Being Prepared for an Active Shooter Incident at Workplace
Michael Aust
60 Min
Product Id: 704652
This training program will take attendees through the actions to take when confronted with an active shooter and in assisting responding law enforcement officials. It will help recognize potential workplace violence indicators and describe actions to take to prevent and explore the General Duty Clause of the OSH Act.
The New OSHA Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements-300, 300A, 301
Michael Aust
60 Min
Product Id: 704465
This webinar training will discuss the recent updates in OSHA Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements. Speaker will explain the major regulatory changes that went into effect January 1, 2015 Participants will gain valuable understanding of 300, 300A and 301 log, new reporting timeline requirements and exemptions.
Is HR Placing Your Organization at Risk: Hiring Contract Employees?
Michael Aust
60 Min
Product Id: 704909
You will want to participate in this webinar to gain insight on how to protect your employer from OSHA regulation as well as to develop an understanding on OSHA’s stance for contract and temporary workers. Also, you will not want to miss out on the discussion of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) recent stance on the issue.
Mission Possible: How to Obtain A Zero Injury Culture In The Workplace
Michael Aust
60 Min
Product Id: 704739
This zero tolerance for injuries training program will discuss what it means to have a safety culture on site. It will also identify the four steps of the safety maturity curve and discuss employee and employer rights and responsibilities at each step of the maturity curve. The instructor will explain the benefits of sustaining a safety culture in the workplace.
Prevent Accidents: Root Causes, Investigation and Avoidance Plans
Keith Warwick
90 Min
Product Id: 704875
This webinar training program will discuss how to develop an accident investigation plan, manage cost, and develop realistic schedule. Participants will learn about the interview process, protecting site of incident, determining root cause, and avoidance plan.
Developing Effective Workers Compensation Case Management Strategies
Joe Keenan
90 Min
Product Id: 705315
Workplace injuries and illnesses can cause huge financial tolls and disrupt the workforce in an organization. This webinar will dive into the importance of developing an effective Return to Work program and presenting the program to senior management.
OSHA 7405 Fall Hazard Awareness for the Construction Industry
Michael Aust
60 Min
Product Id: 704360
This training program will discuss methods to control and prevent the hazards in construction and general industry. Attendees will learn to identify factors that contribute to common fall hazards, OSHA regulations and resources addressing fall protection, and the hierarchy of controls for fall hazards.
Advances in Fall Protection: Guidance and Regulation for General Industry-ANSI Z359, Proposed OSHA Subpart D & I, and More
Sheldon Primus
60 Min
Product Id: 704435
This training program will address the current Subpart D and I rules and examine the General Duty Clause as it relates to some GI fall hazard activities. Attendees will gain an understanding of OSHA's stance on worker responsibility for fall protection.
Behavior Based Safety System: A Guide to Building a Safety Culture
Sheldon Primus
60 Min
Product Id: 704398
This training program will focus on different aspects of a behavior based safety system (BBS), its benefits, coaching workers on safer behavior, measuring BBS success and shortcomings, and more.
Military and USG Construction - the Differences Between OSHA and EM-385
John J Meola
60 Min
Product Id: 705507
This webinar will discuss the major differences and distinctions between the USACE EM 385 and OSHA and how you can interpret and navigate both systems to assure a successful and accident free job.
Avoid OSHA Citation Penalties: Scaffolds, Ladders, Machinery & Machine Guarding
Michael Aust
60 Min
Product Id: 704919
This webinar will provide you with examples of issued OSHA citations in these topics and discuss ways to assess your workplace for similar issues and how to abate them before OSHA is on site.
Forklift, Articulating Boom, and Scissor Lift Safety Programs: How to Implement and Maintain Best Practices
Michael Aust
60 Min
Product Id: 704407
This training program will help attendees identify most common hazards associated with PITs, and demonstrate PIT (powered industrial trucks) operational best practices, demonstrate pedestrian safety best policies, and discuss the most common OSHA PIT violations.
OSHA 101 - Nuts and Bolts of a Safer Workplace
Michael Aust
60 Min
Product Id: 705099
This training program will illustrate five effective personal actions to enhance a safer workplace and describe the four different phases of the safety maturity curve. It will explain the four most common deflections of a safe workplace and how to minimize their impact.
Developing an Effective & Responsive Emergency Action Plan
Michael Aust
60 Min
Product Id: 704600
This training program will highlight elements of an emergency action plan and illustrate best practices for emergency evacuation floor plans. The program will help attendees recognize violations of OSHA exit route requirements and help develop and implement workplace emergency action and fire protection plans.
Employer's Continuing Obligation: Maintaining Accurate Records of Each Recordable Injury and Illness
Michael Aust
60 Min
Product Id: 704982
This OSHA training program will discuss updated recordkeeping mandates set by OSHA and emphasize the importance of OSHA's recordkeeping regulations. The webinar will further detail why a failure to record a recordable illness or injury is a continuing violation and the D.C. circuit's decision in Volks II.
Mission Possible Series: Reducing Your Compensable Claims by 50% Within 2 Years - Part 2
Michael Aust
60 Min
Product Id: 704752
This training program in the series will explain what it means to establish a safety culture within the workforce. It will also identify the key steps in an effective workers’ compensation management program and discuss roles and responsibilities of each step of the safety maturity curve. Attendees will learn the benefits of sustaining an effective worker’s compensation management program in the workplace.
Welding, Cutting, and Brazing Safety: Am I Safe?
Michael Aust
60 Min
Product Id: 704818
This training program will focus on OSHA regulations for welding, cutting and brazing safety, identifying essential types of PPE for use, engineering methods to improve worker safety, and identifying the HI&RAA (Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Activity) systematic process.
OSHA to Double Penalties in 2016 - Stay Compliant, Stay Secure
Michael Aust
60 Min
Product Id: 704475
This training program will discuss why OSHA penalties have increased after 25 years. Maximum OSHA penalties may jump as much as about 78 percent next year. For a provision quietly tucked away in budget legislation and not given so much media attention, this deal has the potential of severely hurting businesses large and small.
The Top 10 Forklift Safety Mistakes and How to Prevent Them
Michael Aust
60 Min
Product Id: 704788
In this training program, the instructor will discuss case studies on the types of forklift safety mistakes that are found in the workplace. He will also provide strategies on how to actively engage your workforce to improve the safety culture of your workforce.
Mission Possible Series 4: Making Safety Training Fun, Effective, Goal Oriented and Measuring Effectiveness
Michael Aust
60 Min
Product Id: 704775
This webinar will discuss the strategy to conduct safety trainings and provide practical methods and techniques to make safety trainings more effective, educational and entertaining. Instructor will explain how to make trainings interactive, engaging and deliver required results and how to measure effectiveness.