
GoingGoing Green - Green Construction - facts and figures

  • By: Admin
  • Date: December 11, 2009
Webinar All Access Pass Subscription Sectors Expected to Have Green Building Growth
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 Governing body on Green Buildings:

The U S Green Building Council forms the leading governing body for green buildings.  The USGBC under the ageis of LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Designs) has instituted several standards for environmentally sustainable construction. It encourages individuals to take up accredition exam, who will then be equiped to provide LEED Rating Sytem for Green Buildings.

The rating system addresses six major areas:

  • Sustainable sites
  • Water efficiency
  • Energy and atmosphere
  • Materials and resources
  • Indoor environmental quality
  • Innovation and design process

 Clinton Foundation - Clinton Climate Initiative

CCI's Energy Efficiency Building Retrofit Program is aimed at collaborating with world's largest cities, energy service firms and financial institutions in an effort to reduce energy consumption in existing buildings. They have developed a comprehensive model wherein procurement and financing have been thought through to reign in costs associated with this initiatives. Builders benefit from a unique purchase alliance program wherein they are able to access information and discounted pricing on a number of energy efficient products through EEBRP. Based on years of experience from earlier retrofit projects, CCI and its partners have moved on in developing standardized models for procurement, contracting, project implementation, financing, and measurement that can be replicated around the world.

What’s Driving Green Building?

The following factors are expediting the growth of green building:

  • Unprecedented level of government initiatives
  • heightened residential demand for green construction
  • Improvements in sustainable materials.

  • Facts and Figures
  • Benefits of Green Building
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