Transforming Change and Conflict into Diverse-Inclusive-Collaborative Teaming: The Art of Resilience, Relating & Risk-Taking

webinar-speaker   Mark Gorkin

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706553

In a 24/7, rapidly changing, always on, "do more with less" world, not surprisingly, individual stress and interpersonal tension can influence the organizational climate, communication, and coordination. The challenge becomes sustaining resilience and morale while forging cooperative and productive working relationships and partnerships.

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The Fair Labor Standards Act: Wage and Hour Compliance for 2020

webinar-speaker   Diane L Dee

webinar-time   75 Min

Product Id: 705548

This webinar will provide a comprehensive understanding of the provisions of the FLSA. You will learn the proper calculation of overtime pay, gain an understanding of what is considered hours worked, what to do when state and federal laws differ, when employees must be compensated for training, travel time, meal breaks, and on-call status.

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* Per Attendee $199


COVID-19: Wage and Hour Issues

webinar-speaker   Janette Levey Frisch

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706552

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented challenging wage and hour questions for employers. The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)—and corresponding state wage and hour laws are not on hold during the pandemic. In addition to FLSA obligations, decisions regarding wage and hour could trigger nondiscrimination laws, health and safety laws, leave and accommodation laws, and state-specific laws. It also clarifies some common questions about how to handle pay for workers when they can’t physically come to work.

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How to be a Strategic Leadership in 2020: Planning and Decision Making in Today's Environment

webinar-speaker   Rebecca Staton Reinstein

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706554

It's easy to become a victim of the "To-Do" list, crisis management, and reacting to the latest fire. Unfortunately, that approach seldom leads to sustainable success. Focus on driving your daily action through the power of your vision and mission, plan strategically, and focus on results to get the progress your organization demands. In 2020 that means staying more concerned with your team members’ wellbeing and their needs.

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Virtual Onboarding - The New Normal During A Pandemic Situation

webinar-speaker   ArLyne Diamond

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706551

This webinar identifies some of the problems HR and others responsible for onboarding have for trying to assess the needs of the person they have never met. You will learn what you can do to make onboarding the at home worker more successful. It will provide techniques for those you have onboarded to become more comfortable.

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Anticipating and Addressing Employee's Return-to-Work Concerns Post-COVID-19

webinar-speaker   Diane L Dee

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706550

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned everyday life upside down. Millions of Americans are now working from home. And while the current pandemic will certainly end, the transition back to “normal” life is likely to be gradual, with many predicting that the “normal” we once knew is a thing of the past and that the workplace employees return to will forever be changed. This situation presents multiple challenges for organizations looking to transition their staff back to on-site work. Whether they have been furloughed or transitioned to work remotely full time, re-onboarding needs to be well-planned and effectively communicated.

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Conducting Remote Job Interviews: Considerations for Candidates and Companies

webinar-speaker   Norman Baker

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706540

This course provides insights and best practices for both candidates and interviewer(s) for conducting remote job interviews. Covid-19 has greatly enhanced the need for remote interviews but even prior to and after social distancing guidelines subside, there are numerous circumstances when remote interviews are appropriate.

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Top Habits of Highly Successful HR Departments

webinar-speaker   Margie Pacheco Faulk

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706395

This training will identify the top habits of highly successful HR Departments as well as what happens if these elements are corrupted or missing.

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* Per Attendee $249


Goal Setting for Management Success

webinar-speaker   Biagio Sciacca

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706447

This session will give rise to the participant’s understanding of how goal setting works and how it can be used in a management context. We will also discuss how to track goals for maximum efficiency and other webinars in this series will use the goal setting methodology as a foundation. The webinar will provide a brief description of the definition of SUCCESS and how the scientific goal setting process fits into that definition.

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How Can Leaders and HR Professionals Manage the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Workplace -- Impact on Employees’ Employment, Finances, and Emotional Wellbeing

webinar-speaker   Margie Pacheco Faulk

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706517

Employers, HR professionals and Leaders are desperate for guidance when it comes to decisions made in the workplace to accommodate our "New Normal" and to adhere to compliance regulations during the COVID-19 Pandemic. When you have different Federal and State requirements regarding the health guidelines and mandates which is critical but, what happens to the workforce?

