Compliance Training Webinars for Regulated Industries

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How to Construct an HR Center of Excellence

webinar-speaker   Daniel T Bloom

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706831

In this webinar you will come to understand the power of the centers of excellence and its relationship to establishing the value of HR to the total organization and to management.

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Pay Equity: The Time to Act is Now!

webinar-speaker   Diane L Dee

webinar-time   75 Min

Product Id: 706609

Participants in this webinar will learn what constitutes pay equity, the laws governing pay equity, strategies to avoid pay discrimination, and what organizations can do to cultivate a work environment that will lead to more equitable outcomes for their employees.

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Predictive Scheduling Legislation in 2022

webinar-speaker   Diane L Dee

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706633

In this webinar attendess will learn, What is predictive scheduling, and why is it necessary? What are the advantages and disadvantages of predictive scheduling for your organization? Employers would do well to heed these new laws and take appropriate steps to ensure compliance. The result is a patchwork of new laws, with limited precedent and substantial penalties for noncompliance.

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Do’s and Don’ts of Documenting Employee Performance and Behavior

webinar-speaker   Greg Chartier

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706824

Documentation is the “fulcrum” of good employee relations. Lack of solid documentation is the single most common mistake employers make when handling discipline or terminations. Lack of or improper documentation impacts a myriad of HR issues; unemployment compensation disputes, workers’ compensation cases, and legal matters. Good records, on the other hand, can mean the difference between winning and losing a lawsuit. This webinar will examine not only what to document but how to document and, just as importantly, how to avoid issues with performance and behavior.

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Introduction to the Ishikawa Fishbone Diagram

webinar-speaker   Daniel T Bloom

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706641

This webinar you will understand how to identify the causes of the system constraints in your organization and how to graphically show them in an Ishikawa Fishbone.

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Pharmaceutical Quality Management - Risk Management and Regulatory Compliance, They are Complementary, Not Incompatible

webinar-speaker   Charles H Paul

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706825

This instructor-led live webinar will discuss the established approach of Pharmaceutical Quality Management as it relates to the relationship between risk management and the pharmaceutical regulations that govern the business.

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Exempt vs. Non-exempt and how the FLSA defines each

webinar-speaker   Dayna Reum

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706649

This webinar will have a basic overview of the Fair Labor Standards Act and what employers are applicable and what laws the FLSA maintain. A review of current exempt versus nonexempt requirements will be reviewed along with activity in the current legislation around changes to the exempt categories.

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BSA/AML High Risk. What’s the Issue?

webinar-speaker   Doug Keipper

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706832

This BSA/AML compliance training will help attendees to understand, identify and mitigate the risks associated with high-risk customers as well as high risk transactions.

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Form 941 Essentials: Keys to Payroll Tax Compliance

webinar-speaker   Patrick A Haggerty

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706793

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress provided new employment tax credits and other tax relief, and Form 941 and related employment tax returns went through several major revisions to accommodate the changes. Going into the first quarter of 2022, the forms used by employers to report employment taxes continue to evolve to reflect the changes in the reporting requirements.

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Navigating the Interplay of the Family and Medical Leave Act, the California Family Rights Act and the Pregnancy Discrimination Leave Act

webinar-speaker   Greg Chartier

webinar-time   75 Min

Product Id: 706823

This webinar will help to clarify the legal obligations under the different laws but, more importantly, help to explain how they interact with each other, or in some cases, don’t interact at all.

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Best Practices in Utilization Management including a Review of the Conditions of Participation

webinar-speaker   Toni Cesta

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706359

Attend this webinar to learn how to stream-line your utilization management process and understand the Conditions of Participation for Utilization Review and how they impact on your work as a case manager.

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Bank Best Practices to Prevent Fraud

webinar-speaker   Jim George

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706805

Continued massive data exposures have put the spotlight on fraud risks to banks, merchants, and personal banking customers. Fraudsters are always looking for new opportunities and new weaknesses. The availability of customer data on the black-market gives them new power tools to use to enrich themselves. A bank has responsibilities to its shareholders and customers to protect them from these ever-changing threats.

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Introduction to Sales and Use Tax Compliance

webinar-speaker   Miles Hutchinson

webinar-time   120 Min

Product Id: 706802

Sales tax? Use tax? What’s the difference? Must I charge tax on my internet sales? Will I owe taxes in more than one state for the same sale? Why is my drop shipper charging me tax? Why did I receive a NEXUS Questionnaire and what if I don’t respond to it? I just received a notice that I have to conduct a self-audit and report my findings to the state – is this for real? I need help!

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Fraud Incident Response Planning Essentials

webinar-speaker   Richard Cascarino

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706796

In today’s world, fraud investigations have become an everyday part of corporate life and the auditor must gain expertise in this area. The webinar covers such issues as the tasks of the fraud auditor, Forensic techniques and tools and the abilities required of the fraud auditor, the type and nature of common frauds, investigating fraud, computer fraud and control, white collar crime, the auditor in court.

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21 CFR Part 111 - Specification Requirements

webinar-speaker   Andy Swenson

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706794

The 21 CFR Part 111 dietary supplement regulations require six categories of specifications before established before manufacturing product or releasing a batch into distribution. This course will review the six categories and their regulatory requirements while translating those requirements into a workable document.

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Universal Hygienic Design for FSMA Compliance-Equipment

webinar-speaker   Gina Reo

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706790

Hygienic Design in food processing is a given, however FDA’s #483 violations continue to reflect organizations clearly lack the necessary requirements to maintain safe environments for food production. This course will outline the basics food facilities should have in place and how to ensure program meets FDA’s expectations.

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Case Management Outcomes: How to Know if you are Working in a Best Practice Framework

webinar-speaker   Toni Cesta

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706789

Managing case management outcomes and the creation of tools with which to study those outcomes is an important component of the work that case management professionals must engage. This data helps us better understand where we are doing well and where we might need to improve. Case management report cards are also a useful tool for reporting data to the Utilization Committee, a requirement under the CMS Conditions of Participation for Utilization Review.

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Applied Time Series Analysis in Healthcare

webinar-speaker   Elaine Eisenbeisz

webinar-time   3 Hrs

Product Id: 706758

This 3-hour seminar will provide attendees with the theory and application of time series analysis. The main focus will be on autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) techniques. Variations of the ARIMA and other models which operate under non-linear data, non-stationary data, seasonality, and trends will also be examined.

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Introduction to Microsoft Power BI Dashboards

webinar-speaker   Joe Weil

webinar-time   100 Min

Product Id: 706787

Analytics, data visualization, and Corporate Intelligence (BI) are hot subjects for many organizations and professional recruiters in today's fast-paced, high-tech, competitive business world. Organizations of all sizes are increasingly attempting to leverage the huge data resources at their disposal in order to uncover previously uncovered insights and achieve competitive advantages. MS Power BI - Excel's big brother – on steroids! – is the main tool for this, especially following the sale of Tableau! Just a few years ago, these "big data" desk-top technologies were out of reach. Microsoft Desktop Power BI is now available for free. Power BI Pro, a cloud-based service that costs $10 a month for a small business, is used by Fortune 1000 companies on an enterprise-wide basis at extremely competitive prices.

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Effective Project Audit Implementation: Quality, Cost, Procurement Management

webinar-speaker   Richard Cascarino

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 705674

A project audit provides an opportunity to uncover issues, concerns and challenges encountered during the project lifecycle. Conducted midway through the project, an audit affords the project manager, project sponsor and project team an interim view of what has gone well, as well as what needs to be improved to successfully complete the project. If done at the close of a project, the audit can be used to develop success criteria for future projects by providing a forensic review.

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