
GoingGoing Green - Green Construction - facts and figures

  • By: Admin
  • Date: December 11, 2009
Webinar All Access Pass Subscription Benefits of Green Building

Environmental benefits:

  • Enhance and protect ecosystems and biodiversity
  • Improve air and water quality
  • Reduce solid waste
  • Conserve natural resources

Economic benefits:

  • Reduce operating costs
  • Enhance asset value and profits
  • Improve employee productivity and satisfaction
  • Optimize life-cycle economic performance

Health and community benefits:

  • Improve air, thermal, and acoustic environments
  • Enhance occupant comfort and health
  • Minimize strain on local infrastructure
  • Contribute to overall quality of life

10 Easy Steps to a Green Home

Green Homes need not be constructed from ground up. Existing homes can be spruced up to be green homes with significantly low or at no cost at all. Keep a watch on these:

  • Trash: Set up a trash recycling unit in your backyard.
  • Lighting: Change to energy efficient flourescent bulbs to save on your bills. Let in natural light during the day
  • Air Freshners: Plants like the English Ivy, Bamboo Palm, and Gerbera Daisy clean up the air inside the house
  • Cleaning products: Discard off the shelf strong chemical cleaning agents and switch to home made ones
  • Window Coverings: Move on from plastic and vinyl to bamboo, hemp and cellulose
  • Floors: Avoid carpets that accumulate all the dust and mites and change to wodden floorings
  • Bathrooms: Switch to water efficient showerheads and toilets
  • Appliances: Planning for new appliances, look for energy star rated and water efficient options.
  • Water Heaters: Solar power is the way to go
  • Transportation: Switch to hybrids, carpooling, public transport, bicycling and walking

  • Sectors Expected to Have Green Building Growth
  • References
  • Compliance Trainings

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