Interpersonal Communication Skills for Leaders

webinar-speaker   Biagio Sciacca

webinar-time   75 Min

Product Id: 706454

Interpersonal Communications Skills for Leaders can encompass may hours of formal classroom training. As such, this webinar will cover only several topics due to time constraints. This webinar is meant to introduce how interpersonal communication is the hallmark of a leader and how we may draw upon precise communication to further our agenda. When viewing interpersonal communication through the lens of leadership two wonderful things happen: one, the personals communication style is enhanced since they now have a new modality (that of leadership) to communicate through, and two, their leadership skills are enhanced since they have put new tools into their leadership toolbox.

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Form I-9 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Alert: USCIS Announces Temporary Modifications to Employment Eligibility Verification Process and E-Verify Program!

webinar-speaker   Margie Pacheco Faulk

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706500

Attend this webinar to understand the DHS temporary flexibility in the requirements for completing Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, while employers are operating remotely. Learn how Employers can mitigate the changes and still stay compliant.

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Beyond Handbooks, Benefits, and Photo IDs: The Role of HR and Management in New Employee Onboarding

webinar-speaker   Dr. Susan Strauss

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 704627

This training program will discuss a new employee’s role in his/her orientation and difference between orientation to the organization and orientation to the department. The program will also explain gap analysis, force field analysis, and SWOT analysis in assessing your organization’s onboarding requirements.

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* Per Attendee $229


Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

webinar-speaker   U Harold Levy

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706510

This program examines what is currently known about the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. The outbreak first started in China, but the virus continues to spread internationally and in the United States. This webinar provides information from the CDC, the World Health Organization and OSHA which may help prevent workplace exposures to COVID-19, in non-healthcare settings. This program also provides planning considerations for home and community spread of COVID-19.

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COVID-19 Strategies for a Safe Return to Work

webinar-speaker   Carlos Olmeda

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706506

This webinar will focus on the proper steps for employers to take and employees to follow once the green light to return to work post-COVID is given. You will learn what experts say and what regulatory agencies require as we transition back to work.

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Recognizing & Rooting Out Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

webinar-speaker   Diane L Dee

webinar-time   75 Min

Product Id: 706392

Attend this webinar to learn how to recognize bias in your workplaces and take the necessary steps to reduce and address bias.

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COVID-19: Risk Management for HR in a Pandemic

webinar-speaker   Rebecca Staton Reinstein

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706511

COVID-19 is not your typical Human Resources Force Majeure! Human Resources Managers are faced with unique risks related to local, State, and Federal, and international regulations and requirements. HR cannot afford to fail to analyze and plan to mitigate risks systematically. Even more problematic is dealing with unexpected risks such as the coronavirus. Learn to create mitigation plans for anticipated risks and a plan to deal with the unexpected. Use some simple tools to analyze risks and prioritize the need for planning. Be confident as you avoid unnecessary "firefighting" and manage risk strategically.

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Leading and Managing in Virtual Environments and Home Offices

webinar-speaker   Axel Meierhoefer

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706483

Virtual work exponentially increased in the current health crisis as well as constantly grew in the last few years as more and more organizations have people working from virtual and remote locations. They need leadership, management and communication just as it was needed conventionally when we all went to an office environment together. You need to learn how to lead, manage and create connection with your team members and clients. In this new virtual environment, you need to differentiate yourself from all the newcomers and novices that have been forced to try it without much training or experience. We will review the top 7 steps you need to take to become a great virtual manager and leader.

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Wage and Hour Topics: Making Sense of Requirements Affecting Exempt and Non-Exempt Employees

webinar-speaker   Margie Pacheco Faulk

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706424

DOL has implemented the Overtime Regulations effective January 1, 2020. Attend this webinar to learn how the new rules impact employers. It will also identify resources and tools that can be used to reduce risk and focus on growing businesses.

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Artificial Intelligence and HR: AI as a Partner and not a Threat

webinar-speaker   Greg Chartier

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706428

No sector has more complex data management and analytical needs than HR. Attend this webinar to learn how AI technology can enhance your department’s ability to gather and process data and make preliminary forecasts based on changing conditions.

