Safety Management 101 : The Essentials


Instructor: Jim loud
Product ID: 706403
Training Level: Intermediate to Advanced

  • Duration: 120 Min
This webinar is designed to help companies develop cost effective and sustainable safety management strategies. Topics covered include; management responsibility, worker engagement, continuous improvement, consensus standards and how to move from second class to world class.
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Why Should You Attend:

If any of the following symptoms look familiar to you, your approach to safety management is likely not protecting you from needless injuries and unwanted surprises:

  • Your accident rate is either not acceptable or has plateaued.
  • Workers lack a meaningful role in safety activities such as procedure development, inspections, incident investigations, corrective action management or safety problem identification and resolution.
  • Safety inspections, work observations, accident investigations, safety meetings, etc. are typically performed by safety staff, if they are performed at all.
  • The safety supervisor/staff (not line management) is seen as the leader of, and responsible for, the organizational safety effort.
  • The majority of corrective actions are generated by the safety staff or via outside audits rather than by managers and workers.
  • Corrective actions frequently fall through the cracks or become delinquent.
  • Corrective actions typically address localized conditions or worker behavior issues rather than root causes and safety system deficiencies.
  • Repeat incidents occur routinely.
  • Safety promotions such as contests, incentives, awareness programs, and behavior-based safety (BBS) initiatives are initiated with great fanfare then fail when the anticipated long-term results are not sustainable (i.e., a “flavor-of-the-month” approach).
  • Safety committees exist but add little value and their meetings are often little more than gripe sessions.

All of these symptoms are avoidable and this webinar will outline how to build a strategic safety system that eliminates these typical problems, and, at the same time, ensures cost-effective, sustainable and continuously improving safety performance.

In this webinar you will:

  • Discover the principal pitfalls of traditional safety “programs.”
  • Explore the common indicators of deficient safety efforts.
  • Learn the difference between symptom-based safety and systems-based safety.
  • Explore the various safety management standards (e.g., ISO 45001, ANSI Z10, etc.) and how they differ.
  • Discover the power of a dynamic Plan, Do, Check, Act approach to safety management.
  • Understand the vital role workers play in any successful safety strategy.
  • Examine how leading organizations value and encourage safety feedback to ensure continuous improvement.
  • Learn how to stop wasting time and money on safety tactics that frequently make work needlessly more complicated and less timely.

Areas Covered in the Webinar:

This webinar will address how to build a successful safety management system and specifically address the critical system elements necessary for a successful outcome. Those elements include:

  • Establishing goals and objectives.
  • Identifying leading indicators.
  • Getting workers directly involved in the safety effort.
  • Getting line managers to own safety.
  • Optimizing the value of your safety staff.
  • Encouraging/expecting worker feedback.
  • Dealing with worker feedback.
  • Effective disposition of corrective actions and identified improvement opportunities.
  • The necessity of safety assessment for continuous improvement.
  • Coming to grips with the reality of how work is performed (i.e., look, listen and learn) rather than how you hope it is performed.
  • Creating a safety system based on a Plan, Do, Check, Act management model.

Who Will Benefit:

  • All line managers from the CEO down need to understand their role in implementing an effective safety management system. You can’t expect good results when safety is siloed or shuffled off for staff to handle. Safety is a line management responsibility.
  • Safety staff should also greatly benefit from this seminar by better understanding their role as management consultants rather than the doers of everything pertaining to safety.
  • Key employees, such as safety committee leaders should also attend as worker participation is vital for any effective safety system performance. Worker buy-in and participation is far more likely when employees believe that safety is done with them rather than to them.
  • Any company, industry, government agency or union group that desires safety excellence, without breaking the bank, should find significant value in this webinar.

Free Materials:

  • Relevant articles
  • Presentation slides
Instructor Profile:
James Loud

James Loud
Safety Management Consultant, James Loud Consulting

James Loud, MPH, MS, CSP. Mr. Loud has over 40 years of hands-on experience in a wide variety of management and Environmental Safety Health positions. Management experience includes direct responsibility for critical organization-wide programs such as worker safety, quality assurance, nuclear safety oversight, training, independent assessment and regulatory compliance. Mr. Loud served as the corporate lead for nuclear safety oversight at the Tennessee Valley Authority and as director of the Performance Assurance Division for the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Mr. Loud is a frequent and sought after speaker at national and international conferences, webinars and university classrooms. He has authored numerous articles and papers for professional health and safety and general industry publications on a variety of topics including corrective action management.

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