GXP Medical Devices Training

Learn the best practices through expert training programs to streamline the compliance processes and meet the GXP Medical Devices demands. This section constitutes of GXP Medical Devices training, standards, best practices, online store and news related to Medical Devices regulated industries

Understanding ISO 13485 and its Relation to FDA's Quality Systems Regulation

webinar-speaker   Jessica Czamanski

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 703630

This webinar will highlight the distinctions between ISO 13485 and FDA’s QSR. It will further introduce attendees to key clauses and requirements pertaining to the two regulations and also detail internal audit requirements.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229


Maintaining a Validated State – PV, PM and Statistics Associated with Current Regulation

webinar-speaker   Jerry Dalfors

webinar-time   80 Min

Product Id: 703637

This course will instruct attendees on establishing an approach to process control within each unit of operation to generate overall process control needed for validation. The webinar instructor, an FDA expert, will enumerate the importance of variation in enhancing a validated means of operation and the parameters that can cause variability. The Randomized Block statistical model will also be analyzed for effective validation.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229


Integrating Risk Management into the CAPA System

webinar-speaker   Edwin L Bills

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 700525

This webinar will explain what FDA expects in incorporating risk in the CAPA process, what strategies can be used to assign resources to CAPA activities, and how to manage multi-level CAPA processes so that they will not run afoul of the FDA during inspections

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229


Overview of the Medical Device Risk Management Standard-ISO 14971

webinar-speaker   Edwin L Bills

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 700524

This medical device risk management webinar will provide attendees an overview of ISO 14971requirements and practical tips for implementing an effective system for managing risk. It will also discuss differences between the world-wide international standard ISO 14971:2007 and the Europe-only version risk management standard EN ISO 14971:2012.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229


Transferring Medical Device Production to a Contract Manufacturer - Decision Making Process and Procedures

webinar-speaker   Rob Braido

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 702719

This webinar on outsourcing medical device manufacturing will discuss practical decision making steps you can follow to analyze whether to transfer or invest in keeping production in-house. If you decide to transfer production, then this training will detail the options and next steps to transferring it to the right facility or contract manufacturer.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229


Process Validation for Medical Devices - The Regulatory Approach

webinar-speaker   Dan OLeary

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 702673

This medical device process validation training will use recent warning letters to explain the regulatory requirements for process validation and what FDA Investigators look for. It will cover process validation components (IQ, OQ, and PQ), and the content of protocols and reports.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229


Product Complaint Investigations - The application of Lean Six Sigma methodology for U.S. FDA-Regulated Industries

webinar-speaker   Shahbaz Shahbazi,Ray Bandziulis

webinar-time   75 Min

Product Id: 702614

This webinar will discuss the use of Lean Six Sigma methodology for product complaint investigations and offer a standardized approach for FDA regulated life science companies to follow whenever product complaint investigations are needed.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229


The GCPs: How to Implement for Compliant Clinical Trials

webinar-speaker   John E Lincoln

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706935

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an international ethical and scientific quality standard for designing, conducting, recording, and reporting trials that involve human subjects. Compliance with GCP assures that the rights, safety, and well-being of trial subjects are protected and that the clinical trial data are credible.

Recording Available


GAMP®5, Second Edition and Alignment with FDA’s Draft Guidance for Computer Software Assurance (CSA)

webinar-speaker   Carolyn Troiano

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706932

Advancements in technology have forced organizations to rethink business models. Once controlled and orderly, these organizations are now more chaotic and complex, serving patients and customers that are better informed and with higher expectations than ever before. Work practices and tools must change to meet these challenges.

Recording Available


Technical Writing - Medical Devices - Writing Effective 510K, PMA, and De Novo Submissions

webinar-speaker   Charles H Paul

webinar-time   180 Min

Product Id: 706931

In a rapidly evolving medical landscape, the significance of meticulous and effective technical writing cannot be overstated. Join us for a enlightening 3-hour webinar, "Technical Writing for Medical Devices: Writing Effective 510(k), PMA, and De Novo Submissions," where we will delve into the intricacies of crafting comprehensive and persuasive regulatory submissions. From the foundational understanding of regulatory pathways to the fine art of presenting clinical data, this webinar will equip you with the tools and knowledge necessary to excel in this critical aspect of the medical device industry.

