706683
  • Duration: 60 Min
The ability to identify risks, especially emerging risks, is a critical competency of HR leaders, especially when linking it to HR’s mission of supporting better senior management decisions and more effective decision making. At the same time, organizations are most effective at dealing with regulatory compliance and less effective at dealing with the strategic aspects of risk and, most importantly, connecting risk management to strategic success. To be effective, risk management must have a broader approach, to include strategic planning risks and the risks created by daily operations. A constant in today’s corporate culture is change. With change comes an increase in risk. It is imperative that today’s HR professionals have an awareness and understanding of these risks.
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