
Women’s Wellness Connection – Agenda for Grand River Hospital District

  • Date: March 18, 2010
  • Source: Admin
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Grand River Hospital District (GRHD) has an exciting program to offer to women, the Women's Wellness Connection.

What is Women's Wellness Connection?

Began in 1991, Women’s Wellness Connection (WWC) is a program administered by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. And it is also a part of the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP), funded through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Women’s Wellness Connection – How it Works

The WWC program started with the goal of reducing breast and cervical cancer mortality through the promotion of compliance with routine screening guidelines and timely, state-of-the-art diagnostic evaluation. All examination like mammogram, clinical breast exams are done by the funding that comes from the CDPHE WWC Program. The tobacco tax is doing a fifty percent of the CDPHE WWC Program funding. In addition to that, all other funding, such as maintenance of the program, is provided by GRHD, and any exams that go above what the CDPHE WWC Program will reimburse, Grand River contributes as Charity Care.

What the Program Provides

For women aged between 40-64 years, WWC provides breast and cervical cancer screening (mammograms, clinical breast exams, pap tests, pelvic exams and selected diagnostic services). Women with limited income or insurance can avail the benefit of the program free of charge. Women who have not had a mammogram and/or pap test in the last 12 months or women who have lost insurance, had an abnormal test and need follow-up get treated with extra emphasis.
Along with physicians of the Grand River Hospital District, physicians in Grand River Primary Care also lend their hands in examining the established patients. Women's exams as well as all diagnostic procedures are on the reliable shoulder of the full-time Gynecologist Dr. Gary Meyer. The mammograms are performed by Grand River's Mammography Department.

How can You be a Part of the Program

To be a part of this encouraging program, all you need to do is filling out an application and providing proof of legal residency in the state of Colorado, and meet income requirements from the federal income guideline table. But, you need to be woman…as this program is strictly provided for women in order to give them a better world free from breast and cervical cancer.


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