How to Buy COTS Software, and Audit and Validate Vendors
David Nettleton
Product Id: 703820
This training program will focus on instructing attendees on best practices for buying COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf) software and to evaluate a software vendor. It will also highlight key data and systems subject to Part 11, and list requirements for IT, SaaS, and cloud hosting.
Key Factors to Develop an Effective CAPA System
Kim Huynh-Ba
Product Id: 703320
This training will focus on the regulatory requirements for a Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPA) system. Attendees will learn how to develop an effective CAPA system.
Stability Program for Pharmaceuticals and Biologics
Nanda Subbarao
Product Id: 705455
This webinar will provide an overview of the stability studies required for pharmaceuticals and biologics. It will also provide a summary of recent developments in the industry and regulatory requirements in this field.
Managing your GMP Quality Control (QC) Labs in Compliance with FDA Regulations
Kim Huynh-Ba
Product Id: 705081
This webinar will discuss the common deficiencies in relation to compliance and validation issues that typically found with pharmaceutical Quality Control labs.
The New Part 11 Inspections: Requirements for Validation and SaaS/Cloud Applications
David Nettleton
Product Id: 704734
This training program will identify data and systems subject to Part 11 and Annex 11. It will also decode what the regulations mean and illustrate the current computer system industry standards for security, data transfer, and audit trails.
21 CFR Part 11 and Annex 11 Compliance - Specifics Needed to Eliminate 483s
David Nettleton
Product Id: 704533
This 21 CFR Part 11 compliance training will guide you through the requirements of Part 11 and will also explain its 3 primary areas: SOPs, product features and validation (10 step risk based approach).
Current Regulatory Requirements for Aseptically Produced Products
Kenneth Christie
Product Id: 704791
The manufacture of sterile products and the risk they represent to the public is always on the fore front of inspectors during regulatory audits. As a result, the manufacture of sterile products require a high degree of control of incoming materials, the manufacturing process and the control of personnel to name a few. A weakness in any of these items can jeopardize the sterility assurance of the final product. This training program will highlight and summarize the following main components relating to current validation requirements for sterile products and include the following; review of the current regulations and guidance documents, the typical expectations when aseptic processing is involved, the expectations for protocols used to document the qualification of associated equipment, utilities and processes, and recently cited regulatory deficiencies.