How should employers change to accommodate the "New Normal" for employees? How should employees be paid when they work remotely, how should employees be laid off (if it comes to that), how should employees be deployed effectively, who should stay on site during the state 25%-30% reduction in the workforce on-site, how to conduct social distancing, the everchanging communications it is not a wonder that we need to ensure our employees and even customers are aware how we will guide them and ourselves to ensure we are providing the necessary leadership to manage this crisis.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229


COVID 19: Workplace Challenges, Employment Law and HR Requirements (Pack of 5 Training Courses)

webinar-speaker   Michael Aust,Diane L Dee,Tonia Morris,Greg Chartier

webinar-time   6 Hrs

Product Id: 706547

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $649


10 Strategies to Help Your Organization Handle Change Management

webinar-speaker   Daniel T Bloom

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706520

Change does not have to be hard and in the course of thes webinar we will explore the causes of change in this VUCA age we are in. We will also look at the difference between a stakeholder and a shareholder and their impact on change. Along with the strategies to handle change we will also look at the various stools available to guide you along the way.

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Leaders Guide to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) & Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act -- Impact on Business and Employees

webinar-speaker   Margie Pacheco Faulk

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706516

Now that the New Family First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) and Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES Act) is in place it is critical for Employers and Leaders to be knowledgeable about the impact and the compliance consequences. Although there are many updates provided by many different resources, it is imperative that Employers and Leaders count on the experts to explain health resources and compliance experts to assist them with the regulations since they are happening and changing daily. Moreover, as Employers mistakenly shut down training costs, they are doing a disservice to the company and to their employees. Research has proven that compliance training is the lowest cost/high value risk management Strategy. Training Leaders has provided a huge resource on how companies can prepare for the transition during and after the COVID_19 Pandemic.

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Current HR Requirements During the COVID-19 Pandemic

webinar-speaker   Greg Chartier

webinar-time   75 Min

Product Id: 706452

Until recently, our worries as HR professionals were likely centered on initiatives around organizational transformations, automation and AI, and workforce skills gaps. And suddenly, in only a few days, many of our businesses have been upended, we’re implementing new work processes and employees are worried about their jobs and the very survival of the organization. The coronavirus outbreak is first and foremost a human tragedy, affecting hundreds of thousands of people. It is also having a growing impact on the global economy. What to human resource leaders need to do now and what preparation can be make for the future requires a perspective on the evolving situation and implications for their companies. The outbreak is moving quickly, and some of the perspectives in this webinar may fall rapidly out of date.

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* Per Attendee $229


COVID-19: Working From Home Confidently and Competently

webinar-speaker   Rebecca Staton Reinstein

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706438

People in many organizations have been working from home for years. However, with the current Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, many more workers are being asked to work from home. For those folks and those who supervise them, who are new to this mode of work, understanding how to accomplish goals in this new environment requires a quick learning curve. Working from home can be as productive or maybe more productive than traditionally going into the office. Learn the basics and some advanced approaches to get the job done in the most efficient and effective way.

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Addressing Drug Use and the Changing Legal and Social Environment (Recreational and Medicinal Marijuana Use)

webinar-speaker   Greg Chartier

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706514

Drug use and abuse has been an ongoing topic for discussion by employers for decades. In fact, pre-employment drug testing is conducted by more than 80% of US employers. In the past few years, however, changes in the social and legal environment, particularly at the state level, have brought new attention to the concerns over drug use. In addition, the misuse or prescription drugs, in particular opioids, have raised new concerns for employers over safety and security. What do employers need to know about the current environment and what can they do to protect their employees and the firm form problems related to drug use and abuse.

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Ways to Identify and Manage Difficult People

webinar-speaker   Valerie Pelan

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706476

In this webinar, you will learn how to identify and ways to manage difficult people. You will learn the personality traits of difficult people. You will like this presentation because by the end of the presentation you learn the difference between someone who is difficult verses someone who has a different style and is not difficult.

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Managing Difficult People and Dealing with Conflict

webinar-speaker   ArLyne Diamond

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706467

Attend this webinar to learn how to recognize and deal with many different types of people. From mild misunderstandings to serious conflict, you will acquire strategies for finding workable solutions.

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Assertive Communication Models for Women: Key to Increased Visibility

webinar-speaker   Valerie Pelan

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706475

Managers and leaders need to understand that a diverse workplace with women in upper management positions performs better than those companies that are less diverse. Women and minorities are not supported in some Company Cultures making it hard for them to reach upper levels. This presentation gives women and minorities three assertive communication models.

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COVID-19 U.S. Employment Law Update and Guidance for Employers

webinar-speaker   Diane L Dee

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706507

As the coronavirus outbreak continues to wreak havoc on markets and industries in the U.S. and around the world, businesses are now confronting significant and unique challenges. Successful navigation of these challenges will require thoughtful and comprehensive planning.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $249













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