
Going Green - Sony's Step to Environmental Footprint by 2050

  • Date: April 12, 2010
  • Source: Admin
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 Sony Corporation, one of the world's largest media conglomerates has announced its new mantra ‘Road to Zero’ which the company is going to follow for the next forty years.

“Road to Zero”, as described by the CEO Sir Howard Stringer, is a green model which not only Sony will follow for the coming years but will inspire other companies to follow for achieving a zero environmental footprint by 2050. With a backcasting method to set specific mid-term environmental targets for the next five years in line, Sony aspires to neutralize carbon emission, stop producing waste and end using virgin materials. To achieve the goal, a first mid-term targets, starting from fiscal year 2011 to end of fiscal year 2015, will be put into practice globally across the Sony Group. In the first five years tenure, the company strives to achieve:

  • Annual energy consumption of products- reduced by 30% (compared to fiscal 2008)
  • Waste generation - absolute reduction by 50% (compared to fiscal 2000)
  • Water consumption - absolute reduction by 30% (compared to fiscal 2000)
  • Product mass reduction by 10% (compared to fiscal 2008)
  • CO2 emissions associated with all transportation and logistics - 14% reduction in total (compared to fiscal 2008)
  • Waste recycle ratio – will increase to 99% or more
  • Incoming parts packaging waste - 16% reduction (compared to fiscal 2008)
  • Utilization ratio of virgin oil-based plastics in products - 5% reduction (compared to fiscal 2008)
  • Assessment of impact – the company will initiate assessment on resource procurement and facility construction on biodiversity, and will promote biodiversity programs such as groundwater cultivation
  • Other New Initiatives - minimizing the risk of chemical substances through preventive measures; reducing use of specific chemicals defined by Sony; and promotion of use of alternative materials.

Sony has announced its targets are based on four environmental perspectives – climate change, resource conservation, control of chemical substances and biodiversity – across all product lifecycle stages, from research and development to recycling. 

Moreover, Sony also aims to do away with all PVC and brominated flame retardants from its goods. It will also phase out or substitute substances that create environmental hazards. In the long term, Sony wants to eradicate the use of all finite virgin materials like oil and copper.

Sir Howard Stringer, Chairman, CEO and President of Sony Corporation said that “We are fully committed to putting our innovative spirit and technological expertise to use to help solve environmental challenges,”  and for doing that, Sony is all set to face any challenges “From the development of new materials and energy-efficient technologies, to the introduction of better processes in manufacturing and production, we will work aggressively to meet the ambitious targets we are setting for ourselves and, at the same time, establish a model for others in our industries to follow.”

Sony’s Till Date Success in Protecting Environment 

Sony’s ‘save environment’ policy is not very new as the company has already made significant achievement in terms of reducing its environmental impact around the world. 

In its European sites, Sony has set an outstanding example by cutting its CO2 emission by approximately 93% between fiscal years 2000 and 2009. Additionally, Sony’s newly launched BRAVIA TV series has also branded with an eco-label that certifies it as environment friendly and help it to comply with EU’s strict ecological criteria.

Also, Sony in Europe is actively involved with the ‘European Recycling Platform’ (ERP). ERP is fully operational in 11 European countries, and manages end-of-life collection and recycling for all consumer electronics products. On behalf of Sony, approximately 60,000 tons of electronic waste were collected and recycled in 20 European countries in 2008.

In the U.S. also, Sony Electronics in 2007 took the initiative to set up a nationwide Take Back Recycling Program to help consumers recycle any Sony-branded product free of charge. Report says, till date, with its Take Back initiative, Sony has recycled and reused more than 13,000 tons of electronic waste successfully.

Not to forget, in Japan, Sony voluntarily collects used small-sized consumer electronics on an experimental basis jointly with Kitakyushu City in southern Japan. Adding to that, the newly introduced VAIO W eco edition is considered to be the most environmentally friendly laptop, with features like recycled plastic parts, an electronic manual and an innovative carry-bag that saves 10% in CO2 emissions during production.

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