Hospital and Healthcare Regulatory Compliance Training - Live Webinars, Recordings & CDs

Writing Effective Appeals for Orthopedic Denials

webinar-speaker   Lynn M Anderanin

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 702969

This healthcare training will discuss specific issues related to orthopedic claims, writing effective appeal letters, issues related to modifiers and the follow-up process on appeals. You will learn about common errors in claims processing and how to avoid them.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $299


Medical Device Reporting for Manufacturers, Importers and Medical Device User Facilities

webinar-speaker   Kosta Makrodimitris

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 702958

This webinar on Medical Device Reporting (MDR) will cover FDA requirements for importers, manufacturers and hospitals to report medical device adverse events. It will discuss current policies and guidances for Medical Device Reporting and provide update on upcoming regulations.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $149


The Sunshine Act Final Rule

webinar-speaker   Mark Gardner

webinar-time   120 Min

Product Id: 702825

This session will discuss in detail the Final Rule for the Physician Payment Sunshine Act, its impact and how to prepare for it. You will learn about reporting, certification and registration deadlines and what specifically needs to be reported or provided to CMS.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $249


Telehealth/Telemedicine Regulations and Services in the USA

webinar-speaker   Kosta Makrodimitris

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 702861

This healthcare compliance training will explain the current landscape of telehealth or telemedicine regulations in the US, reporting and documentation requirements, and the different telemedicine services and technologies.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229


Information Security and Cybercrime Prevention Essentials

webinar-speaker   Peter Goldmann

webinar-time   75 Min

Product Id: 702839

This IT security training will summarize current and emerging cyber-threats and provide latest insights and advice from experts on how to protect the organization.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $149


Current Trends in Reporting Surgical Assistants

webinar-speaker   Lynn M Anderanin

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 702824

This session on reporting surgical assistants will review the means of determining when a surgical assistant is appropriate based on the guidelines published by CMS, and the affects or reimbursement for non physician providers.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229


Preparing for a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Audit: What Not To Do

webinar-speaker   Mark Sexton

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 702811

This CMS audit training will address the types of information CMS is seeking, the documentation that you need to have to demonstrate not only compliance, but good faith as well.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229


Information Security Awareness Training - Why It is Important?

webinar-speaker   Thomas DeLaine

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 702819

This training will teach you how to develop, support and deliver an effective information security awareness program in your organization. You will learn how to establish and provide information security awareness training within your respective organizations.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $149


Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentives for Eligible Professionals & Hospitals

webinar-speaker   Kosta Makrodimitris

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 702818

This training will help you understand the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Records (EHR) Incentive Programs that are offered to eligible professionals and hospitals from the federal government across the states.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229


HIPAA Risk Analysis: The HIPAA Standard, HIPAA Security rule

webinar-speaker   Coy Murchison

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 702605

This HIPAA risk analysis webinar will help you to understand the components needed to conduct a comprehensive security, risk analysis for your organization, in order to comply with the HIPAA standards and the far reaching affects of the HITECH Act. You will learn how to identify sources of PHI and ePHI in your organization, external sources and the threats to information system that contain PHI and ePHI.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $149


3-hr Virtual Seminar - The Interface Between Medicare and Medicaid, Anti-kickback Statute (AKS), Stark II and the Federal Civil False Claims Act (FCA): Is your Organization at Risk?

webinar-speaker   William Mack Copeland

webinar-time   3 hrs

Product Id: 702787

This healthcare compliance training will explain how the FCA, the AKS and the Federal Physician Self Referral Law (Stark II) work, the prohibitions, exceptions and safe harbors. It will review recent examples to show how they interface and can potentially impact you/ your organization.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $399


Podiatry Coding and Billing

webinar-speaker   Lynn M Anderanin

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 702773

This webinar on podiatry coding and billing will cover insurance and medicare guidelines and policies specific to podiatric services. You will learn what can be billed and what cannot, the CPT codes for services and procedures and a review of these codes for clean claims submission and quicker adjudication of claims.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229


Social Media Compliance for Healthcare Organizations

webinar-speaker   Srini Kolathur

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 702765

This healthcare social media compliance training will educate particpants on HIPAA compliant usage of social media in healthcare settings. It will explain how to avoid HIPPA violations that arise from improper usage of social media and the resulting penalties and lawsuits.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229


How to Survive an Incident Involving Protected Health Information (PHI)

webinar-speaker   De Anna Greene

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 702751

This PHI breach management webinar will assist your business in developing and implementing processes to investigate and mitigate an incident or breach of protected health information.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $199


HIPAA Security Rule Compliance - Risk Analysis and Documentation are Keys to Compliance

webinar-speaker   Jim Sheldon-Dean

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 702192

This HIPAA risk analysis webinar will discuss how to do HIPAA security risk analysis, the various security policy consideration for laptops and portable devices, and their security. How to use risk analysis tools and techniques to create, document and manage policies. HIPAA Audit Protocol will be presented, and its use as a compliance tool will be explained.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229


HIPAA Privacy In 2013 and Beyond: An Outlook On Data Encryption, Securing Patient Information and the Health Information Network

webinar-speaker   Coy Murchison

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 702612

This HIPAA HITECH webinar will help you understand the requirements of HIPAA internet technology security (specifically to the electronic storage, transfer and use of patient information) and discuss the preparation for the Health Information Exchange (HIE) Network. Instruction as to best practices procedurally and electronically, to maintain a secure environment.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229


Taking the Risk and Complexity out of Business Continuity (for Healthcare Organizations)

webinar-speaker   Ross A Leo

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 702757

This webinar on business continuity planning for healthcare organizations will discuss the major drawbacks to business continuity planning projects as they are currently done, and describe a simpler, more efficient approach to getting them done and implemented.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229


New Finalized HITECH Amendments to HIPAA - How Policies and Practices Must Be Changed

webinar-speaker   Jim Sheldon-Dean

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 702457

This 90-minute webinar will help you review your HIPAA compliance policies, and procedures to see if you are prepared to meet the changes in the HIPAA privacy and security regulations that were finalized by the end of Summer, 2012 and went into effect just 60 days later.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $50


Third Party Information Security Assessment

webinar-speaker   Alexandro Fernandez

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 702674

This webinar on information security assessment will highlight the principal steps/ methodology for performing a third party information security assessment.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $149


Make your Electronic Health Records HIPAA Compliant

webinar-speaker   Paul R Hales

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 702603

This training will cover HIPAA compliance requirements for Electronic Health Records (EHR) including Stage 1 and Stage 2 Meaningful Use Attestation.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229












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