Maximizing Research Billing Compliance by Leveraging System Integrations

webinar-speaker   Mary Veazie

webinar-time   120 Min

Product Id: 706697

Research Billing is complex and often manual process for many health systems. Attendees will learn how system integrations can improve the quality of a health care system’s compliance program

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $349


Streamlining Clinical Trial Activations - Best Practice Approach

webinar-speaker   Mary Veazie

webinar-time   120 Min

Product Id: 706681

Activation of a clinical trial requires coordination and effective communication with several groups to be successful. Many health systems find that their trial activation times are prolonged and cumbersome. In this course, you will learn how to streamline activation times and utilize data to drive decision-making. This course provides the best practice approaches designed to create an efficient activation process.

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Implementation and Management of GMP Data Integrity

webinar-speaker   Danielle DeLucy

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 705029

Attend this webinar to learn the regulatory expectations for data integrity during CGMP inspections. The course will review examples of data integrity pitfalls, part 11 compliance data integrity issues, FDA citations related to data integrity. It will teach you how to improve data integrity in a laboratory environment.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $299


Japan: Regulatory Compliance Requirements for Life Science Products

webinar-speaker   Robert J Russell

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 702979

This training on Japanese regulatory compliance requirements will explain the country's regulations and processes (including clinical trials, filings, etc.) and use real world experiences to show how compliance issues are culturally handled for life science products in Japan.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $299


Clinical Study Risk Management including Compliance During The COVID-19

webinar-speaker   Laura Brown

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706526

Attend this webinar to understand the key requirements for risk management of clinical trials to comply with the latest focus on GCP inspection in this area including during the challenging environment of COVID-19.

Recording Available


Vendor/CRO Oversight of Clinical Trials Including Oversight Compliance During COVID-19

webinar-speaker   Laura Brown

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706527

This webinar covers the key requirements for CRO oversight compliance with the latest focus on GCP inspection in this area including during the challenging environment of COVID-19.

Recording Available


Good Clinical Practice (GCP) - As Applied To The Regulated Bioanalytical Lab

webinar-speaker   Edward O Connor

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706433

Analysis of samples supporting a clinical trial requires familiarity with the clinical protocol, at least at the sample management and bioanalytical PI level. This understanding improves lab efficiency and regulatory and legal compliance.

Recording Available


Applying Six Sigma Downtime to Analytical and Bioanalytical Labs

webinar-speaker   Edward O Connor

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706430

Applying Six Sigma techniques to laboratory practices increases efficiency, decreases waste and improves morale. This presentation will demonstrate how applying DOWNTIME can help improve the efficiency of lab service and function.

Recording Available


FDA and MHRA Guidance during the COVID-19 Emergency: Conduct of Clinical Trials

webinar-speaker   Mark Powell

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706477

The current coronavirus pandemic has created problems for the management of ongoing clinical trials. In response, regulators have produced guidance aimed at protecting the safety of subjects and clinical trial integrity. This webinar sets out how the US FDA and UK MHRA expect those involved in the management of clinical trials to address these problems.

Recording Available


Bioanalytical Methods Validation

webinar-speaker   Edward O Connor

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 701769

This training on bio-analytical methods validation will help you to understand the FDA and EMA guidance for Instrumental, ligand binding and cell-based assays and also review of recent 483s impacting validation.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $149


Understanding FDA Import Alerts: What Are They and Recommendations For Removing Your Company And Products From An Alert

webinar-speaker   Karl M. Nobert

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 703313

This webinar provides attendees with an introduction to FDA Import Alerts and what they are, examine why they are issued, show you where to locate them and how to determine whether a company or product is on one, and finally, provide strategic recommendations for removal from an alert.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $349


Claims Processing: Appropriate Segregation of Charges & Medical Documentation for Clinical Research Studies

webinar-speaker   Mary Veazie

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706386

Participation in clinical research activities presents challenges for an already complex revenue cycle and insurance system. The medical documentation needed to ensure reimbursement from third party payors is an essential part of this process. This course will review the segregation process and medical documentation needed to ensure reimbursement is sufficient to obtain reimbursement from third party payors.

Recording Available


How Sponsors Generate GCP Noncompliance at Investigator Sites

webinar-speaker   Stephen Schwartz

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706280

Attend this webinar to explore some of the common sponsor errors. Become aware of the risk and liability of these decisions. Learn how to get approvals of submission, prevent enforcement actions, and loss.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $299


Leveraging Clinical Research Processes to Decrease Denials

webinar-speaker   Mary Veazie

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706366

This course will demonstrate the process of analyzing patient denials for trends related to participation in a clinical research study and leveraging this information to influence the coverage determination during Medicare Coverage Analysis (MCA) process. Participants will learn a 360 approach to increasing CRB compliance and reducing the burden to the patients participating in clinical research studies.

Recording Available


Introduction to Medicare Coverage Analysis - Impact on Revenue Cycle

webinar-speaker   Mary Veazie

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706361

This course will describe the Medicare Coverage Analysis (MCA) process and the revenue cycle’s uses for this document. The course will describe the creation of the MCA and the multiple uses for this document.

Recording Available


Surviving an FDA Sponsor Inspection - Training for Success

webinar-speaker   Stephen Schwartz

webinar-time   105 Min

Product Id: 704516

This training program will review a case study derived from actual inspections wherein FDA performed a sponsor site inspection having already audited three of the investigator sites. FDA was aware from these site audits of potential serious noncompliance issues. The course will also discuss Sponsor/CRO/investigator relationship issues from these three site audits.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $299


How to Write Technical Papers

webinar-speaker   Gholamreza Zahedi

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706335

This webinar will cover how to write a paper. Guidelines on framing a paper, journal selection and tips for publishable paper will be provided.

Recording Available


Statistical Elements of Real-Time qPCR

webinar-speaker   Elaine Eisenbeisz

webinar-time   120 Min

Product Id: 706274

Join Elaine Eisenbeisz as she shows you how to use data to estimate a standard curve, how to perform computations for absolute and relative quantification. She will also present a few decision-making criteria and statistical tests that can be used with qPCR data.

Recording Available


Medical Device Single Audit Program [MDSAP] Implementation & Participating Country Regulatory Processes: U.S., Canada, Brazil, Australia and Japan

webinar-speaker   Robert J Russell

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 705370

This webinar will focus on the key regulatory requirements for medical devices for the participating MDSAP countries of U.S., Canada, Brazil, Australia and Japan. It will address key topics such as device classification, licensing pathways, medical device GMP, inspections, device labeling, license holder responsibilities and more.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $299


Medical Foods: Clinical Research and Product Development Opportunities

webinar-speaker   Alan S Ryan

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706279

The emerging medical foods market in the United States is $1.3 billion annually with strong growth potential. As a distinct, FDA-regulated category, medical foods are gaining more widespread acceptance. However, they remain poorly understood by patients, pharmacists and physicians. This webinar will describe the regulatory pathway for approval, the definition of a medical food, examples of medical foods, and product development opportunities.

Recording Available












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