General HR and HR Metrics Regulatory Compliance Training - Live Webinars, Recordings & CDs

Effective Labour Law and Union Behavior Training for Human Resources

webinar-speaker   Diana Chomichuk

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 704080

This training will help improve your productivity and effectiveness in understanding labor laws, workplace social dynamics, working with unions and the management of human resources.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $25


Employee Discharge and Documentation: Using Documentation to Control the Employment Relationship

webinar-speaker   Douglas Pilarski

webinar-time   120 Min

Product Id: 704036

This webinar will help managers establish best practices for managing their workforce using sound performance management techniques, especially documentation of poor job performance and code of conduct violations to best support terminations. Learn how HR can coach their executives and managers on how best to work through their performance management strategy.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $349


Offensive Behavior and Harassment that Violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 - The Supervisor's Role

webinar-speaker   Kelly Rietow

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 703890

Employee complaints go with the territory when you are a manager. But how do you know when your complaints and concerns may indicate policy violations or illegal behavior? This webinar will help attendees understand the definitions of harassment and offensive behavior, protected classes, the supervisor’s role, and preventing retaliation.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $149


The Compliance of Satisfaction – Work-Life Effectiveness

webinar-speaker   Diana Chomichuk

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 703713

This personal development webinar will help you understand your work-life effectiveness, health, wellness, strategic work life planning along with career management. You will learn how to strike the right balance in today’s stressful work environment.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $149


The Tools the HR Executive Needs to Build an Internal Complaint System that Gets Results!

webinar-speaker   Douglas Pilarski

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 703746

This webinar will help HR executives design, establish, and maintain an effective system for handling employee complaints in the workplace based on proven best practices that gets results.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $50


How to Develop an Employee Policy Manual that Fits Your Company Culture

webinar-speaker   Marna Hayden

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 703754

One of the first HR tools a company will install is an employee policy manual. It is important to have a manual and keep it current and reflective of the company, its mission and philosophy. This course will guide attendees in writing policies for different segments of the company, understanding the most common problem areas, and assuring consistent application of the policy.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $149


Rewards and Risks: Progressive vs. Flexible Discipline Policy

webinar-speaker   Deborah E Watson

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 703629

This course will instruct attendees on the principles behind progressive and flexible discipline policies, and guide them in opting for the most ideal policy for their organization.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $149


Legal and Practical guidelines for Dealing with Psychiatric Disabilities at Work: Navigating the A.D.A., Worker's Compensation and FMLA

webinar-speaker   Dr. Joni E Johnston

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 702982

This 90 minute webinar on how to deal with psychiatric disabilities at work addresses w.r.t. both the legal and psychological issues that often arise. The session covers confidentiality, fitness for duty evaluations, when and why to drug test, the relationship between conduct problems and mental illness, and how to directly address mental health problems with managers and employees.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $149


Tips on Drafting Offer Letters, Employment Agreements, and Termination Letters

webinar-speaker   Stephanie Yang

webinar-time   75 Min

Product Id: 703447

This webinar will explain the basic components of a good offer letter, employment agreement, or termination letter. It will provide attendees HR best practices for drafting these documents to avoid common mistakes and pitfalls.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $149


Effective Coaching for Sustainable Peak Performance

webinar-speaker   Gail Birks

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 703425

This webinar will help you enhance your current strategies of coaching employees & teams for sustainable peak performance. You will be given that are designed for effective coaching, defining roles, measuring performance & implementing plans.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $50


How to Conduct an FLSA Classification Self-Audit

webinar-speaker   Max Muller

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 703388

This webinar will explain how to undertake a voluntary self-audit of your organization’s pay practices. Attendees will learn how to determine who is exempt from the overtime provisions of the FLSA and how to document classification decisions.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $149


Successful Steps in Documenting Unsatisfactory Employee Performance

webinar-speaker   Glenn Harris

webinar-time   75 Min

Product Id: 703385

This webinar will explain key steps in documenting employee unsatisfactory performance and progressive employee discipline. Attendees will learn how to clearly and effectively communicate to employees desired behavior and provide specific directives for employee improvement.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $50


Creating and Implementing a Human Capital Strategy and Plan - First Step Toward Profitability and Compliance

webinar-speaker   Clark Ingram

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 703252

This HR compliance training will provide attendees simple but powerful tools for creating and implementing an effective human capital strategy and plan which will drive out costs, increase Return on Investment (ROI) and get the results one requires.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $149


Sexual Stereotyping and Gender Identity in the Workplace

webinar-speaker   Susan Fahey Desmond

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 703079

This training on preventing workplace discrimination will provide an overview of current gender discrimination laws, as well as sexual stereotyping and transgender cases. It will help you understand the difference between transgender and sexual orientation.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $149


Ethical Decision Making in Organizations

webinar-speaker   Jason Mefford

webinar-time   75 Min

Product Id: 702831

This training on ethical decision making will provide an overview of organizational ethical concepts and will provide practical models to make best decisions while considering human and organizational values equally.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $50


3-hr Virtual Seminar: Auditing and Administrating Human Resource Policies and Practices

webinar-speaker   Marna Hayden

webinar-time   3 hrs

Product Id: 702637

This HR compliance virtual event will discuss about HR risk assessment, Recordkeeping, Retention and Destruction, Selecting and Administering Employment Policies, Legal Interviewing and Hiring Practices, Performance Management, Documenting and Handling Disciplinary Actions and Terminations.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $299


Documentation and Discipline: Solutions to Successful Outcomes

webinar-speaker   Marna Hayden

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 702147

This webinar on Documentation and Discipline will cover discipline policies, standards of conduct, and the process of counseling and progressive discipline, up to and including terminations. It will also cover legal aspects of discipline and discharge.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $399


How to Document Employment Decisions Properly So It Will Stand Up in Court

webinar-speaker   Susan Fahey Desmond

webinar-time   90 Min

Product Id: 702161

This 90 minute webinar on legal HR documentation will address why documentation is important in every employment decision you make. Learn from real life lessons, from actual court cases, of how documentation helped an employer to win its case and how wrong documentation ensured a loss.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $399


No Harassment: No Excuse! How to Prevent Workplace Harassment

webinar-speaker   Marna Hayden

webinar-time   85 Min

Product Id: 700556

Legal penalties of noncompliance can be severe, but having a culture that allows harassment to exist can lead to lower productivity and costly turnover. Progressive companies today have a zero tolerance for harassment in the workplace policy.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $149


HR Compliance Requirements for small Companies

webinar-speaker   Matthew W Burr

webinar-time   60 Min

Product Id: 700649

This webinar will cover Federal Labor Laws by number of employees and adherence to State Laws.

Recording Available

* Per Attendee $149


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