
New federal support from HHS will help states upgrade Medicaid IT systems to help consumers enroll in state exchanges

  • Date: November 08, 2010
  • Source: Admin
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Consumers who meet the criteria for Medicaid or those who are looking for health insurance now benefit with the announcement from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) providing states with a simple and seamless enrollment experience for health insurance in state exchanges. This comes under the Affordable Care Act.
Step 1: The new federal funding proposed by HHS will be made available to all the states to modernize and upgrade their information technology (IT) systems under Medicaid. This will enable them to prepare for the amendments in the Affordable Care Act in 2014.
Step 2: HHS will help guide, design, and implement the IT structure required to set up exchanges. Those who are eligible for Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), cost-sharing reductions, or tax credits can enroll with the assistance of these systems. The benefits that they receive are the ones offered through the Affordable Care Act.
The technology investments are both practical and efficient. They will sustain a comprehensive system for people, families, or industries to choose from different kinds of health insurance plans and select the one that most benefits them.
This announcement helps those wishing to take care of their health by giving them different insurance coverage options. People and businesses will learn the impact of the Affordable Care Act. It certainly brings a new era for American consumers. This Act places the responsibility of health in the hands of consumers instead of insurance companies.
 “Individuals will seek health care coverage without necessarily knowing whether they are looking for an exchange plan, a Medicaid or a CHIP plan,” said Joel Ario, director of the Office of Health Insurance Exchanges. “Effective and efficient data exchange between state and federal health programs is critical to achieving this one stop shopping experience and today’s guidance establishes the framework and approach that will make this seamless coordination possible.
A brief summary of the changes
What Insurers Can No Longer Do:
  • Deny coverage to children with pre-existing conditions
  • Put lifetime limits on benefits
  • Cancel your policy without proving fraud.
  • Deny claims without a chance for appeal
What New Health Plans Will Enable
  • Receive cost-free preventive services
  • Keep young adults on a parent’s plan until age 26
  • Choose a primary care doctor, obstetrician/gynecologist, and pediatrician
  • Use the nearest emergency room without penalty


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