Compliance Training Webinars for Regulated Industries

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Change is Inevitable, Employee Acceptance is Not: Managing the Impact of Organizational Change on Employees

webinar-speaker   Maure Ann Metzger

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706895

This webinar will help participants understand how change impacts people, and why people resist change. You will also learn five powerful strategies for minimizing resistance and increasing engagement, and how to create and sustain a culture of change in their organization. This webinar will help organizations and leaders to be more strategic and successful with change efforts. The strategies included in the webinar will also benefit the people most impacted by change.

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Increased Tariffs and Sanctions against China: How to Mitigate Your Exposure and be Compliant

webinar-speaker   Douglas Cohen

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706864

This webinar will teach you how to lawfully reduce your tariff costs. Also attendees will learn how to do this without large investments while also being compliant with all Customs laws.

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How to Globally Register a Medical Device?

webinar-speaker   Frank Stein

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706890

Attend this webinar if you are faced with the task of having to register a product worldwide and need to think about the most sensible and efficient way to do so. The correct order of the countries and the provision of the documents and what the differences are between the various technical dossiers of the countries are often decisive here. .

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* Per Attendee $249


Facilities Management Training Course

webinar-speaker   Kelly Thomas

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706910

The purpose of this facilities management training course is to present the regulations in a clear and concise manner in order to provide participants with the necessary information required to maintain the safety and efficacy of drug products.

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The Summary of Safety and Clinical Performance (SSCP)

webinar-speaker   Frank Stein

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706889

Attend this webinar to understand, what are the requirements of article 32 EU MDR 2017/745 for implantable devices and for class III devices, other than custom-made or investigational devices, the manufacturer shall draw up a summary of safety and clinical performance (SSCP). Your implementation needs smart ideas to reach the right level to pass the quality management audit and technical file audit by your notified body or authority inspection.

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* Per Attendee $249


De-Identification of PHI under HIPAA - Follow the Guidance to Avoid Penalties

webinar-speaker   Jim Sheldon-Dean

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706865

This session will review guidance from the HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) about how to properly de-identify health information. The various needs for de-identified information will be discussed and typical questions covered in the guidance will be discussed, in order to provide a sound, defensible basis for an organization’s decisions and processes surrounding de-identification of PHI. Attendees will be able to go forward with de-identification with greater confidence, and better sharing of information will be possible.

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Faster Payments in Today's World – Details on the Different Types

webinar-speaker   Donna K Olheiser

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706871

There are so many ways to send money – FASTER! Payments such as, Same Day ACH (SDA), Real Time Payments (RTP), Push-to-Debit, Wire Transfers, and the pending arrival of FedNow. This 60-minute session will identify the different types and help you recognize the benefits and draw-backs of each one and the basics of how they work (with some examples).

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Planning and Implementing an Ethics & Compliance Risk Assessment Program

webinar-speaker   Stanley Epstein

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706773

An ethics and compliance risk assessment is the foundation of an effective ethics and compliance risk management program. This detailed course provides a 12-stage framework that will help you complete your own ethics and compliance risk assessment. The 12 stages are divided into two components, the Planning Phase and the Implementation Phase. With a completed ethics and compliance risk assessment and armed with your findings and action plan, you will be equipped to develop and implement an effective ethics and compliance risk management program.

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Commissioning and Qualification Training Course

webinar-speaker   Kelly Thomas

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706911

This online program offers an introduction to the international principles and regulations behind commissioning and installation qualification (IQ).

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The Role of Blockchain Technology in Modern Accounting

webinar-speaker   Stanley Epstein

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706904

This course provides the opportunity to gain a deep understanding of the fundamental principles behind blockchain technology and its practical applications in the accounting profession. Also Participants will gain insights into the benefits, challenges, and potential risks associated with blockchain technology, and develop skills to evaluate its impact on the future of the accountancy profession.

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Mentorships: A "Must-Have" for Recruiting and Retaining Employees in the New Remote and Hybrid Workplace

webinar-speaker   Maure Ann Metzger

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706896

In this webinar participants will learn the specific steps for building or improving remote and hybrid mentorship programs. They will also learn about the essential elements of engaging and successful remote and hybrid mentorships.

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Introduction to Enterprise Risk Management

webinar-speaker   Dev Strischek

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706866

This course covers the basic concepts of Enterprise Risk Management and key elements that finance executives and personnel need to be aware of when implementing ERM across their organizations.

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Lead Auditor EN ISO 13485:2021 and EU IVDR 2017/746 - Regulation

webinar-speaker   Frank Stein

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706891

Attend this webinar to understand, what are the changes to the previous medical device regulation and how to implement the changes in your current quality management system in a simple and quick way. These needs smart ideas to reach the right level to pass the quality management audit by your certification company or notified body.

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The Human Error Tool Box: A Practical Approach to Human Error

webinar-speaker   Ginette M Collazo

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706862

This course offers practical approaches and tools to address human performance issues in GMP related environments by using a particular methodology to correct, prevent and avoid reoccurrence of these matters.

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How To Get Paid in International Transactions: The Ins and Outs of Letters of Credit

webinar-speaker   Douglas Cohen

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706870

This web session is designed to provide attendees with an end-to-end understanding of the L/C (letter of credit) process. From the beginning of a contractual agreement, through the letter of credit application process and actual negotiation of the L/C, this information-rich webinar will provide techniques that are indispensable to both importers and exporters.

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Avoidable Delay Management: How to Take Control of Your Length of Stay

webinar-speaker   Laura Ostrowsky

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706053

This webinar will help you identify factors that cause delays as patients progress through their stay and how to correct these barriers to care. Learn the most streamlined ways in which to integrate avoidable delay management into your day and with all the members of the interdisciplinary care team. Finally, it will review some examples of report cars that can be used to understand the data you have collected.

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California GIG Worker Protections: Regulating the Relationships between Organizations & Their GIG Workers

webinar-speaker   Diane L Dee

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706737

This labor law extended wage and benefit protections to approximately one million California workers and extends employee classification status to gig workers. This law puts tough restrictions on who can be classified as independent contractors or freelancers rather than employees. This webinar will assist participants in making those decisions and thereby avoid the consequences of non-compliance.

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The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: Mission, Claim Filing, EE & ER Responsibilities

webinar-speaker   Diane L Dee

webinar-time   120 Min

Product Id: 706797

Given that every complaint has the potential to become a lawsuit, employers should investigate every case in a manner in which it can be presented to a court of law, if necessary. As potentially disruptive as investigations can be, they must be prompt, thorough and effective to ensure all parties’ protection.

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W-2 and Form 941 Corrections COVID Updates

webinar-speaker   Patrick A Haggerty

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706776

Penalties for late filing or filing incorrect W-2 Forms are on the rise. In addition, penalties for incorrect information on Form 941 can also be costly. This webinar will discuss methods for avoiding or correcting errors on Forms 941 and W-2 with a focus on how to make corrections where required so that penalties are eliminated or minimized. The webinar will discuss the preparation of Forms 941-X and W-2c correctly and highlight how and when to file the corrections. Correcting or amending returns for the 2020 and 2021 COVID-19 tax credits and tax deferrals will be covered

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Salary History Bans: The New Pay Equity Frontier

webinar-speaker   Diane L Dee

webinar-time   75 Min

Product Id: 705866

This HR compliance webinar will discuss salary history laws and the steps employers should take to remain compliant during hiring process. Attendees will learn prohibitions mentioned under Salary Ban Laws and how to avoid discrimination in pay equity.

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