Case Management Outcomes: How to Create your Own Case Management Report Card
Toni Cesta
60 Min
Product Id: 706503
Managing case management outcomes and the creation of tool with which to study those outcomes is an important component of the work that case management professionals must engage in. This data helps us to better understand where we are doing well and where we might need to improve. Case management report cards are also a useful tool for reporting data to the Utilization Committee, a requirement under the CMS Conditions of Participation for Utilization Review.
Prevention of Infection in Healthcare Workers
David Woodard
60 Min
Product Id: 703636
For healthcare facilities and long-term care facilities looking to promote employee safety in the workplace, this webinar will provide essential information on structuring your employee health program as per Center of Disease Control (CDC), Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommendations.
WHO Guidance: COVID-19 Testing
Mark Powell
60 Min
Product Id: 706480
This webinar presents the current WHO guidance on laboratory testing of patients meeting the suspect case definition for COVID-19. The guidance covers both nucleic acid amplification tests, serological surveys and viral sequencing.
Covid-19 and Telehealth: Clarification of OCR Expectations of HIPAA Regulations
Coy Murchison
60 Min
Product Id: 706492
The OCR announced it would lift penalties around telehealth use during the COVID-19 pandemic, its officials released clarifications around HIPAA compliance. The OCR notification of enforcement discretion applies to all HIPAA-covered healthcare providers that use telehealth services during this emergency. However, the notice explained that a health insurance company that pays for telehealth services is not covered by the enforcement discretion. Thus, payors may restrict certain platforms used for telehealth communication.
The Business of Hospital Case Management
Bev Cunningham
60 Min
Product Id: 706508
Case management leaders must now understand the business of their departments, understand what to collect, where to find the data and the report their outcomes. RN case managers and social work case managers must understand their department outcome results and how they can impact improvement in those outcomes. This webinar provides the understanding.
IV Sterile Compounding Risks and Safety
Scarlett Eckert
90 Min
Product Id: 706464
This webinar will discuss the risks in IV sterile compounding and how to mitigate those risks. We will review the safety requirements in USP <797> and USP <800>, to ensure the safe compounding of CSPs and protection of the patient and compounding staff.
Small Business Paycheck Protection Program
William Mack Copeland
Product Id: 706485
The program will take the PPP and show step by step who is eligible, how to apply, the information required to apply, how much to apply for, what is included in payroll costs and the loan forgiveness features of the program. We will also discuss Emergency Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EEIDL).
Insult to Injury During A Crisis: SIM Swap and Other COVD-19 Scams Affecting Patients and Providers
Coy Murchison
60 Min
Product Id: 706491
The challenge for HIPAA privacy and security, cyber security and information security professionals is not alleviated with the OCR’s relaxed standards, during COVID-19. Hackers are using the COVID-19 crisis to steal information, at an alarming rate. Providers are now serving their patients at home, which have weakened security measures in place. Patients and providers information is now at risk as hackers target through telehealth portals.
Acute Care Case Management: Returning Your Department to "the New Normal" after COVID-19
Bev Cunningham
60 Min
Product Id: 706484
COVID-19 has been a fast-growing, communicable and deadly disease that became a world-wide pandemic. With this disease attacking the US population it changed our lives, and even more specifically, hospital operations. As hospital operations changed, our hospital case management roles and processes changed, as well. As this deadly virus seems to be leveling off, there will be a time that we return to normal. However, our "old" normal will probably not be our "new" normal.
Handling Hazardous Consumables and Products - Non-Sterile and Sterile
Scarlett Eckert
90 Min
Product Id: 706458
This webinar will discuss how to properly handle NIOSH listed drugs as per USP <800> requirements from receiving to disposal, including storage, dispensing, manipulation and compounding. Including the proper PPE, deactivation/decontamination required for each handling process.
Care of the LGBT Patient and Their Families: Policies, Procedures & Practices to Ensure Quality Care and Reduce Liability
Dr. Susan Strauss
75 Min
Product Id: 704699
This training program will list and enumerate relevant laws, regulations and standards required for health equity and patient-centered care of LGBT patients. It will discuss opportunities to collect LGBT–relevant data and information during the healthcare encounter and help chart strategic community outreach efforts to the LGBT population.
Healthcare Systems Engineering to Solve Tough Patient Care Solutions
Dev Raheja
60 Min
Product Id: 706273
This webinar will cover the new paradigms for designing safe patient care in hospitals using healthcare systems engineering methodology such as the one used at Mayo Clinic. It will discuss how to predict harm to patients proactively and how to plan for Zero Harm at little or no cost resulting in high return on investment. It will cover real healthcare examples from the instructor’s experience based on his book Safer Hospital Care.
Healthcare Compliance Training Kit - Top 10 Programs Combo Pack (CDs/USB)
William Mack Copeland,Toni Cesta,Sue Dill Calloway,Bev Cunningham,Jim Sheldon-Dean
11 Hrs
Product Id: 706409
E/M Coding: Finalized Changes for 2020 and 2021
Michael Stearns
60 Min
Product Id: 706328
CMS has changes to evaluation management coding for 2020 and 2021. The 2020 changes are significant and include new services and expansion of existing services. The changes finalized for 2021 include major changes to the physician requirements for documentation related to evaluation management coding.
Hospital Case Management Rules and Regulations: Doing it Right
Bev Cunningham
60 Min
Product Id: 706136
This webinar will review the compliance issues that most greatly impact on your practice such as the 2-midnight rule, the NOTICE Act, HINNs, and many others. It will help you to identify where you may have compliance practice gaps as well as how to fix them.
Dealing with the Disruptive Practitioner in a Legally Compliant Manner
William Mack Copeland
75 Min
Product Id: 702868
This session will explain how a hospital medical staff should deal with the practitioner who is disruptive of hospital operations. It will discuss disruptive practitioner policies a hospital should have in place and practical tips to correct or terminate the disruptive activity.
MIPS Audit Vulnerabilities and Preparations
Michael Stearns
60 Min
Product Id: 706326
MIPS Data Validation Audits started in June of 2019. The MIPS has a number of vulnerabilities related to its reporting requirements and associated complexities. This presentation will address potential vulnerabilities and provide specific recommendations that will help protect your practice from a negative audit.
Improving Case Management Discharge Planning
Bev Cunningham
60 Min
Product Id: 706135
This webinar will discuss the foundation of best-practice discharge planning for the RN Case Manager and Social Work Case Manager in the hospital. Also, the proposed changes to the Conditions of Participation: Discharge Planning by CMS will be reviewed.
The Utilization Management Committee: Strategies for coordinating Medical Practice with Hospital Goals
Bernadette Benta
60 Min
Product Id: 706303
This webinar will provide a detailed overview of proven strategies that maybe employed to ensure that hospital goals are aligned with medical practice. This is key to delivering high-quality coordinated care to produce Quality Patient Outcomes and Cost-Effectiveness. There will be special focus on the Utilization Review Committee (URC) as a CoP.
Where FDA Is Heading in Regulating Laboratory-Developed Tests
Dennis Weissman
60 Min
Product Id: 705335
The webinar will cover the federal regulatory approach to regulating laboratory-developed tests including the role of CLIA, the rationale for and opposition to direct FDA oversight, the goal of possible federal legislation and the prospects for future action by the FDA and/or Congress.