Gaining and Re-establishing Control of Your Cleanroom
Joy McElroy
60 Min
Product Id: 705317
This webinar will focus on the critical steps in starting up a new cleanroom operation and releasing it for manufacturing. It includes a case study-based approach to dealing with excursion events and establishing control of the cleanroom after a worst case event.

FDA Ambitious Regulation of Social Media and Corporate Responsibility
Casper Uldriks
60 Min
Product Id: 703853
FDA regulates advertising and promotion material as labeling. The legal definition of labeling covers just about anything that explicitly or implicitly conveys a message intended to affect a person’s behavior and decision outcomes. How FDA applies its legal tenants of false and misleading information or variations on that theme requires continual updating by FDA and constant re-evaluation by industry. Now the regulatory landscape involves other federal agencies and academic principles in psychology. It has become very complicated and will prove very costly if you knowingly or unknowing walk into one of FDA’s legal snares. This webinar will bring attendees up to speed so you are clearer about what is a problem, what is not a problem and what becomes a risk laden judgment call.

Bacterial Endotoxin Test to Include the Latest on Low Endotoxin Recovery (LER)
Barry A Friedman
90 Min
Product Id: 705433
The webinar will review the current testing requirements as defined in the new, revised FDA guidance on Endotoxin and Pyrogen testing. It will further help attendees understand the issues surrounding the Low Endotoxin Recovery (LER) and its regulatory outcome.

Performing Effective Management Review of the Quality System
David L Chesney
90 Min
Product Id: 704933
This webinar will teach you how to conduct an effective management review of the quality system which helps you understand how to plan and focus on right metrics and governed by an efficient process. Participants will also understand FDA policy regarding disclosure of management review information during inspections.

How to Prepare a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)?
Dr. Afsaneh Motamed Khorasani
60 Min
Product Id: 705131
This webinar will detail a step-by-step procedure on how to write a practical, effective and compliant Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), review and revise SOPs and maintain compliance over the course of the SOP life-time.

Addressing Non-Conformances using Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
Michael Brodsky
60 Min
Product Id: 704861
In this webinar you will learn how to determine the Root Cause origin of a problem. You will learn a specific set of steps, with associated tools, to find the primary cause of the problem, so that you can prevent occurrences.

Human Error and Cognitive Load: How to Reduce Memory and Attention Failures
Ginette M Collazo
60 Min
Product Id: 704210
This training program will discuss the types of human error, the taxonomy of human error, human error reduction initiatives, individual performance, cognitive load and human error, cognitive load categories, and more.

How to Achieve a Compliant and Effective Cleanroom Design and Facility Validation
Charity Ogunsanya
90 Min
Product Id: 703875
This training program will discuss designing an effective cleanroom facility validation protocol and report, when and how to transition into the routine environmental monitoring processes, how to maintain a state of control within the cleanroom, and the routine environmental monitoring and excursion investigation processes.

How to Survive a DEA Inspection Series: For DEA Registered Analytical Labs and Research Facilities
Carlos M Aquino
90 Min
Product Id: 704617
The training program will cover DEA record-keeping requirements and effective security that a DEA registrant must comply with when handling controlled substances. It covers elements of what occurs during an unannounced inspection and the auditing methods.

Root Cause Analysis - The Heart of Corrective Action
Betty Lane
75 Min
Product Id: 703391
This webinar will discuss how root cause is an essential part of a corrective action system and will provide some examples of how to perform root cause analysis.

Measurement Uncertainty in Microbiology
Michael Brodsky
60 Min
Product Id: 703902
This training program will discuss the concept and application of uncertainty of measurement (MU) as required by ISO/IEC Standard 17025:2005 for laboratory accreditation, from a practical microbiological perspective, using unambiguous language and useful examples.

Human Error Investigations, Root Cause Determination and CAPA Effectiveness
Ginette M Collazo
90 Min
Product Id: 704314
This training program will offer attendees an understanding of human error, its factors and causes. The program will also identify the regulatory and business importance of human error prevention and define the process to manage human error deviations.

Handling OOS Test Results and Completing Robust Investigations
Danielle DeLucy
90 Min
Product Id: 704351
This webinar will review the regulatory requirements for investigating an OOS Investigation. The responsibilities of the analyst, the supervisor and QA will be discussed. A detailed flow chart will be used to help the attendees clearly understand the steps and the order in which they are to be performed. The structure of an Investigation report which properly documents the investigation will be discussed.

Best Practices for an Effective Cleaning Validation Program
Joy McElroy
60 Min
Product Id: 704329
This training program will be beneficial to personnel directly involved in the development of cleaning procedures, cleaning validation programs and plans. Additionally, those responsible for cleaning validation protocols and execution activities, including validation and laboratory personnel, as well as, beginning or seasoned operational personnel who will eventually participate in such efforts, will find this course particularly useful.

Good Laboratory Practices (GLPs) - Comparing and Contrasting with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs)
Joy McElroy
120 Min
Product Id: 704086
The objective of this webinar is to compare and contrast between Good Laboratory Practices and Good Manufacturing practices.

Good Documentation Guideline (Chapter <1029> USP)
Dr. Afsaneh Motamed Khorasani
60 Min
Product Id: 705130
This webinar will familiarize participants with USP Chapter <1029> on good documentation guidelines. This session will wrap up the general concept and will provide information as to what needs to be documented in certain records.

Best Practices for Equipment Validation, Tracking, Calibration, and Preventive Maintenance
Jeff Kasoff
60 Min
Product Id: 701142
This Quality management training will provide valuable assistance in process development include in Equipment Validation, Tracking, Calibration, and Preventive Maintenance.

Quality Control of Microbiological Media, Reagents and Test Kits
Michael Brodsky
60 Min
Product Id: 703599
The webinar will discuss QC best practices and procedures for verifying the suitability and performance characteristics of microbiological media and reagents.

Product Stability Testing Program - Designing and Sustaining New and Existing Programs
Charity Ogunsanya
90 Min
Product Id: 703000
This life science product stability testing webinar will explain, in detail, the requirements of the FDA’s drug stability guidelines that are stipulated for drug products and how to design a product stability testing plan that can be applied to new or modified products in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries.

Implementation and Management of GMP Data Integrity
Danielle DeLucy
90 Min
Product Id: 705029
Attend this webinar to learn the regulatory expectations for data integrity during CGMP inspections. The course will review examples of data integrity pitfalls, part 11 compliance data integrity issues, FDA citations related to data integrity. It will teach you how to improve data integrity in a laboratory environment.