Laboratory Accreditation: Getting there is Just the Beginning
Michael Brodsky
60 Min
Product Id: 703285
This training on laboratory accreditation will focus on ISO/IEC 17025 requirements. Attendees will learn how to develop and maintain a quality management system to ensure compliance with the international laboratory accreditation standard.

Eliminate the Confusion - Analytical Method Qualification and Validation
Melissa Smith
60 Min
Product Id: 702314
This webinar will help you understand the significant differences between qualification and validation of an analytical method, the expectations and requirements of each, and their place in the analytical method lifecycle.

Best Practices in GLP Final Reporting and Study Closure
Anne E Maczulak
60 Min
Product Id: 701091
This GLP (Good Laboratory Practices) webinar reviews the process of closing a study by preparing a final report and managing all records and specimens in a proper manner. The GLP final study report represents the last chance for a study team to present their results in a clear and compelling manner. The report may also be a place where difficulties can be explained so that the study provides meaningful and trustworthy information. This webinar reviews the process of closing a study by preparing a final report and managing all records and specimens in a proper manner. It provides two areas of concentration: (1) the best practices in final report writing and (2) the step-by-step process of closing studies.