Recording Available


US FDA Requirements for Medical Products Labeling / UDI

webinar-speaker   John E Lincoln

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706969

The U.S. FDA has several requirement for the labeling of medical products. The key requirements are in 21 CFR 801.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $249


Integrating Production Equipment, Processes, Systems and Procedures

webinar-speaker   John E Lincoln

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706956

Both the U.S. FDA and EU's MDR expect documented risk-based equipment, process,systems and procedures development, integration and maintenance.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $249


FDA Regulation of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

webinar-speaker   Jose Mora

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706954

AI/ ML will revolutionize medicine by making diagnosis and treatment more accessible and more effective. FDA has regulated medical software by means of regulation and guidance for years, however, AI/ML programs fall outside the scope of these regulations and guidance. This happens because the FDA approves the final, validated version of the software. The point of AI/ML is to learn and update the following deployment to improve performance. Thus, the field version of the software is no longer the validated approved version.

Recording Available


Lean Manufacturing For U.S. FDA-Regulated Industries

webinar-speaker   John E Lincoln

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706960

New and Realistic Lean Manufacturing can be a key to company success, by incorporating basic lean principles, while addressing FDA / CGMP requirements.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $249


Best Practices for Auditing a Vendor of Computer Systems Regulated by FDA

webinar-speaker   Carolyn Troiano

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706930

We will discuss the importance of complying with FDA requirements for validation of systems using technologies that have been emerging for the past couple of decades. While FDA is planning to overhaul their own infrastructure to gain efficiencies, they are also encouraging industry to take advantage of newer technology and systems. These include cloud-based systems, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), artificial intelligence, and others.

We’ll talk about taking a risk-based approach to validation, and how to implement newer capabilities such as electronic records and electronic signatures. We’ll also cover the importance of meeting data integrity compliance.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $249


How to Establish and Maintain Device Design and Development (Design Control)

webinar-speaker   John E Lincoln

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706940

This webinar will provide valuable guidance to regulated companies in development and implementation of Design Control Planning and Techniques for new or heavily changed product development under 21 CFR 820.30, "Design Control", and ISO 13485 7.3. Also regulatory compliance proof of "progress against plan", and other activities requiring a planned documented rationale. It should be an important part of a company's IP (Intellectual Property).

Recording Available


Clinical Trial Systems: The Trial Master File (TMF) and Electronic Trial Master File (eTMF)

webinar-speaker   Carolyn Troiano

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706938

Companies engaged in the conduct of human clinical trials must adhere to specific government regulatory requirements. Certain documents, content and images related to a clinical trial must be stored and maintained, and depending on the regulatory jurisdiction, this body of information may be stored in a trial master file (TMF). All of the data and documents supporting the planning, conduct and evaluation of a clinical trial must be of the highest integrity, which must be maintained through their entire life cycle. Computer System Validation will be discussed as a key methodology for meeting all of these requirements and assuring data/document integrity.

Recording Available


A Beginners Guide to Importing Medical Devices

webinar-speaker   Jennifer Diaz

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 700701

This seminar is intended to assist with a basic overview of what medical devices are... Seminar is to inform the international trade and transportation community regarding the FDA policies and procedures related to medical devices.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $149


Overall Residual Risk and Risk Acceptability for Medical Devices

webinar-speaker   Edwin L Bills

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 700622

This Residual Risk and Risk Acceptability webinar/training in medical devices will discuss how to meet this requirement and also how to determine what disclosures of risk need to be made in the instructions for use of the medical device and Proper evaluation of overall residual risk and the acceptability of this risk.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $299


Risk Management Activities during Design Input

webinar-speaker   Edwin L Bills

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 700526

Learn how to use tools such as Preliminary Hazard Analysis to eliminate expensive design changes that occur when problems are discovered during Design Verification and Design Validation. Risk Management Activities can lead to reduced cost and reduced time to market when conducted during the Design Input phase of product development. Learn how to use tools such as Preliminary Hazard Analysis to eliminate expensive design changes that occur when problems are discovered during Design Verification and Design Validation.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $149












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