Family Care and Medical Leave in California - Part I
Jacquiline M Wagner
90 Min
Product Id: 704507
The Family and Medical Leave Act (29 U.S.C. § 2601 et seq)- known as the “FMLA”- was signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1993 in response to a growing national concern about balancing work and family responsibilities.

Handling Sensitive Dress Code Issues without Getting Sued
Greg Chartier
90 Min
Product Id: 701702
Attend this Webinar to understand how to implement/change a dress code policy or how to make process so as to spend less time on dress-code-related problems.

Workplace Unconscious Bias: Minimizing the Impact on Discrimination, Hiring, Promotions, and Retention
Dr. Susan Strauss
60 Min
Product Id: 704876
Unconscious bias has been recognized as a form of discrimination and can therefore lead to lawsuits. This training program addresses the science of unconscious bias and lists the examples and types. The Instructor will discuss the implicit association test (IAT) and steps to minimize individual and organizational unconscious bias in hiring, promotions, and retention.

Tattoos, Sandals, Yarmulkes, Dress and Appearance: Increasing Legal Challenges for Employees and Employers
Dr. Susan Strauss
60 Min
Product Id: 704557
This webinar training will explain the role of HR professionals and managers in implementing discrimination-free dress code to ensure all job candidates and employees are treated fairly and equitably. Dress codes are receiving a fair amount of attention in the courts these days with number of precedent setting lawsuits dealing with dress codes’ requirements. The instructor will explain how your current dress code can discriminate against potential and current employees based on their gender, religion, and race, to name a few and lead to lawsuits.

Beyond Handbooks, Benefits, and Photo IDs: The Role of HR and Management in New Employee Onboarding
Dr. Susan Strauss
90 Min
Product Id: 704627
This training program will discuss a new employee’s role in his/her orientation and difference between orientation to the organization and orientation to the department. The program will also explain gap analysis, force field analysis, and SWOT analysis in assessing your organization’s onboarding requirements.

The Business Case for LGBT Inclusion in the Workplace: Navigating Policies, Procedures, Practices and Bathrooms
Dr. Susan Strauss
60 Min
Product Id: 704673
This training program will examine LGBT perceptions and stereotypes and help understand the business case for LGBT inclusion in the workforce. It will also establish gender transition guidelines and list organization best practices to minimize discrimination.

How to Conduct an Internal Harassment and Bullying Investigation to Determine Facts and Minimize Liability
Dr. Susan Strauss
120 Min
Product Id: 704415
This webinar undertakes to explain the process of internal harassment and bullying investigation. Participants will learn how to handle harassment complaints and conduct the investigation to determine facts and minimize liability by analysing evidences, drawing conclusions, writing the formal report outlining the investigation and taking corrective actions where necessary.

Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance for Supervisors and Managers: Creating and Preserving a Legal and Respectful Workplace
Ronald Adler
60 Min
Product Id: 702182
This Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) compliance training for managers and supervisors will cover key employment discriminations and regulations, You will also learn risks associated with discrimination, EEO related metrics and how you can protect your organization from significant liabilities by being in compliance with EEO laws.

Generational Divide: What's Behind Generational Differences in the Workplace?
Mary Gormandy White
60 Min
Product Id: 704362
In this training program, participants will learn how and why the generations differ in terms of how they approach work - focused on understanding the unique perspectives, contributions and value of each generation. Supervisors will also learn practical best practice tips and suggestions they can apply to effectively manage employees outside their own generation - both older and younger.

Essentials of OFCCP Compliance: Requirement, Enforcement and Fulfilment of Affirmative Action
Janette Levey Frisch
90 Min
Product Id: 705199
If you are a federal contractor, having a firm grasp on the essentials of affirmative action and OFCCP compliance is a must, whether you are new to the federal contracting world or a seasoned contractor. This webinar training program will offer attendees an understanding of affirmative action laws and regulations enforced by the OFCCP. It will also discuss Affirmative Action Plans for women and minorities, and for disabled and veteran workers.

Female to Female Hostility @Workplace: All you need to Know
Dr. Susan Strauss
60 Min
Product Id: 704544
This training program will discuss whether women are more hostile among each other in the workplace. It will discuss sexism and stereotypes in our perceptions of women and men’s bullying, the nexus of bullying and harassment, and the impact of bullying on witnesses.

Legal and Contractual Perspectives of Managing the Remote/Virtual Employee
Dr. Susan Strauss
90 Min
Product Id: 704413
This webinar training discusses the legal and contractual perspectives of managing the remote/virtual employee. It will highlight the opportunities and challenges that the virtual workplace offers. The current competitive business environment and the changing nature of work and the workforce requires effective leadership that spans the boundaries of time and space to help employees to work together – apart. Participants will understand the dynamic interaction between technological systems and human systems that the virtual leader has to address and how to implement prevention strategies to minimize liability by designing and developing virtual policies.

Overtime: California Style for 2019
Vicki M. Lambert
90 Min
Product Id: 704201
This training program will discuss the wage and hour requirements for calculating and paying overtime in the state of california. The course will elaborate the requirements for calculating overtime and double time in California to ensure compliance with the state’s wage and hour laws.

Employee Retention Toolkit : Set the Stage to meet Employee Expectation - Module 2
Wes Pruett
90 Min
Product Id: 704729
This training program in the three-part series will break down specific steps for conducting an effective retention interview. It will help organizations in employing a system for tracking retention in relation to risk of leaving and employee performance. It will also examine the link between employee satisfaction, motivation, and engagement and how it relates to stay interviews.

Transgender Employees in the Workplace
Kristin Robinson
60 Min
Product Id: 705465
Learn how best to manage workplace issues surrounding an employee's gender transition.

Disability Issues and Reasonable Accommodation Requests for California Employers
Jacquiline M Wagner
60 Min
Product Id: 704670
This training program will define disability and discuss the bundle of rights afforded to disabled employees. The webinar will also elaborate on reasonable accommodation, what "essential functions" of a job are, and how they impact the obligation to accommodate.

Classifying Workers: Independent Contractor or Employee? - Risks and Practical solutions
Deborah Wolfe
60 Min
Product Id: 704566
This training program will explore how to avoid the misclassification of workers which can have severe consequences for business owners. In this program, participants will understand classification of independent contractor, common law employee, statutory employee, and statutory nonemployee. How to Document Classification?, Associated Forms – SS-8, 1099, 940, 941

3-hr Virtual Seminar: Affirmative Action and the OFCCP - An In-depth Primer
Cathleen M. Hampton
3 hrs
Product Id: 702061
It’s time to get educated about the constantly evolving obligations of government contractors. This course will explore the history of affirmative action in detail. It will discuss the key principles considered when developing the legislation and regulations that provide its framework and help attendees analyze what affirmative action means for your organization today. During the session, the instructor will highlight many new obligations emerging from President Obama’s recent series of executive orders. He will also examine and explain the OFCCP’s (Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs’) latest enforcement trends, including the new Scheduling Letter.

Exempt v. Nonexempt: Ensuring Proper Classification of Employees for Compliance with Federal Overtime Laws
Allen Kato
90 Min
Product Id: 704242
This training program will highlight exempt versus nonexempt classification of employees for compliance with federal overtime laws. It will include best practices and practical steps to ensure lawful classifications.

The New EEO-1 Report: What Employers Need to Know
David G Gabor
90 Min
Product Id: 705511
In this interactive webinar you will learn about significant changes made by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to the EEO-1 survey and its impact on businesses. It is important for businesses to take steps now in order to prepare for the impact of these changes.