Biotechnology Regulations and Guidance Training - Live Webinars, Recordings & CDs

Extractables and Leachables - Biopharma Polymeric Devices

webinar-speaker   Mark Trotter

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 704798

This webinar training will examine the key topics concerning the use of polymeric single-use products in biopharm processes. It will offer a basic understanding of industry standards and regulatory compliance. The training program is designed for the experienced as well as those new to biopharmaceutical processes and need to know current requirements for determination of extractables and leachables in biopharm processes.

Recording Available


Managing SOP Compliance per FDA Regulations

webinar-speaker   Danielle DeLucy

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 704797

This training program will discuss formatting SOPs, FDA expectations for written documents and regulatory requirements, and the roles and responsibilities of authors and reviewers of SOPs. The program will also overview how to ensure a system for the control, archival, and disposal of written procedures.

Recording Available


Overview of Life Cycle of an Analytical Method in Development and Manufacture of Biologics

webinar-speaker   Rajesh Gupta

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 704755

This training program will offer an understanding of analytical method life cycle and regulatory expectations and requirements for the methods during product development. The webinar will also analyze risks and inherent variability of analytical methods.

Recording Available


Preparation for GMP Inspections by Regulatory Agencies

webinar-speaker   Peggy Berry

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 704843

This GMP inspections webinar will review what to expect during the agency inspection and how to successfully and efficiently streamline and manage the inspection, including adequate follow-up during and after the inspection.

Recording Available


Understanding the Full Realm of Product Liability

webinar-speaker   Randall Goodden

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 704743

This training program will highlight all the key areas that need to be under control or can lead to product recalls, product liability lawsuits, and the causes of these economic disasters for manufacturing corporations.

Recording Available


4-Hr Virtual Training: Key Factors to Write an Effective Standard Operating Procedure and Work Instructions

webinar-speaker   Joy McElroy

webinar-time   4 hrs

Product Id: 704778

This training program will guide attendees in writing effective Standard Operating Procedures and Work Instructions. It will also discuss how to assess and write to the audience and how to review and revise SOPs and Work Instructions.

Recording Available


Effective CDISC Clinical Data Acceptance Testing and Compliance

webinar-speaker   Sunil Gupta

webinar-time   75 Min

Product Id: 704687

This CDISC training program will enumerate clinical data issues, effective methods and SAS macros to identify data issues, and communicating and monitoring improvements in clinical data issues.

Recording Available


Process Validation Guidance Requirements, FDA, EU Annex 15; Qualification and Validation

webinar-speaker   Joy McElroy

webinar-time   4 hrs

Product Id: 704737

This training program will illustrate how these two different concepts are integrated (Phase 1, 2, and 3 vs. Stages 1, 2, and 3) and where do they merge. Attendees will learn if they exist independently of each other or do they complement each other to enhance, build and provide a product.

Recording Available


CDISC Cloud Computing in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Paradigm Shift in Project Management, Analysis and Validation

webinar-speaker   Sunil Gupta

webinar-time   75 Min

Product Id: 704674

This training program will help you better manage projects and offer practical tools to understand data content and quality. Attendees will learn to apply validation methods to reduce time to validate clinical summary tables. Attendees will also learn to apply advanced SAS programming techniques to standardize and automate the validation process.

Recording Available


Pharmaceutical Company Specific Records and Information Management Programs

webinar-speaker   Charlie Sodano

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 704667

This training program will focus on creating a workable and effective records and information policy. It will also discuss establishing records and information management responsibilities, determining the locations of all information resources, planning long term archiving, and content and records management software considerations and options.

Recording Available


FDA Compliance and Laboratory Computer System Validation

webinar-speaker   Carolyn Troiano

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 704660

Upon completion of this training program, attendees will have an understanding of laboratory system computer validation planning, execution and management concepts, based on the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) framework. They will have received the guidance on industry best practices necessary to develop a compliant and cost-effective validation program. They will understand the steps for validating laboratory systems, along with the key documentation associated with maintaining the systems in a validated state, while minimizing costs. Attendees will gain a good grasp of how to leverage these practices across all systems by creating a standardized program.

Recording Available


Combination Products - The FDA's New Codifications of the cGMP Requirements Applicable to Combination Products

webinar-speaker   Angela Dunston

webinar-time   120 Min

Product Id: 704623

This training program will analyze the general considerations for cGMP compliance and review the cGMP requirements in 21 CFR 4.4(b). The program will also discuss applications of cGMP requirements for specific types of combination products.

Recording Available


Single-Use Systems and Technologies

webinar-speaker   Mark Trotter

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 704609

This training program will examine the many facets of disposable bioprocessing systems that incorporate a wide scope of polymeric single-use products. Single-use disposable technologies, from upstream to downstream processes, will be reviewed as related to the use of polymeric devices. Specific attention will be given to the related applications used in the production of biopharmaceuticals and pharmaceuticals.

Recording Available


Quality Writing for Technical Communicators

webinar-speaker   Phil Vassallo

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 704017

This training program will address the daunting task of conveying complex technical data clearly, concisely, and purposefully to technical and non-expert audiences alike. Writing examples from diverse technical fields makes this webinar highly relevant. The program will build a foundation for learning by identifying the qualities of effective writing and the roadblocks to overcoming them.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $199


FDA Vs Health Canada

webinar-speaker   Angela Dunston

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 703970

This training program will elucidate the similarities and differences between the FDA and Health Canada promulgations of regulations impact preparation. The course will also offer a review of the background and history behind the FDA and Health Canada.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $249


Successful Deviation Investigations

webinar-speaker   Danielle DeLucy

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 704596

This training program will help attendees understand the fundamental steps of a deviation investigation with focus on using facts and objective evidence to arrive at root cause and CAPA. This webinar will focus on how to avoid the pitfalls that may occur during FDA inspections and help eliminate 483 observations. Attendees will learn how to identify and avoid potential pitfalls during deviation investigations.

Recording Available


Best Practices in Being ‘On Call’ for FDA Submission Audits in the CDISC Programming Environment

webinar-speaker   Sunil Gupta

webinar-time   75 Min

Product Id: 704594

This training program will assist anyone directly or indirectly responsible for the creation, content or validation of SDTMs, ADaMs, tables, and data lists used to support research, drug or medical device efficacy and safety in a regulatory submission. It will help attendees in determining how well your company is positioned to defend your FDA submission.

Recording Available


Creating FDA-compliant cGMP Training Program

webinar-speaker   Henry Urbach

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 703401

This webinar will explain how to implement an effective and FDA compliant GMP training program. It will discuss regulatory requirements and expectations for a well-trained workforce.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $179


Implementation of Rapid Microbial Methods for Air and Water Monitoring in Pharmaceutical Industry

webinar-speaker   Igor Gorsky

webinar-time   2 hrs

Product Id: 704560

This training program will dispel mistaken paradigms regarding the risk based approach to introduction of rapid microbial detection systems for water systems. Attendees will understand how to validate and transfer LIF method and how to validate LIF instrument against currently used methods.

Recording Available


Biological Facility Design: Design for Compliance

webinar-speaker   Erich Bozenhardt

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 704576

This training program will explore the ABCs of facilities enhancement – compliance-driven actions that get results. It will also discuss devising and implementing a bullet-proof plan to reach goals, set expectations, and lower costs.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229













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