Quality and Safety Regulatory Compliance Training - Live Webinars, Recordings & CDs

Stability Program for Pharmaceuticals and Biologics

webinar-speaker   Nanda Subbarao


Product Id: 705455

This webinar will provide an overview of the stability studies required for pharmaceuticals and biologics. It will also provide a summary of recent developments in the industry and regulatory requirements in this field.

Recording Available


Managing your GMP Quality Control (QC) Labs in Compliance with FDA Regulations

webinar-speaker   Kim Huynh-Ba


Product Id: 705081

This webinar will discuss the common deficiencies in relation to compliance and validation issues that typically found with pharmaceutical Quality Control labs.

Recording Available


Design Validation Protocol and Acceptance Criteria for Chromatographic Methods to Meet ICH Requirements

webinar-speaker   Kim Huynh-Ba


Product Id: 701594

This webinar will discuss how to write validation protocol and determine acceptance criteria. It will also explain the systematic approach to validate analytical procedures.

Recording Available


The New Part 11 Inspections: Requirements for Validation and SaaS/Cloud Applications

webinar-speaker   David Nettleton


Product Id: 704734

This training program will identify data and systems subject to Part 11 and Annex 11. It will also decode what the regulations mean and illustrate the current computer system industry standards for security, data transfer, and audit trails.

Recording Available


Studies to Support Temperature Excursions and Shipping of Pharmaceutical Products

webinar-speaker   Kim Huynh-Ba


Product Id: 704770

Upon completion of this training program, attendees will learn key factors that would affect the shipping and distribution of drug products. One must understand the product stability profile, typical environmental conditions for storage and anticipating environmental extremes for distribution. These data will be necessary to design shipping conditions in order to maintain quality of the drug product through expiry.

Recording Available


Establish an Effective Change Management Process for Stability Studies

webinar-speaker   Kim Huynh-Ba


Product Id: 704085

Upon completion of this training program, attendees will learn key elements of a change management process, identify key indicators of change and learn the regulatory requirements for change control. This session will also discuss different observations due to the lack of effective change control program.

Recording Available


Japanese PAL – JPAL Technical, cultural and language challenges when dealing with MAH, PMDA, Distributors and Customers

webinar-speaker   Phil Smart


Product Id: 701292

This (JPAL) Japanese Pharmaceutical Affairs Law training will go into the unique challenges facing the Foreign Manufacturer when working with the Japanese.

Recording Available


21 CFR Part 11 and Annex 11 Compliance - Specifics Needed to Eliminate 483s

webinar-speaker   David Nettleton


Product Id: 704533

This 21 CFR Part 11 compliance training will guide you through the requirements of Part 11 and will also explain its 3 primary areas: SOPs, product features and validation (10 step risk based approach).

Recording Available


Current Regulatory Requirements for Aseptically Produced Products

webinar-speaker   Kenneth Christie


Product Id: 704791

The manufacture of sterile products and the risk they represent to the public is always on the fore front of inspectors during regulatory audits. As a result, the manufacture of sterile products require a high degree of control of incoming materials, the manufacturing process and the control of personnel to name a few. A weakness in any of these items can jeopardize the sterility assurance of the final product. This training program will highlight and summarize the following main components relating to current validation requirements for sterile products and include the following; review of the current regulations and guidance documents, the typical expectations when aseptic processing is involved, the expectations for protocols used to document the qualification of associated equipment, utilities and processes, and recently cited regulatory deficiencies.

Recording Available


Establish Change Control for Pharmaceutical Stability Program

webinar-speaker   Kim Huynh-Ba


Product Id: 702968

This webinar on pharmaceutical stability program will discuss the types of CMC changes in the life cycle of a pharmaceutical product and how it affects the stability program.

Recording Available


Stability Program to Support Shipping and Distribution of Drug Products

webinar-speaker   Kim Huynh-Ba


Product Id: 701678

This training on pharmaceutical stability studies will highlight the key factors that would affect the shipping and distribution of drug products. It will explain the stability studies that need to be done to support shipping and distribution of drugs.

Recording Available













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