
Compliance and Ethics Training - Live Webinars, Recordings & CDs

Evaluate and mitigate non-compliance and fraud risks, improve operations, and protect company reputation with our Ethics and Compliance Training Programs. You will learn how to curb non-compliant decisions and drive business in compliance with regulatory and corporate ethics. Browse this page for a range of courses of interest to you.

Commercial and HTA Policy in the UK

Commercial and HTA Policy in the UK

  • Speaker: Leela Barham
  • Product ID: 705431
  • Duration: 90 Min
This webinar will provide an understanding of the key European market’s approach to pricing including the details of Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme (PPRS). It will further discuss the key issues shaping the future of HTA policy in the UK.
Whistle While You Work: Protecting Your Organization from Whistleblower Threats

Whistle While You Work: Protecting Your Organization from Whistleblower Threats

  • Speaker: Christine Zack
  • Product ID: 705413
  • Duration: 60 Min
This webinar will provide an overview of SEC Whistleblower Rules such as False Claims Act, Dodd-Frank, Sarbanes-Oxley and Commodity Exchange Act. It will also discuss best practices on how to mitigate damages from an actual or purported whistleblower.
The Affordable Care Act: Key Compliance Issues for Employers in 2017 and Beyond

The Affordable Care Act: Key Compliance Issues for Employers in 2017 and Beyond

  • Speaker: Janette Levey Frisch
  • Product ID: 703843
  • Duration: 120 Min
This training program will focus on ACA compliance requirements for 2017. It will also cover topics such as anti-discrimination provisions for highly compensated employees, affordable coverage penalty, transitional relief for some employers in 2017, and more.
Understanding the Loan Estimate and Navigating the Closing Disclosure: TILA/RESPA Integrated Disclosures

Understanding the Loan Estimate and Navigating the Closing Disclosure: TILA/RESPA Integrated Disclosures

  • Speaker: Kara Lamphere
  • Product ID: 704013
  • Duration: 90 Min
Through this training program, attendees will understand what the changes are to initial disclosures relative to TILA and RESPA. They will also develop an understanding of changes to variance thresholds, the need to understand affiliate relationships, and the importance of knowing your fees.
Tax Refund Fraud: The Fraud that Keeps Getting Worse

Tax Refund Fraud: The Fraud that Keeps Getting Worse

  • Speaker: Rayleen M Pirnie
  • Product ID: 705134
  • Duration: 90 Min
This training program will help identity frauds that lead to tax refund fraud and discuss funds availability exceptions. It will also discuss common non-post issues, the IRS Opt-In Program and eLeads, refund handling procedures, remedial actions, and suspicious activity reports.
Exclusive Cyber Security Incident Management Program 2017

Exclusive Cyber Security Incident Management Program 2017

  • Speaker: William Akel
  • Product ID: 705380
  • Duration: 60 Min
Gain a better understanding of cyber security incident management that is proactive versus reactive, learn methods to minimize business disruption and damages, and the impact and urgency on customers and the business for risk and costs.
Employee Discharge and Documentation: Using Documentation to Control the Employment Relationship

Employee Discharge and Documentation: Using Documentation to Control the Employment Relationship

  • Speaker: Matthew W Burr
  • Product ID: 705378
  • Duration: 60 Min
This webinar focuses on effective ways to manage the employment relationship. The session will address discharge and processes, documentation, training recommendations, performance evaluations, process consistency, and other common concerns and mistakes.
Pharmaceutical Water Systems

Pharmaceutical Water Systems

  • Speaker: Carl Patterson
  • Product ID: 705311
  • Duration: 60 Min
This webinar provides an overview on the different types of water systems used in the pharmaceutical industry. Attendees will be provided a comprehensive overview of the different types of water systems, their validation, and handling of excursions.
Mitigating Strategies for New Product Development Process & Approvals - Policy, Governance and Methodology

Mitigating Strategies for New Product Development Process & Approvals - Policy, Governance and Methodology

  • Speaker: Mario Mosse
  • Product ID: 705132
  • Duration: 90 Min
Many financial scandals and significant operational losses can be traced back to poorly designed or improperly implemented products. Other problems arise from faulty legal and operational processes that lead to improper documentation and other issues. This training program will address risks and corresponding mitigating strategies involved in the new product development process. It will also discuss risk assessment protocol and product monitoring.
Evidence Gathering in a Fraud Investigation

Evidence Gathering in a Fraud Investigation

  • Speaker: Eli J Richardson
  • Product ID: 703498
  • Duration: 60 Min
This webinar will explain tools and tips for conducting internal investigations. Attendees will learn how to conduct effective witness interviews, how to draft comprehensive investigative reports and how to report evidence of fraud to law-enforcement authorities.
How to Effectively Navigate Through Regulatory Agency Compliance Audits

