Is Your Compliance Program Due for an Update?
Jim Kandler
60 Min
Product Id: 705085
This training program will highlight common issues that occur over time with material compliance programs, and demonstrate how to address them. This can result in a more effective and responsive material compliance effort for your company.

Achieving Sustainability Results with ISO 26000
Kelly Eisenhardt
60 Min
Product Id: 705079
The International Standards Organization (ISO) defined the ISO 26000 guideline for the use and planning of all structured, measured, and monitored social responsibility programming. This standard enables companies to initiate and track performance of CSR programs by focusing on the triple bottom line (TBL) - people, planet, and profit. This training program will offer in depth look at the key components of the ISO 26000 guideline and best practices to implement and support a social responsibility program.

Introduction to EU REACH for US Manufacturers
Jim Kandler
60 Min
Product Id: 705190
EU REACH can be confusing and many in the US seek a more solid understanding of it. In this introductory webinar, participants will be introduced to the important terms and concepts of the directive. They will obtain a basic knowledge of what RoHS is about and if they need to learn more.

How to Perform an Environmental Inspection in Accordance with NEPA 1970
Keith Warwick
75 Min
Product Id: 705127
This training program will focus on NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) national environmental policies and goals. It will also discuss provisions for governmental agencies to effect NEPA, establishing the QEC in the Executive Office of the President.

TSCA Reform - Immediate Actions Required
Rose Passarella
60 Min
Product Id: 705036
This webinar will provide an overview of the new law and major changes to Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). All chemical stakeholders doing business in the U.S. will need to understand the fundamental shifts in requirements, the new concepts and approaches that are introduced by the law, and the timetable that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must follow in implementing the new law.

Reducing the Cost of RoHS and REACH Compliance Declarations
Jim Kandler
60 Min
Product Id: 705028
This training program will introduce different methods to improve existing declaration collection efforts. It will propose several practical methods a manufacturer might implement to make their material compliance efforts more effective.

Marketing for Most of Us Today
Barney Kramer
90 Min
Product Id: 704287
This training program will focus on current marketing avenues such as outbound and inbound marketing, social media and its reach with consumers, content marketing and more. It will focus on the basics of marketing principles and guide attendees in developing target markets and segments for subsets of your strategic plan.

10 CAM Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Robert Machson
60 Min
Product Id: 704308
This training program will list common CAM mistakes and practical solutions that will save you money. If you are the owner or operator of leased property, a tenant, franchisee, attorney, paralegal, lease administrator or auditor, you want to make sure that you are not paying more than you ought to.

Retail Loss Detection and Prevention - Policies and Procedures
John E Grimes
90 Min
Product Id: 704310
This webinar training will examine the guiding principles of loss prevention. It will provide an overview of industry findings regarding losses (known as shrink). The training will also identify the most common loss and fraud hazards of retail entities.

The EPA Clean Water Rule: What Do the Changes Mean and How Will they Impact Your Business?
Erik Janus
60 Min
Product Id: 704150
This training program will describe the recently proposed changes to the Clean Water Act (CWA) that are intended to clarify the Waters of the United States (WOTUS), provide an overview of the origin of these changes, provide a critique of these changes and discuss effects of implementation, and present the current challenges in light of the legal background and current political environment.

Conflict Minerals 2014, SEC's Disclosure Requirements: The Past and Future
Lawrence Heim
60 Min
Product Id: 703565
This webinar will provide a thorough understanding of the SEC conflict minerals disclosure requirements. It will help you develop strategies for the next filing covering calendar year 2014.

Implementing an Environmental Management System to ISO 14001
Jayne Pilot
60 Min
Product Id: 700261
This Environmental Management training will discuss the advantages of a company’s management system to the international standard’s requirement and a simple to follow, Three Step Process for its implementation.