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Multilateral Export Controls (MEC) - The Four Regimes
- By: Staff Editor
- Date: July 08, 2009

A Multilateral Export Control Regime (MECR) is an international body that states use to organize their national export control systems. There are currently four such regimes:
Regime | Role |
1. The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies. | The Arrangement's purpose is to contribute to regional and international security and stability by promoting transparency and greater responsibility in transfers of conventional arms and dual-use (i.e., those having civil and military uses) goods and technologies to prevent destabilizing accumula-tions of those items.
In order for an item to be placed on the lists, Member States must take into account the following criteria:
2. The Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) for the control of nuclear related technology. | It is a multinational body concerned with reducing nuclear proliferation by controlling the export and re-transfer of materials that may be applicable to nuclear weapon development and by improving safeguards and protection on existing materials.
3. The Australia Group (AG) for control of chemical and biological technology that could be weaponized. | The formation of the Australia Group (AG) in 1985 was prompted by Iraq’s use of chemical weapons during the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988). Australia concerned with Iraq’s development of chemical weapons, recommended harmonization of international export controls on chemical weapons pre-cursor chemicals. As the AG membership grew, it expanded its focus to in-clude chemical production equipment and technologies and measures to prevent the proliferation of biological weapons.
4. The Missile Technology Control Regime for the control of rockets and other aerial vehicles capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction. | The Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) is an informal and voluntary partnership between 34 countries to prevent the proliferation of missile and unmanned aerial vehicle technology capable of carrying a 500 kg pay-load at least 300 km.
Technical Advisory Committees
Technical Advisory Committees (TACs) advise the Department of Commerce on the technical parameters for export controls applicable to dual-use commodities and technology and on the administration of those controls. The TACs are composed of representatives from industry and government representing diverse points of view on the concerns of the exporting community. Industry representatives are se-lected from firms producing a broad range of goods, technologies, and software presently controlled for national security, foreign policy, nonproliferation, and short supply reasons.
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