How to Effectively Navigate Through Regulatory Agency Compliance Audits

  • Speaker: Joe Keenan
  • Product ID: 705368
  • Duration: 90 Min
Regulatory compliance audits can be taxing and worrisome for anyone. Having an OSHA, EPA or State Department of Environmental Quality Audit can open an organization up to receiving regulatory citations, monetary fines, negative company press, etc. The purpose of this webinar is to cover the key concepts of how to successfully navigate through a compliance audit.
Good Deviation Practice: What You Need to Know

Good Deviation Practice: What You Need to Know

  • Speaker: John R Godshalk
  • Product ID: 705293
  • Duration: 60 Min
This webinar explores the deviation and CAPA processes and best practices for both. It shows how to avoid pitfalls and minimize regulatory scrutiny by having a robust deviation/CAPA system and thorough investigations.
New Home Health Conditions of Participation

New Home Health Conditions of Participation

  • Speaker: Sharon Litwin
  • Product ID: 705337
  • Duration: 90 Min
This CMS compliance training will address the key changes in the new Conditions of Participations (CoPs) that will be effective July 13, 2017. It will focus on the change processes and policies for patient rights, aide services, evolving plan of care, infection control, emergency preparedness program, QAPI and more.
BSA/AML/OFAC Risk Assessments and Evaluation Compliance Program - How to Deal, Change and Create Efficiencies and Effectiveness Processes

BSA/AML/OFAC Risk Assessments and Evaluation Compliance Program - How to Deal, Change and Create Efficiencies and Effectiveness Processes

  • Speaker: Kara Lamphere
  • Product ID: 703493
  • Duration: 60 Min
This webinar will highlight BSA/AML/OFAC risk assessments and evaluation compliance program. It will discuss BSA definitions, OFAC rules, Currency Transaction Reporting (CTR), Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) including additional requirements, such as 314(a), PEPs, and Pouch activities and much more.
Handling Situations Where Regulation E and ACH Don't Align

Handling Situations Where Regulation E and ACH Don't Align

  • Speaker: Rayleen M Pirnie
  • Product ID: 705090
  • Duration: 90 Min
This training program will review intent and focus of Regulation E and the ACH Rules. It will analyze situations where Regulation E and the ACH Rules do not align and help determine appropriate responses and procedures to manage risk and loss.
Strengthening Compliance with Effective AML Analytics, Algorithms, Machine Learning and Data Science

Strengthening Compliance with Effective AML Analytics, Algorithms, Machine Learning and Data Science

  • Speaker: Joe Soniat
  • Product ID: 705143
  • Duration: 60 Min
Learn how effective AML analytics, algorithms, machine learning and data science can strengthen your compliance program. This session will also discuss using analytics to help BSA/AML investigations, how you can use the CDD data gathered along with analytics, model validation and BSA/AML.
Loan Structure, Documentation, and Compliance Training: A Comprehensive Approach

Loan Structure, Documentation, and Compliance Training: A Comprehensive Approach

  • Speaker: David L Osburn
  • Product ID: 705314
  • Duration: 90 Min
Attend this proactive webinar and receive a thorough overview of commercial lending requirements from a loan structure, documentation, and compliance perspective. The webinar will be summarized through a comprehensive case study.
The New OFAC - OFSI?: Iran Financial Sanctions, Guidance & Many More

The New OFAC - OFSI?: Iran Financial Sanctions, Guidance & Many More

  • Speaker: Shaun Miller
  • Product ID: 705160
  • Duration: 90 Min
This training program will examine the process for imposing monetary penalties for breaches of financial sanctions. It will also deconstruct the process for imposing monetary penalties for breaches of financial sanctions: consultation, operating within counter-terrorism legislation.
Implementing a Risk Management Program - Handbook, Risk Appetite and Risk Culture

Implementing a Risk Management Program - Handbook, Risk Appetite and Risk Culture

  • Speaker: Fred Vacelet
  • Product ID: 705115
  • Duration: 60 Min
This training program will review a few ways to ensure that a financial institution reviews things from the start and consistently, in setting up a risk management framework that allows the bank to focus on its strategy rather than mere compliance.
Impact and Control of RFIs on Construction Projects

Impact and Control of RFIs on Construction Projects

  • Speaker: Jim Zack
  • Product ID: 704288
  • Duration: 90 Min
This webinar discusses the genesis of RFIs and their development and the use and abuse of RFIs on construction projects including ways to mitigate the potential adverse impact of RFIs. Speaker discusses a number of contractual mechanisms to control the RFI process and mitigate potential impact damage claims based on the number of RFIs. The webinar also sets forth best management practices concerning the RFI process.
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