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The Business Case for LGBT Inclusion in the Workplace: Navigating Policies, Procedures, Practices and Bathrooms

webinar-speaker   Dr. Susan Strauss

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 704673

This training program will examine LGBT perceptions and stereotypes and help understand the business case for LGBT inclusion in the workforce. It will also establish gender transition guidelines and list organization best practices to minimize discrimination.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229


Preventing Sexual and Other Harassment/Discrimination Claims

webinar-speaker   ArLyne Diamond

webinar-time   120 Min

Product Id: 706222

This webinar is designed to go beyond the basic training to prevent harassment offered through Illumeo and elsewhere. It will talk about some touchy and probably not exactly politically correct ideas in a desire to provide a full understanding of what is happening today and what can be – and should be – prevented in the future.

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How To Survive an Emotionally Toxic Workplace

webinar-speaker   Michael Healey

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706419

Too often we find ourselves overwhelmed and frustrated ... not knowing where to turn or what to do. We find ourselves replaying can incident - or the whole day - on our way home from work. Then more replays when we get home - we're stressed and exhausted. We want to be able to get our work done, have good relationships with our co-workers and be able to go home and relax. This webinar will show you how to protect yourself from the painfully obvious toxicity and identify the very subtle toxicity in its infancy. You'll learn key tips, tools and techniques to respond to almost any situation. You’ll go from overwhelmed and feeling helpless to empowerment.

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Seven Success Skills that Improve Leadership Presence

webinar-speaker   Valerie Pelan

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706451

In this webinar you will learn the definition of Leadership Presence. You will learn the seven success skills needed to improve Leadership Presence. If your promotion and career movement have been “stuck” and you are not sure how to improve your chances, you need to attend this webinar.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $229


Investigating a Complaint in the Workplace

webinar-speaker   ArLyne Diamond

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706317

This webinar is designed to train managers and HR professionals in how to conduct a thorough and impartial workplace investigation. You will learn how to conduct an investigation keeping it neutral, comprehensive and fair.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $249


Building Organizational Resilience - There's A Gap for That!

webinar-speaker   Holly Burkett

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706421

As the speed of change increases and the market for high-skill talent tightens, organizations today need to become more adaptive and resilient to not only survive, but thrive. HR professionals play a vital role in growing and influencing the adaptive capabilities of their workforce. This webinar will explore proven practices for equipping leaders, managers and employees with the right strategies and resources to anticipate and adapt to the nature and speed of change, act decisively without always having clear direction and certainty, and respond and recover from real or potential business disruptions.

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The Corona Virus and Telecommuting! How are Employers Handling the New Normal for a Remote Workforce?

webinar-speaker   Margie Pacheco Faulk

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706439

The coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, is spreading rapidly across the globe and throughout the United States. Accordingly, employers should keep track of rapidly emerging developments and consider taking the 10 steps discussed in the training order to maintain a safe workplace and to reassure their employees that management is appropriately monitoring and responding to the situation. Having a carefully coordinated and well-thought-out approach to the coronavirus should help mitigate risks for employers while reducing many employee concerns.

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Heroic HR - Moving from Data Management to Information Craftsmanship with the help of HR Technology

webinar-speaker   Marc Miller

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706422

Based on Marc Miller’s popular book HeroicHR – this topic explores the needed and important role of the HR function within any size organization. With the emergence of AI, and the now majority of the US workforce being Millennials, the need for HR to take a visible leadership role in implementing OnBoarding and Employee Engagement and Talent Management initiatives is critical for the functions’ remaining to be relevant. The use of HR Technology is a critical component of that relevance.

Recording Available


Managing Remote Employees

webinar-speaker   Audrey Halpern

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 706437

Working remotely is becoming more of a norm in the tech industry. Various studies have shown that it is more difficult to get virtual teams to bond, harder for informal leaders to emerge, tougher to create genuine dialogue, and easier for misunderstandings to escalate. Leaders must deal with an array of cultural issues that can include differences in business protocol, decision-making, dealing with authority, the concept of time, negotiation styles, and the emotional reactions allowed – or expected – in a business environment. In this webinar you will learn how to communicate, establish trust and build strong working relationships.

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Staying / Becoming Compliant by Correctly Completing or Correcting Form I-9

webinar-speaker   Norman Baker

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 706436

This webinar will walk you through completing Form I-9 correctly and how to appropriately correct incorrect prior Form I-9’s, ideally in a pro-active manner before ICE audits your organization.

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