Basic and Meaningful Human Resource Metrics

webinar-speaker   Meloney Sallie Dosunmu

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 704899

This webinar training explains the links between HR and organizational performance. The instructor will discuss how to select and calculate appropriate measures to align with organizational strategy. Participants will learn to use effective metrics to set goals and develop business plans and approach to communicate metrics and results.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229


Mastering Excel Formulas and Functions

webinar-speaker   Mike Thomas

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 705014

This training program will aid those who use Excel at a basic level and help them learn to create formulas and use some of its built-in functions effectively. The training will be delivered using Excel 2016 for Windows however much of the functionality is also available to users of earlier versions of Excel on both Windows and Mac.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $179


Academia is a Workplace Too: Workplace Harassment Prevention Not Working - Harassment Continues to be a Problem

webinar-speaker   Dr. Susan Strauss

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 705366

Educational organizations will benefit from increased knowledge about workplace harassment laws, and prevention and intervention strategies to diminish harassment on their campus. This webinar will outline a list of prevention and intervention strategies, distinguish between psychological harassment and illegal harassment, and detail the results of EEOC study on harassment and what it means for all workplaces.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $149


Matrix Madness: Managing Effectively in a Matrix Organization

webinar-speaker   Meloney Sallie Dosunmu

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 704900

This webinar training will discuss the importance and types of matrix organization. The instructor will discuss the communication plan, tools and methodology required to deliver results and maximize influence in a matrix structure.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229


Lawsuit-proof Termination - Avoid Violating the Civil Rights Act Allegations and Wrongful Termination Charges

webinar-speaker   Margie Pacheco Faulk

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 705403

Learn the different factors of discipline and termination which will assist in reducing your risk of allegations of discrimination, wrongful termination, manager personal liability and lawsuits as well as creating strategies that will help you handle these situations. Additionally, you will learn to maximize on current performance and disciplinary tools and collaboration with your HR professional.

Recording Available


Employee Retaliation Claims Are On The Rise: How to Prevent and Avoid

webinar-speaker   Matthew W Burr

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 705409

This webinar on workplace retaliation will help you understand the nature of retaliation in the workplace, the EEO laws on retaliation and related conduct. You'll learn how to design effective and consistent policies and procedures that can help prevent and avoid retaliation claims.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $179


Determining and Complying with the Required Wage Regulation: H-1B/LCA Compliance Training

webinar-speaker   Mary E Pivec

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 705387

This DOL H-1B/LCA Regulations webinar will discuss the appropriate method for determining the required wage in compliance with H-1B/LCA Required Wage Payment Rule.

Recording Available


The Affordable Care Act: Key Compliance Issues for Employers in 2017 and Beyond

webinar-speaker   Janette Levey Frisch

webinar-time   120 Min

Product Id: 703843

This training program will focus on ACA compliance requirements for 2017. It will also cover topics such as anti-discrimination provisions for highly compensated employees, affordable coverage penalty, transitional relief for some employers in 2017, and more.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $149


How to Evaluate Payroll Provider Vendors and Minimize Implementation Nightmares

webinar-speaker   Margie Pacheco Faulk

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 705428

This webinar will offer best practices to navigate the payroll provider evaluation process and maximize the actual process to organizations’ benefit. It will also provide tips and resources to assist in the transition and implementation process.

Recording Available


Employer Compliance: H-1B Visas and Alternatives for Top Foreign Talent

webinar-speaker   Addie Hogan,Sameer Khedekar

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 705277

This training session will address compliance requirements for the employment of foreign professionals on student and H-1B visas, and will explore some alternatives to avoid the risks and pitfalls of that visa category, including options for employing professionals in Canada.

Recording Available


Employee Vs Independent Contractor Classification - Understanding Legal and Financial Ramifications

webinar-speaker   Joe Keenan

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 705414

Learn the legal differences and financial aspects involved in determining someone as an employee or an independent contractor. This training will discuss in detail the Do's and Don'ts in hiring an employee versus an independent contractor.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $179


Wage and Hour Compliance: It’s More Than Just Calculating Overtime

webinar-speaker   Vicki M. Lambert

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 705382

This webinar concentrates on federal and state wage and hour requirements that must be followed in the payroll department. The key areas that will be covered in the training program include calculating overtime, travel time, minimum wage, posting requirements, meal and rest periods, how often an employee must be paid and by what method and paying terminated employees.

Recording Available


Is it FMLA or the "Friday-Monday Leave Act"? How to Identify and Investigate Employees Who Are Gaming the System

webinar-speaker   Meloney Sallie Dosunmu

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 705043

This training program will describe the patterns that may indicate FMLA abuse, and how to respond to them. It will also define five key steps to an effective FMLA investigation and offer best practices companies can use to eliminate or reduce the likelihood of FMLA abuse.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $199


Tax Refund Fraud: The Fraud that Keeps Getting Worse

webinar-speaker   Rayleen M Pirnie

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 705134

This training program will help identity frauds that lead to tax refund fraud and discuss funds availability exceptions. It will also discuss common non-post issues, the IRS Opt-In Program and eLeads, refund handling procedures, remedial actions, and suspicious activity reports.

Recording Available


The Importance of HR Documentation and Notice Requirements

webinar-speaker   Stuart Silverman

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 705159

Documenting events is a crucial task, and in some cases not documenting them can lead to grim consequences. For example, did you know that not keeping track of employee’s hours is fatal to overtime cases? Sometimes you might be documenting items, but focusing on the wrong items. In this training program, the webinar instructor will discuss what needs to be documented and what should be documented that strengthens employers’ defence in the event lawsuits are filed.

Recording Available


Employee Discharge and Documentation: Using Documentation to Control the Employment Relationship

webinar-speaker   Matthew W Burr

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 705378

This webinar focuses on effective ways to manage the employment relationship. The session will address discharge and processes, documentation, training recommendations, performance evaluations, process consistency, and other common concerns and mistakes.

Recording Available


HR Record Retention & Destruction: If it’s not documented, it never happened

webinar-speaker   Kristin Robinson

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 705398

This HR documentation webinar will provide an overview of federal recordkeeping and retention laws for employment-related records and what you need to do to ensure compliance. We'll discuss documentation policies, accessibility controls, considerations for electronic records and more in this webinar training.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $179


Privacy Including Drug Testing and Monitoring Employee Activities

webinar-speaker   Joe Keenan

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 705373

Maintaining an effective drug testing program can be an effective way to prescreen new employees and conduct post-accident drug testing. This webinar training will focus on the key part of an effective drug testing program - to have protocols and training in place to ensure privacy.

Recording Available


How to Effectively Navigate Through Regulatory Agency Compliance Audits

webinar-speaker   Joe Keenan

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 705368

Regulatory compliance audits can be taxing and worrisome for anyone. Having an OSHA, EPA or State Department of Environmental Quality Audit can open an organization up to receiving regulatory citations, monetary fines, negative company press, etc. The purpose of this webinar is to cover the key concepts of how to successfully navigate through a compliance audit.

Recording Available


H-1B/LCA Compliance Training - Determining the Appropriate O*Net Area Prevailing Wage Level

webinar-speaker   Mary E Pivec

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 705357

This training program will focus on current DOL/ETA prevailing wage policy guidance (H-1B and PERM), DOL/WHD wage “leveling” authority in enforcement investigations, the “safe harbor” rule, and more.

Recording Available













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