China Regulatory Compliance for Life Sciences
Robert J Russell
90 Min
Product Id: 702037
China’s Life Sciences Compliance webinar will discuss the regulatory structure and requirements for compliance against China’s NMPA regulations for Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Biologics and Combination Products.

Total Organic Carbon Analysis for Cleaning Validation in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Joy McElroy
90 mins
Product Id: 705929
In this cleaning validation webinar attendees will learn the Total Organic Carbon (TOC) feasibility, method validation and transfer from the laboratory to the manufacturing floor, as well as reviewing a feasibility study of multiple, difficult to oxidise or low solubility organic compounds.

Trial Master File and Clinical Data Management Regulated by FDA
Carolyn Troiano
60 Min
Product Id: 705360
This FDA compliance training will cover in detail the new requirements for trial master files including documents related to clinical trials that are required to be prepared, collected and maintained as part of the TMF.

Computer System Validation and Part 11 Compliance
Joy McElroy
60 Min
Product Id: 705427
This webinar will discuss in detail the requirements of 21 CFR part 11 and updated European Annex 11 regulation including requirements for local, SaaS, and cloud hosting. It will also offer techniques to implement a computer system using risk-based validation to gain maximum productivity and reduce cost by as much as two thirds.

FDA Ambitious Regulation of Social Media and Corporate Responsibility
Casper Uldriks
60 Min
Product Id: 703853
FDA regulates advertising and promotion material as labeling. The legal definition of labeling covers just about anything that explicitly or implicitly conveys a message intended to affect a person’s behavior and decision outcomes. How FDA applies its legal tenants of false and misleading information or variations on that theme requires continual updating by FDA and constant re-evaluation by industry. Now the regulatory landscape involves other federal agencies and academic principles in psychology. It has become very complicated and will prove very costly if you knowingly or unknowing walk into one of FDA’s legal snares. This webinar will bring attendees up to speed so you are clearer about what is a problem, what is not a problem and what becomes a risk laden judgment call.

Hypothesis Testing, P-values and Inference: When Thinking like a Statistician Makes Sense
Elaine Eisenbeisz
90 Min
Product Id: 703552
This clinical research webinar will explore the reasoning that formulates null hypotheses and turns researchers’ hair gray. Attendees will learn the why and how of the scientific method and how to view the world with a statistician’s eyes. Also attendees will learn the possibilities and limitations of research questions and hypothesis development, how to interpret statistical findings with p-values, effect sizes, and confidence intervals.

How to Prepare a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)?
Dr. Afsaneh Motamed Khorasani
60 Min
Product Id: 705131
This webinar will detail a step-by-step procedure on how to write a practical, effective and compliant Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), review and revise SOPs and maintain compliance over the course of the SOP life-time.

Root Cause Analysis - The Heart of Corrective Action
Betty Lane
75 Min
Product Id: 703391
This webinar will discuss how root cause is an essential part of a corrective action system and will provide some examples of how to perform root cause analysis.

Requirements for Running Clinical Trials in Pediatrics for the EU
Laura Brown
60 Min
Product Id: 701983
This training will cover compliance requirements for running clinical trials in pediatrics, particularly in the EU to comply with the EU ethical considerations guidance for running clinical trials in pediatrics.

Eliminate the Confusion - New Requirements for Clinical Laboratories to Meet GCP
Laura Brown
60 Min
Product Id: 701947
This webinar will help clinical laboratories, analyzing samples from clinical trials, understand the compliance requirements concerning ICH GCP for FDA and EMA compliance.

Good Documentation Guideline (Chapter <1029> USP)
Dr. Afsaneh Motamed Khorasani
60 Min
Product Id: 705130
This webinar will familiarize participants with USP Chapter <1029> on good documentation guidelines. This session will wrap up the general concept and will provide information as to what needs to be documented in certain records.

Implementation and Management of GMP Data Integrity
Danielle DeLucy
90 Min
Product Id: 705029
Attend this webinar to learn the regulatory expectations for data integrity during CGMP inspections. The course will review examples of data integrity pitfalls, part 11 compliance data integrity issues, FDA citations related to data integrity. It will teach you how to improve data integrity in a laboratory environment.

Japan: Regulatory Compliance Requirements for Life Science Products
Robert J Russell
90 Min
Product Id: 702979
This training on Japanese regulatory compliance requirements will explain the country's regulations and processes (including clinical trials, filings, etc.) and use real world experiences to show how compliance issues are culturally handled for life science products in Japan.

Understanding FDA Import Alerts: What Are They and Recommendations For Removing Your Company And Products From An Alert
Karl M. Nobert
90 Min
Product Id: 703313
This webinar provides attendees with an introduction to FDA Import Alerts and what they are, examine why they are issued, show you where to locate them and how to determine whether a company or product is on one, and finally, provide strategic recommendations for removal from an alert.
Surviving an FDA Sponsor Inspection - Training for Success
Stephen Schwartz
105 Min
Product Id: 704516
This training program will review a case study derived from actual inspections wherein FDA performed a sponsor site inspection having already audited three of the investigator sites. FDA was aware from these site audits of potential serious noncompliance issues. The course will also discuss Sponsor/CRO/investigator relationship issues from these three site audits.

Medical Device Single Audit Program [MDSAP] Implementation & Participating Country Regulatory Processes: U.S., Canada, Brazil, Australia and Japan
Robert J Russell
90 Min
Product Id: 705370
This webinar will focus on the key regulatory requirements for medical devices for the participating MDSAP countries of U.S., Canada, Brazil, Australia and Japan. It will address key topics such as device classification, licensing pathways, medical device GMP, inspections, device labeling, license holder responsibilities and more.

CDISC Mapping 5: ADAM Models - ADSL, BDS and ADAE
Sunil Gupta
90 Min
Product Id: 704316
This training session is intended for anyone directly or indirectly responsible for the creation, content or validation of CDISC data sets, tables, and data lists used to support research, drug or medical device efficacy and safety in a regulatory submission. The program will provide effective and practical solutions to address real-world issues.

CDISC Mapping 4: SDTMs and ADAMs Examples (80%/20% Mapping Rule)
Sunil Gupta
90 Min
Product Id: 704313
This training program is intended for anyone directly or indirectly responsible for the creation, content or validation of CDISC data sets, tables, and data lists used to support research, drug or medical device efficacy and safety in a regulatory submission. Through case study analysis, the course will examine best practices to provide thoughts and ideas to develop or improve the CDISC mapping system.

Combination Drug/Device Products CGMPs - Final Rule
John E Lincoln
90 Min
Product Id: 702810
This training on combination product regulations will evaluate the chief areas of concern or change in the new CGMP requirements for combination products, 21 CFR Part 4, and clarify many of the issues and questions that arise involving combination products.

CDISC Mapping 3: Compare and Contrast SDTM and ADaM Steps
Sunil Gupta
90 Min
Product Id: 704302
This training program will assist anyone directly or indirectly responsible for the creation, content or validation of CDISC data sets, tables, and data lists used to support research, drug or medical device efficacy and safety in a regulatory submission. Professionals in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries who want to be Good Clinical Practices (GCP) compliant in relation to regulatory submission environment will benefit from this training. Effective and practical solutions to address real-world issues will be detailed.